Sharing this so you can hopefully price match elsewhere / heads up for others matching it. Don’t support GST Gerry
iPad Mini 4 Wifi 128GB Silver $398
iPad Mini 4 Wifi 128GB Gold $398
Also Latest iPad 32GB Wifi $428
Op wants you to use Harvey Norman's price for price matching only!
Are you the guy that went on a rampage about consumer law because he thought a product listing for an obsolete product was false advertising and must be honoured?
+1 for GST Gerry awareness, more people need to know
Hardly Normal is dead to me. Dead.
Only time I might consider shopping with them is in a bona fide permanently closing down sale
Agree. I want to dance on the grave of HN!
I had no idea and had to google. Conveniently Officeworks is next door to Harvey Norman in Narre.
My god never supporting Harvey Norman.
And which one is your god?
iPad Mini 4 is now over 3 years old. So it’s getting a bit long in the tooth
Still my favourite iPad.
Agree, I still find it as a very sweet size! If only Apple gives it more love. Anyway, it's still very useable at the moment - same with my iPhone SE.
fingers crossed for a full screen version but, sadly, unlikely
old hat long outdated and unloved
you, obviously, don't have one.
IMO still the best screen for use with drones.
I'm thinking of getting one for this very reason
Perfect size for the Mavic controller
Yeah fits perfectly, and if it's for the Mav1 the video is MUCH smoother on IOS, Mav2 is good on both. Could be brighter but anything much brighter is mostly phone sized, and I prefer/advise size over brightness as you can always use a hood.
I also have the 8" crystalsky ultra but will never get rid of my backup mini4, it gets updated much sooner and I've needed it more than a few times for the newer/latest features.
I'm not a Gerry Harvey fan by any stretch of the imagination.. But I don't understand the backlash on the "Gerry Harvey" tax. Why should Australian companies have to pay more to sell something than someone who sells from overseas? What am I missing here? Can someone change my mind on this please?
Not an economist but the GH tax was an empty gesture since while he's advocating for aussie businesses to have preference over overseas sellers, larger sellers like JB, Harvey Norman, Good Guys, officeworks, etc. will have the overall preference since they undercut smaller shops with pricematch guarantees
Personally I feel like a sort of unwilling player in a game played by rich people in suits
Like, can I please just buy a bidet off ebay from China without paying an extra 10% Gerry, you righteous trash piece of garbage?
Because Australian companies wouldn't charge GST to someone buying AU stock from overseas? Not that that would ever happen anyway with our pricing.
Why should Australian companies have to pay more to sell something than someone who sells from overseas?
They're not paying more. Their customers are paying more. They are collecting GST. Their cost prices are not different whether they charge GST or not.
The overseas retailer didn't charge us tax because the goods were not being sold to their own citizens.
This is wrong. Australia was one of the only countries not charging GST on imports for goods under $1000.
Live in the UK and import anything or buy anything online from overseas, you’re hit with 20% VAT.
It makes no sense to charge GST to Australian companies and give overseas companies a 10% advantage.
Completely agree. We have great perks for living in Australia - like Universal Health Cover but these things require taxes to pay for them. Completely ridiculous to give overseas companies an advantage over onshore companies, that employ Australian tax payers. Forgoing tax all round. If the overseas companies want to do business in Australia then they can pay the tax due.
BTW - The American sales tax system is completely bonkers, and has been for some time.
@try2bhelpful: Don’t know why you have been negged, but I completely agree with you and I upvoted you to try to even things out.
One thing is to hate GH for all that he does and represents, a completely different one is to forget about the logic that the GST goes to Australia and not those idiots.
According to ScoMo (when treasurer), this stupid tax is predicted to raise $300m over 4 years - so $75m per year for all the angst this has caused. Peanuts
It is quite funny that OZBers can be hypocrites in a lot of ways: They want the best price (ie. No GST) but also advocate to "Buy Australian" to help the economy. Buying local is more expensive and money talks so people typically will go the overseas route. Putting GST back on all goods evens out playing field a bit but jacking up the prices by 10% which pisses the people off.
I mean the 10% price increase is of course annoying for me but I understand why. I agree with you. A lot of people who would complain at GST being charged on purchases from overseas sellers (which is just closing the loophole that shouldn’t have existed in the first place, as gst is a consumption tax) seem like to me, the same people who complain about companies offshoring/using tax avoidance schemes etc. Why do we get mad when a company does this, but complain when we are asked to pay our fair share of tax? I think charging gst on everything to be consumed in Australia is very reasonable. How do people expect Aussie companies to pay high wages, high rents, high utility costs on top of expensive products (partly due to our better consumer protections) just to be undercut by someone overseas who doesn’t have any of these and also doesn’t have to collect gst (which doesn’t even go to the Aussie sellers anyway.)
This is ignoring the economics reasons of course. People aren’t mad because it does or does not make sense from an economics point of view. I’d say they are mad because you now have to pay 10% more, when before you didn’t.
Just my 2c
Because the effort the government has to make to raise $75m a year is a terrible use of resources
It's just more government for the sake of it - we need less government not more. The fiscal drag is insane
And don't forget the ACL rights you get with local purchases, which is of much more value than that 10%. And all this direct import stock, you never know if its brand new or refurb.
Because it was forecast to cost more to administer than the expected revenue.
Because it went against productivity commission guidance.
The joke is that mostly all goods come from overseas. The next joke is that GST (here in Australia) works out to be 11% not 10%.
But the biggest joke of all is that you already got taxed on your income and then you get taxed a further 10%/11% on top of that. They are double dipping!
You get taxed before you get your money then you get taxed after you give it away. It's completely insane.
The REAL joke furthermore, is that the whole reason we resort to buying overseas is cos we get royally screwed on price for some things. Its less bad now admittedly, but until its banished, overseas is still the best option (operative word being having the OPTION at least) on some things. Then our mate Gerry's Tax came along…..
"our mate Gerry's tax", you mean the GST that Australian companies have to pay that put them at a disadvantage to overseas companies. Let them all pay tax, it mean more in the bucket in the long run and we can protect a few jobs over here.
GST is a 10% markup, meaning GST comprises 9.09% of the price you pay.
How do you get 11%?
I was going to ask the same question!
Still rocking the first gen one with 500mb of ram…
Really? I couldn’t hack the fact that it took 15 minutes to open my Sydney Morning Herald app and forked out for the iPad mini 4 with cellular when there was the spend $400, get $100 credit Amex offer.
Speaking of the cellular version, wtf is with the clearance tag? $779 isn’t a clearance price; that’s how much it was in December 2017 when I bought mine …
Is this Amex offer likely to return this year?
Yes, but it will be ozbargained super quick. If you're not camping the site 24/7 you'll miss out. I missed out like 4 times in a row now.
I use it for uni as a PDF reader for taking notes on paper. Would 100% love an ipad pro design for this size though :O
iPad 32GB Wifi $428
Price match OW - 5% = 406.6
406.6 - 10% (trs) = 365.94
Seems like a deal?
I bought mine a few months ago for $350 after TRS, but I didn't like the screen and gave it away.
whats the rrp on it?
Too late - OW have dropped their price to $427
Anyone know if you price guarantee over the phone with Officeworks, you can use afterpay?
Edit: never mind saw you can’t.
Now to find a price matchable afterpay/zip pay store with stock
Unloved and neglected. Apple just refuses to update that Mini. But doesn't give it price cuts reflective of its age either.
I like the mini & I like the se. I have both & they’re perfect for my needs. Unfortunately neither seem to be getting updated anytime soon.
Apple stock price dropped 4% today. I use Apple phone/tablets just for the simplicity, but damn all these new models coming out are ridiculously expensive. Old models like this iPad mini 4 are reasonably priced, but long in the tooth.
The prices are only going to go up in future not down.
Latest iPad any good?
how dare you ask such a question… its made by apple!
I'm sorry. All bow to the fruit
The latest iPads are lightening fast. The reviews are very positive for the hardware and screen. The gotcha is the price and what you want to use it for. Personally, I'm tempted to see if I can eke out my iPad Mini 4 a bit longer and see if the cheaper one gets a full display. Either that or Apple does same for the iPad Mini (if they ever update).
$457 for the iPad at Officeworks. Bought the exact one last year for $397.
$406.60 with price best guarantee. If it was a better price than last year, I would have bit.
Those make excellent Christmas gifts for my nephews and nieces.
Wouldn’t that have been the 2017 model last year? The 2018 model has Apple Pencil compatability… that’s worth the extra $. The exchange rate has also changed a lot…
Refurbished 2017 iPads come up every now and again for $380 so this is a great deal (with the price beat) for a new 2018 model.
Valid point. Same
Far out I gave my nieces and nephews a potato in newspaper wrapping. you are a much better uncle!
I'm prepping them to drink the coolaid now so in a few years they will be exported to China to make the fruit products.
Kabooom. Right in the feels
Not anymore - $427 at OW now.
Mini 4 Cellular is not even $1 less than RRP but has CLEARANCE tag on.
Wife wants a new mini for Christmas as our well used old one is now doing weird colours on the screen. I refuse to buy 3 year old tech when the large ipad is cheaper and better specs. Research shows Apple has no plans of updating mini as it is too close to the phablets. I agree with most people here it is a great size and they are losing sales.
Amen to that. I would love me a little iPad Mini5 with a full screen display. The size is perfect for me but it would be nice with a bit bigger screen and better processor.
Damn just missed out, office works has reduced the iPad price to $1 less than HN
IoS noob here. I have always been an Android user. But I looking to gift something different to the wife.
What are the key selling points/features for this please and why would it be chosen over an Android tablet? Thanks!
As someone who has an Android phone and an iPad mini: More accessories for the iPad mini, easier to use and more updates.
You for real? The Android is a lot more personalised than the apples.
Accessories as in cases. Can you find a Kate Spade Google Pixel 2 cover for me? Or anything pretty that's branded e.g. Mimco, The Daily Edited, that isn't Samsung?
I agree that Android is more customisable (which is why I have a Pixel 2), but you're clearly thinking from a male perspective …
This is probably worth looking at. Have a chat to her and see what she is looking for in a tablet. Personally I would be looking at the lower end iPad 2018 as it is the best bang for buck. The problem is it is bigger than the iPad Mini4.
Anyone have any luck going to Officeworks with the HN deal and seeing if they would better the price with the "Price Beat Guarantee" ? I just tried two stores and they would not budge on it.