Due to economic conditions, Mungi Group Pty Ltd (ACN 621 479 178) has entered into Voluntary Administration on 20 November 2018. As a consequence of this, the operations of Mungi have ceased.
The Board and staff of Mungi Group Pty Ltd are sympathetic of the inconvenience this causes valued clients. Staff of Mungi Group Pty Ltd are being made redundant as consequence of the closure of operations.
The Voluntary Administration is being handled by SM Solvency Accountants. All enquiries should be directed to [email protected]
SM Solvency Accountants will directly notify former clients as soon as possible.
Administration report shows $52,000 in assets and $900,000 in debt. Highly suggest contacting your bank and requesting a charge back, or opening a dispute in PayPal as it's highly unlikely you'll be refunded by the administrators.
wow, its been like 1 year since they started (or there abouts)