- 240GB Green $45.60
- 250GB Blue $49.60
- 480GB Green $84
Thanks to TA for the Original PEPPY 20% off 133 Stores on eBay Deal Post
Thanks to TA for the Original PEPPY 20% off 133 Stores on eBay Deal Post
so better performance - will you see it in day to day stuff? maybe not, but intensive usage i'd say yes. worth it based on the few dollard difference i'd say - imho.
240GB Green 19.00c/Gb
250GB Blue 19.84c/Gb
Hardly any price difference. Why do they bother with the Green one then?
10 gb of space
Blues have a significant quality advantage over Greens. I have worked in PC repair and assembly and I have had Green SSDs (both SATA and M.2 layouts) come back with clicking noises.
SSDs shouldn't click. Ever.
Blues have a significant quality advantage over Greens.
Hopefully that will be reflected by the results on the weekend.
Reds definitely show the worst performance.
Explains all those negs your comments usually get, I will try to be more sympathetic in the future
The blue 500gb - $92 - cheapest its been i think?
Yeah it's a good price. I nabbed one.
Are the Blue drives any good, compared to the Kingston A400?
Unless you are transferring huge files on a daily basis you won't notice any performance difference.
Just using it as a storage drive for building some test labs for studying :)
Any brand of SSD will do the job fine for that kind of workload. :)
Blue is better. But for your purposes, no difference noticeable really.
This or Samsung 860 500gb for iMac 2013 for normal daily usage?
I have the Samsung…
The Samsung 860 smashes this in benchmarks: https://ssd.userbenchmark.com/Compare/WD-Green-240GB-2018-vs… As you're using it for daily usage and not just file storage, definitely go the Samsung.
that's the green comparison, better to compare blue which is actually only a few dollars more…
not such a big difference in performance with this. and works out around $16 cheaper…
Samsung, considering how fast SSD price is falling might as well shoot for the best for a couple dollars more.
Any M2 blue?
Not the cheapest but good deal nonetheless
jeez these have come down in price, going to soon be replacing HDDs with SSDs all round
Plus shipping
They can advertise 99% off plus $90 shipping for 480G ssd
Would the 2.5" be suitable as an external drive to boot an iMac?
I presume tat one of these enclosures are needed also?
Is the price premium worth it for the Blue?