Hi recently i asked a question about best wide angle lens but i also want to get some idea about what do you guys carry when traveling abroad? I'm planning trip to Europe next year so wondering which gear or setup you take on the go? Dslrs? Lenses? Flash or maybe drones?
What is your goto Camera kit for traveling?

I just want to capture us because I think we have no travel photos.
The problem with my 35mm, 50mm and 135mm Sigma lenses is the weight.
Yes. they would add up.
Have you considered a zoom lens?
It's important to keep within the carryon limitAlso, my fisheye is great for selfies.
The front is so reflective that I know exactly where I'm positionedAnd my lightweight Sirui tripod is a must have.
It's also a 5d4 I have so I can use my phone's screen for remote photos
Which suiri model have you got. I ordered velbon ut45d yesterday but Suiri looks more stronger to buy the only thing is the height.
@[Deactivated]: Yep. The sigma art 20mm 1.4 one.
Bulby front elements. Fat and heavy.
So bright that I can focus on stars for star photos using the cameras display and manual focus.
Depends on what you are doing and how much gear you want to actually do.
But I've done a trip on an x100t fixed (23mm lens) only with a joby gorillapod, although i had my wifes camera with 18mm and 35mm. Less than 2kgs with that setup.
Probably would have liked something wider (like a 9 or 14) but didn't enjoy my experience any less.
I have travelled with a 10-22,30,50,135 and a flash when i had my dSLR kit, but those days of lugging 5kgs on my back are gone :)
Without knowing exactly what you want to do id say and if you prefer zooms to primes.
- A good mirrorless (or dslr) with a fast aperture (2.8 straigh through) zoom or a handful of primes.
- If you have one, chuck a goPro in there for something a bit different if you want videos or waterproofing/action gear.My sole purpose is to get us in the photos I take. We have such a small collection of photos and want to create more memories. Currently, I have a 35mm Sigma 1.4 and D750 (dslr) but I think 35 won't be wide enough to capture the architecture and buildings in Europe. I was also thinking about buying a Godox 200 system with a modifier etc for evening portraits.
Just came back from overseas and took the following:
RX100 V - very customisable in terms of image modes to spit out "ready to share" vibrant or flat JPG's. Takes great pictures but I found I really missed my Canon ultrazoom's 12x zoom capability. Very pleased the with photos, this camera has supplanted my bulky DSLR and having to sit down for hours and "fix" all the RAW images to my liking.
Samsung Gear 360 (2016 version, I have both the and 2017 model is garbage) - Great camera, definitely a new perspective on trips and groups and great for sharing to social media.
Gopro hero 3 - Used for action stuff, proved it's weight in gold and they are old, "good enough" and cheap now. Most helmets etc at these things have a GoPro mount already stuck on.
Phantom 3 - I flew it once, its not only bulky and fragile but it's really just too much stuffing around eash time just to get a better angle, you need to calibrate it, find a clear space, check the rules etc etc. I was going to get a Mavic but it still needs to be set-up etc, might consider a spark and use it with my phone.
Phone is fine
You reckon? I got a Lg G6. something like Iphone X or Pixel 3 will cost a grand mate. Phones can't beat DSLRs and that is the bottom line.
Don't underestimate the Pixel 3. My wife has Pixel 2 and its pretty stunning already what a piece of software can do. The best camera is the one you have with you.
DSLRs definitely have a role in wide angle and telephoto and low light
The camera that you are in possession of at the time is the best goto camera. I used to lug around heaps of gear. Now I just use my phone and spend more time enjoying the moments with my family.
I take a DSLR. I have tried a mirrorless camera, but I found that they were still a thing I had to carry (didn't fit in a pocket) so I figured I may as well carry my [better] DSLR.
If I'm mostly going to urban areas I normally take my 28-75 2.8, and a 17-40. I can do panoramas with the 28 and stitch them together, but it's a lot of extra time spent in post processing. If I'm likely to encounter wildlife then I will take a longer lens (70-200) but when travelling you don't use it for much other than wildlife, so probably not much use for a trip to Europe.
I don't normally take a flash unless there's a specific use case for it - as it's obtrusive to use and large to carry around.
I don't normally take a tripod unless there's a specific use case for it - because I find that I hardly carry them around with me day to day - so they're just wasted luggage.
I take a small laptop and an external drive. I backup the photos to the external drive each night. If you're really worried then you can shoot in RAW+JPG and upload the JPGs to somewhere each night. I have, in the past, done all this on my phone rather than laptop.
Sony rx100. Light and compact enough.
Which version?
a6000 with kit lense and 30mm.
Apt name
If you're planning on living your holiday through a camera, I'd assume you have enough knowledge to get the best out of the equipment you may have.
If it's somewhere where the extra baggage is worth it then I take a DSLR just for the important things on my list of things to see.
My goto is a small bag average pencil case size about 25 x 15cm with 2 Sony camera's in it one point and shoot, waterproof, shockproof etc. even survived some fairly tough weather up in the mountains. the other is a Sony 4k GoPro kinda thing can take all sorts of excellent shots or video's that display and controls are on the watch so you know you're getting what you want with it and it comes with the diving case but it's tiny has a few adaptors so I can say clip it to the collar of my jacket and leave it. Really good for for things that happen in an instant, and you can be part of all the fun and live in the moment.
Decent capacity memory cards
The batteries are all the same and can be charged by USB so I take a power bank with me charge camera's up at night and top up the power bank if required. helps top up the phone too.
Phones are getting a lot better as long as you use landscape
My 2 month Europe trip:
A7RII plus 16-35 F4, 24-240mm
EOS M with 22mm F2 for indoor shots at nice restaurants without being too conspicuous
Brought also a 55mm F1.8 rarely usedMain thing is a quick to set up Tripod which I have a Velbon one with a quick twist setup which is amazing. The guy carrying his D810 had eyes popping out when I set it up from folded to fully extended in 5-10s flat.
I like your setup. A7RII is an amazing mirrorless camera. also the the two zoom lenses in your kit are perfect for the various purpose. At the moment I am looking to buy a used Tamron 15-30mm G1 lens while looking into other Nikkor options suggested on my other post on OZB.
Do you have a link for that tripod?
Ordered it.
I use a wide-angle smartphone with me, somethines bring with drone. A good smartphone due to the camera usually uxist with A.I.. Where when we take the human photo to be more and more beauty due to the smartphone exist of the A.I. about editing a beauty photo automatically. Just need ot keep of updating their upgrade of the APP.
The smartphone easier top pocket and not worry about the power supply. However, must be a smartphone such as iphone or sony, exist good lens, good A.I..Which wide-angle phone?
My standard travel kit used to a Nikon D600 with a couple of rather heavy lenses. I still use it for photography centric trips, especially if using the 70-200mm.
These days my regular top-side kit:
- Sony A7 mk1
- 16-35mm f/4
- 35mm /f2.8 or 28mm f/2.0
- 55mm f/1.8
- 85mm f/1.8Most of my trips are diving these days.. so I carry dive specific kit instead (dual use with topside):
- Sony A6300
- Zeiss 12mm
- Sigma 16mm f/1.4
- Sony 90mm macro
- Video lights and strobes
- Sony X3000 backup cameraAnd also depending on destination carry a DJI Mavic Pro as well.
If I have the money I would buy Tamaron G2 Zoom lenses. But I have already spent more than it was initially discussed and agreed with my wife :P
My minimum kit
5d, 8-15 fisheye, 24-105, 70-300
And laptop
And there goes my 7kgs of carry-on allowance.
Plus small Sirius tripod in checked in luggage
Depending on what else is happening:
20mm f1.4 lens
Underwater point and shoot camera