No doubt a price match to The Gamesmen, free shipping if you're a Prime member
Don't forget 8% CashBack rewards
Edit 27/11: Price drop from $39.95 to $39
No doubt a price match to The Gamesmen, free shipping if you're a Prime member
Don't forget 8% CashBack rewards
Edit 27/11: Price drop from $39.95 to $39
They have yet to ship my $49 pre order copy. Damn
They should only charge you $39.95 at that point then.
If they haven't, if you ask they'll either refund or credit you the difference.
Their pre order guarantee is only for if the price lowers before release. Will they still charge less after release or should I just cancel it since it hasn’t shipped yet and re buy?
They will charge you the lowest price once it's shipped so you should get the $39.95 price.
Just make a fuss on the live chat. They dgaf
My pre order only shipped yesterday, then I saw this morning that they refunded me the $9.05, so you will get refunded the difference. I also used that $15 coupon they had last month, so I ended up getting the game for $24.95. Pretty happy with that.
They shipped COD today. End ETA was 12th :(
I got a credit email about the lower price already
I was in the same situation and I just contacted live support and they cancelled my order and told me to place a new one for that price and they upgraded the shipping to priority and waived the shipping fee for me. Pretty happy with that outcome!
Damn they shipped mine yesterday.
just chat with the customer service ppl…they will refund the difference..hopefully
Thanks. I guess it can't hurt to send them a message.
They r usually good
Me too >_< will try and see if they’ll refund the difference.
if u got prime n if they dont refund the difference…just tell em u gonna return the first and buy at lower price
Haha that’s what I said in my email to the customer service team!!
I had a release day order at $49. Just gave online chat a whirl and they waved the post-delivery price matching policy at me (they don't), but then issued a $5 coupon for next purchase. I didn't have to press them for it or anything, but YMMV.
I'm a prime member with ~20+ orders so I don't know if that helped.
If you can be bothered over $5, try to get a bit more. I’m on a Prime trial with only 3 orders and got a $10 credit.
Nice one! I had mine delivered on Tuesday this week so probably pushing my luck :)
For once my laziness paid off. Had every intention of getting it on release day, never got around to it. Ordered now, thanks OP!
Do Amazon refund if they drop the price shortly after delivering?
I should have used my 28 Degrees. Rookie mistake!
Ordered it a few hours ago, so much cheaper than stores like EB Games.
so its really $45.94 great deal
Activate a Prime trial for free, then cancel it straight away, and postage is free. Keeping it at $39 for 30 seconds of effort.
dont you need over 49 for free shipping?
Only if you’re not a Prime member. Prime has no minimum spend for free shipping.
I always impulse buy from my phone. I always forget Cash Rewards.
Use the new CR app.
Be interesting to see how this turns out, the original trilogy still holds up remarkably well, especially Gateway to Glimmer and Year of the Dragon. Heard some complaints about the physics/controls prior to launch and the art direction seems a little off compared to the original's vibrant chromatic array, so we'll see.
For those with slow internet connections and/or the belief that all three titles are included, only the first game is contained on the actual disc itself with 2 and 3 requiring a hefty digital download.
Amazon has match the gamesmen price for god of war. Enjoy
Just got a $10 credit because I bought it a few days ago for $49 and it arrived today. I threatened to return it under the 30 days policy and re-buy. They caved straight away. Thank you for the tip guys
no need to threaten them over here… simply stated that i pre-ordered a game and it is now $10 cheaper only a couple of days after launch… $10 credit applied to my account… very easy
I got $10 credit too, they said it was a one time goodwill gesture as they don't usually refund price drops after delivery.
I need to use my 28 Degrees for Amazon purchases in future
Thanks OP. Already bought at $49 but got $10 credit like others here for 5 mins of live chat. Not bad at all!
Paid $34 then Amazon emailed me ags said they refunded me $9. $25!
They emailed you themselves or you inquired about it first?
They emailed me
Tried to have it price matched at JB with the Gamesmen (incl. shipping costs), and was told they couldn't do it. Went to a different JB store down the road and price matched without a problem.
Mine rocked up today, thanks OP. Nearly half price for a game that only came out last week!
Can't seem to get XB1 at 39.95?