This was posted 6 years 3 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HTC Vive $699 @ Mwave (mVIP Membership Required) | Oculus Rift $599 Delivered @ Oculus

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$89 to become an MWave MVip for this and other discounts at MWave. I'm not affliated just get the daily email alerts…. Information on MVip program at this link if intersted:

Also, please note that you can get the Oculus Rift headset for AUD$599 (this includes delivery) direct from Oculus at the moment, price has been coming down over time and this is the lowest i have seen it. Apparently takes approximately a week to arrive and as they only sell online and are the only legal australian distributor it is the only way to get a new Oculus Rift in Australia, now at a great price.

NOTE: Oculus has gone on sale a couple of times over the past 12 months at for USD$429 which equates to AUD$589 at the moment so it is possible it could be cheaper next week.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Remembering that I paid $1400+ for a Vive two years ago brings a tear to my eye.

    • +2

      But you've had use of it that whole time.

      … hopefully you actually use it ;)

  • +1

    Aren’t they gonna announce something newer and better than the mentioned oculus in Jan-Feb?

    • +1…

      date in that article gone and nothing though…

      that said, from what i could find it sounds like they are going to be much weaker than the current version as they wont require a PC to run.

      • +1

        It's already been announced. It's the Oculus Quest. 6DOF.

        • oh yeah, that's the one, thanks. If I remember it right, must be around US$600 for all-in-one solution. So probably cheapest way to try out proper VR

    • yeah its the oculus rift with better resolution screens plus wireless*

      *wireless streaming from your desktop is still a WIP, "no promises".. but if steam can do it with inferior hardware then….

  • How much do I need to spend on the PC to plug into the Oc Rift?

  • +3

    Official Oculus Rift Recommended Specs:

    Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
    NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD R9 290 or greater
    8GB RAM or more
    HDMI 1.3 and 3x USB 3.0 plus 1x USB 2.0
    Windows 7 64 bit or greater

    May get away with about a $750-1K spend with some used parts….

    • Cheers.

    • +2

      GTX 1070 and i5.

      Those are ridiculously low specs.

    • +1

      Also works well on a GTX780 :)

    • +1

      Can confirm. Have i5 4590 + 970 combo, can get 99% of VR games to run at recommended 90 fps. DCS and Fallout are the only ones where I have real frame rate issues. Skyrim and Project Cars 2 don't stay at 90 fps but are very playable at 45 fps with Oculus' frame interpolation tech.

  • They may announce a newer version soon but like the RTX release your going to see those prices high and i cant see Oculus getting any cheaper. Vive Pro is already out but around AUD$1500 is a bit rich.

  • +2

    I got a Vive on an offer for roughly $700 I think and I have probably used it 5 or 6 times. Im a techy gadgety type guy and I love my gaming - the toughest thing about the Vive is having enough room to a) put the sensors somewhere, far enough apart and b) somewhere big enough to safely move about. The headset is so immersive that you almost immediately lose your sense of where you are in the real world which made it hard , in my fairly uncluttered lounge room, to not start kicking or punching stuff !
    TL:DR Awesome device but needs area.

    • I think the whole thing is too clumsy atm. The HMDs are heavy, not exactly comfortable and the cables are annoying.

      • Honestly after the first two hours the cable becomes almost non existant.

      • +1

        I have the Oculus Rift and the headset isnt heavy at all it weighs only 470 grams , and its not gimmicky its really good imo ,Oculus are releasing the Oculus Quest its an all in one HMD no wires no PC needed .

    • I have the same problem and moved the sensors to garage. Playing horror VR game alone in the garage at night surely double the fun.

  • So ive heard, the Oculus is a bit tighter and with two sensors a sit down job, three gives it a little space but less than the vive.

  • +1

    I got the Rift when it was on it's lowest price for US$399 last year:

    Kinda satisfying to know that it's still holding its value after a year.

    • It could be usd 299 + gst this year.

  • As a Vive owner I'd go the rift over the vive. Vive needs a deluxe audio strap ($150) to be as comfortable. The rift also has exclusives that run natively on the rift. I've had a lot of issues with revive.

    • The rift also has exclusives that run natively on the rift.

      For me that's actually a reason not to go with the Rift. It's anti-consumer and a dick move from them. In fact it's the single reason I won't buy a Rift…

      • Numerous exclusives on consoles and there are exclusives on smart phones.

  • Out of curiosity, I own a ps vr and after maybe an hour I feel I get headaches. Does anyone get a similar experience with the vive? I've been interested in buying one since I do like vr and the concept of it. But I've been off put from it purely because of me getting headaches. I'm not to sure if it's the weight of the ps vr or the quality that causes it

  • It really looks like Valve will be releasing their own headset at some point.

  • The Oculus Rift has been for sale from Amazon AU for $599 for a month or two.

  • Tempting to get this and the recent 2080 deal…

    Must resist

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