I've been called for jury duty which I don't mind and actually sounds fun but the dates are a bit of a pain since trains aren't running that month. I know it seems like a small excuse but it's going to take me about 2-3 hours to get there and another 2-3 hours back, I'm a few km short of the exclusion distance. Also, I've applied for some Christmas casual positions (december january), I have no idea how long this is going to take and I don't want to be a pain to my employer if I get a position. I noticed on the back there is a box to be excluded and it has casual worker, would this apply to me?
Should I just suck it up and reject any offers I may get? I might be able to do January but not later because I'm studying abroad leaving feb.
Thanks in advance
Explain your personal circumstances, and if as stated, I am sure you will be excused.