This was posted 13 years 11 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amaysim up to $15 Credit + No Flagfall + $9.90 for 1GB


I was looking for a cheap pre-paid data. I found $5 microSims (with 300MB) from Virgin, but couldn't buy them anywhere (online only probably). So in Allphones (doesn't matter from where) I took first I've found - Amaysim.

I also have seen the commercial on Nine, to go to get special - $5 when activate online - till 31 March.

After I activated I've seen that they offer 1GB of data for $9,90! WOW (took it straight away).

Another free $10 you can get after your 1st recharge if your email was referred by someone from Amaysim. (for instance you can contact me through contact form( and I will send you referral).


0c Flagfall Australia wide
15c/min stadard call
12c/ standard sms
5c/MB of data

You can choose your own number!!

Not freebie because you have to buy $2 sim (microsim).

Referral Links

Referral: random (399)

$10 credit to both the referrers on Unlimited Plans and referees. Referee needs to provide referrer with their email address.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    90 day expiry.

  • +1

    not as good as the liveconnected's last promotion which included $400 credit and 1G data for only $10.99 per month.

    • +3

      Can't compare prepaid and postpaid

      • not very sure why not? only advantage of this, is that overseas student WITHOUT DRIVING LICENCE can get it…else LC was better value. for 1 bucks more you can get 400 can probably argue that this sim has cheaper rate. but 1 dollar for this sim is only 10mins after you add the 1gb data, whereas LC you can get more than 10mins call out of 400credit with higher rates anyway

        • As i said many times, i am an international student (was, since i graduated). I have a vicroad license. I finished my Optus Postpaid $49 plan months ago. I could never sign up with LC.

        • yea then i guess this sim is for you.

          btw, did you have bad credit with optus? i know one of my overseas friend signed up an iphone 4 on 3, but she dropped her phone and then she decided since she is not using 3 she will stop paying her bill. End up now she cant apply any contract on 3 or vodafone due to bad credit history.

          just try to find out why you get rejected. Id is only a form to check your credit history mate.

        • Not really. I cleared my $49 24 months plan which i signed on to since 2009. I'm rolling on the $49 plan now month to month and they did offer to recontract me over the phone but, i'm not willing to be locked in a contract.

        • then i guess you could ask LC why were you rejected

        • All they reply me is, "Unfortunately our credit check rules are a bit tight at the moment and we are not able to progress with your application."

          As of now, it doesnt really bother me if i couldn't sign up with LC. I got a job and i can afford the plan Optus offer. Rather, it would be pleasant if i could at least warn international students who are interested in the plan but would definitely waste time trying to deal with LC's customer support and disappoint in the end.

        • you know if you have a proper job, apply credit card. it will change your credit history! well i got one as well…not like i have bad history but i read it would be easier for you to get loan in the i did it

        • +1

          There are a lot of reasons they're not comparable. People want one or the other. For example, only a moron would put their 13 year old on a plan.

    • -2

      Cant compare when u get hit with a 3 digit bill after you finish your 1 gb from live connected.

      • +3

        You cant blame other people/businesses for your irresponsible use of credit except for yourself.

        • -1

          I'm comparing the versatility of topping up after credit/quota expires in prepaid, not the responsible use of credit.

          N.B: I have never exceeded my 500mb of 3g from Optus

  • +1

    TPG's $1 per month post-paid is much better value..

    • cant completely agree. Check wp.

    • I will use it from time to time and I hate bills. Could you find a better pre-paid broadband?

      • +4

        I said "completely", this is a good deal for really casual uses like minimal phone calls. HOWEVER. TPG $1 PAYG is better in valuse for more"avrage" uses such as calling.

        Also data may not be as good as ur implying. eg. from wp:

        "Browsing from one IP address to another will establish a new session every time you hit a new IP address (and hence trigger another 1MB minimum data charge to your account). A more complex site (eg a news site with multiple IP hooks for material that populates its home page) could trigger a whole swathe of new sessions – just by bringing up one home page.

        This explains why folks are seeing big data overheads when using Amaysim and any other reseller that supplies data on 1MB session rounding via the Optus network. BEWARE"

        case example:

        "I purchased a $9.90 1Gb Data Pack yesterday for my iPhone 4 mainly for email purposes, initially looked at a couple of mobile web pages. According to the handset UP/DOWN close to 2Mb. Usage charged in 1Mb blocks, 20Mb. Not really that good after just two days."

        "my usage so far is 9.28MB (according to 3G watchdog) and I've been charged for 28MB.

        that's ~ 200% more."

        P.S i could copy the whole post lol.

        • @Feeblely:
          I see your point but my previous post was an answer to bchliu's post.
          I'm not saying that it is the best deal ever, it just fits me and free data + 1GB is all I need. Also when I need to call someone I can do it cheap.

        • TPG charges data per 100kb block.. I'm using it for my backup number and fetches my emails throughout the day.. and the included 50MB is good enough for the entire month with some left over for Opera Mini.. hehe.

          The only disadvantage compared to Amaysim is the flagfall - TPG does charge a 10c flagfall, but Amaysim doesnt. But you make it up after 2 minutes worth of calls anyway in comparison given it is 9.9c per minute for TPG as opposed to 15c on Amaysim.

          Also, TPG can "disconnect at any time".. and for $1 a month.. cant go wrong.

          Only reason why I'd go Amaysim is if there were credit problems that prohibits you to get credit somehow and have to resort to Prepaid (or if you are under 18).. otherwise, TPG is better in my opinion..

  • Does the 90 day click over if you recharge before the 90 days.
    ie if you recharge after a month is the next expiry date in 150 days, like how telstra pre paid works?


  • i was looking at TPG $1 a month. pay as you go. 10c connect and then 10c per/min after that.

    can't decide between that one or this one.

    • Check out crazy john flat chat. Same as TPG but Sms are only 1c and it includes 1300/1800 and voicemail.

  • Anyone who needs a referral to get the free $10 credit, please feel free to ask me, giving your full name and email address:

  • I once shared a house with the guy in the ads, Dailan Evans, from Eagle & Evans, The Wedge, Lowdown etc TV fame.

  • +1

    My husband and I have been using this since it came out and it's been great. He has a work mobile so needed a plan with a long expiry as he doesn't use his personal mobile much and I don't use mine much either, just to him and the kids. Was using the virgin one but wasting money with it. This does roll over if you get more credit before the 90 days runs out, they send a reminder. I bought the 1gb internet when we were away and used it with our laptop and came nowhere near using it all. I get my topups at Safeway Petrol so it goes towards an extra 4c a litre off when you spend over $5 in store.

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