Local Domino's store keeps blocking All the Codes

Any one else experienced this?

I don't normally buy dominos. I order dominos once a year when i feel like pizza but my food budget money is running low for the week.

so 2 weeks ago, i thought i might order dominos. looked up the codes on the ozbargain pizza page. All of them were blocked in my store! didn't get dominos.

3 days ago i saw some Brand new codes posted. i decided to try it out and it said it was accepted. i didn't order any pizza. i was just testing to see if the codes worked in my store and was going to use it today.

today i decided to order dominos and entered the codes that worked 3 days ago and found out it's been blocked!

My theory is that Brand new codes are not blocked from my local store until someone uses the code and when the store finds out about the code. they block it

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  • +1

    Probably, if I understand you. Now eat something. Your fasting delirium is affecting your writing. I suggest a Honeycomb Magnum, on special this week at Coles. I literally just finished one. They are quite yummy.

    Individual franchisees would have the ability to disable codes as they see fit.

  • +1

    I guess vote with your feet? Pizza Hut pizza is better where I live. My local Dominos is very stingy with toppings, I guess you are not missing much.

  • +5

    I believe one of terms of the voucher is "at participating stores" or similar so a store has the right to refuse.

  • +4

    Use the Dominos Offers app and see what official offers are available to your specific store.

  • I had the same experience with my local occasionally, though not sure why but many codes do work but often some of the 'better codes' don't work.

    They are also very stingy with their toppings if I try and customise my pizza, to the point where it was basically just a bit of cheese, some sauce with a few of the chosen toppings haphazardly placed around the top of the pizza. When I've picked up the pizza from the store the staff have also been crap.

    It's a shame because Domino's Pizza is normally good value, but it's now more or less a punt as to whether or not the pizza will arrive half made, and the one time I complained I was offered a voucher (which is fair enough) but would no doubt result in more of the same.

    • +1

      My local doesn't even turn their bloody lights on!!!

    • Mine did the same but I sent in a complaint every time. We talking 8 total pieces of chicken on a peri peri pizza. I'd get given a free one. Then they do it again next time, and I complain again. They don't do it anymore

      • Fair enough. Looks like I just need to be more persistent. I’ll give it another crack.

      • yeah now have your name written down so when you order they pick up all the extra bits of chicken that have fallen on the floor and put them on your pizza

  • Yeah certain places do it. Best bet is to use the coupons on dominos website themselves, you input your post code and it will tell you which ones are available for the store, they're usually $4 to $8 more expensive then the ones you find online though. Online is more mix and match, for the most part I've noticed some are state specific, typically stores that are more far out accept less coupons.

    I have noticed though that if you do things multiple times they do change things, for example I'd order the Philadelphia cheese pizza as part of a 3 pizza coupon, recently though they have blocked it from the coupon, so now I order a supreme and put the cheese and steak on it and remove the rest and get the same pizza.

  • The kids really wanted Dominos tonight.
    They just wanted two margarita pizzas (one with cheesy crust) that's $37.35 delivered.
    I've not order Dominos in over a year but I do know to check the coupons.
    Tonight the local store wont take any of them - even the one that pops when you first login (3 pizzas + Garlic bread + 1.25 drink = $36.95).
    It's no so much the money its the principle - they probably would have got more money from me as I was pretty tempted by thinkshakes and chicken too.
    Anyway, Pizza hut got the gig tonight - $33.40 same order + 2 garlic bread.
    Otherwise it's back to the parents preferred pizza places - Crust, Crisp and Bubbas.

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