Optus is having iPhone XS promotion.
200GB Data, 4GB roaming data (overseas), Unlimited call overseas
Apple iPhone XS 64GB: Unlimited Calls & Text + 200GB Data 24 Months Plan $106.25 / Month @ Optus

Last edited 16/11/2018 - 15:40 by 1 other user
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Very good data allowance but Optus network is quickly becoming a joke in an around Sydney Metro areas IMO.
Never had the opportunity to become a joke outside of metro. Always been lacking in the country sadly. If only Telstra would offer such deals.
Can second this… North Shore (SYD), now only lucky to get 30-35mbps on average. Maybe it's over provisioned? Still reasonable speeds, but can get flaky fast during peak times.
Just shipped back XR today in Brisbane metro. No 4g at home. Speedtest clocked 4 mbs. Garbage service.
Same here in Melbourne keeps switching to 3G and buffering in some spots
200 GB….insane!!! Very good deal for the people after IPhone.
Can I take the sim out and put it in another phone and use it as my home wifi. Any network locking?
Yes you can do that, and phones on plans aren't networked locked.
No iPhone is locked these days. Pretty sure they stopped locking at 4s
Some 5s were locked in the box. You could unlock immediately though.
Cheaper last night as it was also one month free…
The only reason I hesitated was my wife’s Optus prepaid had woeful speeds right next to my Telstra one at home. Just wasn’t sure if I could commit to 24 months. But it was a sweet(er) deal.
Yea Optus is unusable where I am in Sydney. It's a shame
They have a network guarantee, don't like it, return everything and they'll cancel your contract
It’s not like it’s unusable. I won’t be able to test it out till the holidays, as that’s when I won’t be able to have good Wi-Fi to fall back on.
Its at their discetion apparently whether you return the phone in resellable condition.
Oh I would want the phone! Just thinking Telstra at the moment is the only one I feel comfortable committing to a 2-year contract, in our circumstances.
bring back 25% off for OZB
they will give you one month free if you call customer service just did it before
Nope, I just tried and they refused to.
So, I can download 200GB of data on my 64GB phone? 😂
Have you heard of a thing called streaming?
He/she must be downloading movies to watch on Kazaar
Have you heard of a thing called sarcasm?
You didn’t use the sarcasm emoji :|
Yes, I even even download (stream) 500GB on my 64GB phone if I want to, it doesn't mean you are actually keeping the files. As others have said, it's called streaming.
At Optus store Hurstville Westfield last night, looking for the frenzy one month free.
Unfortunately I got only one bar of 3G signal (can't get 4G) and can NOT open optus webpage right in front of Optus store. WTF.
they keep telling me network guarantee.
what a BS.
only 2 bars at home and work, constantly dropped out from calls and data.still can't make up the mind to recontract with Optus.
I live in the area, switched from Vodafone to Optus in September, expecting it to be better. Turned out I was jumping from the frying pan to the fire.
haha…I had same feeling after changing from Telstra to Optus.
think about Vodafone, maybe Telstra right now.
can NOT open optus webpage right in front of Optus store. WTF.
Surely that must've been embarrassing!
staff in Optus store doesn't really care, they watched basketball game over the TV on the wall.
sure they know what s happening, was told to use their PC to open Optus webpage, not to worry about any mobile device.
I finally had optus webpage opened when I was 5 meter away from optus store.what a Joke.
200GB per month or for the whole year?
per month
I'd rather a 50GB plan that's much cheaper (eg $60/month) than a 200GB plan that costs over $100 per month.
Where is the $60/month plan with iPhone xs?
Im not saying there is one, just saying that I'd prefer to have a cheaper plan with less data rather than be forced to pay $100+ per month for 200GB of data as i know I wouldnt be able to get through it.
I'd prefer not to pay anything at all, but here we are. Data costs them nothing, it's just a number on a plan. Most won't use anywhere near that amount.
but over $100 plan gives 4G of data when you are overseas, unlimited overseas calls and sms. that make huge difference if you travel a lot.
Optus has the best 4G network experience in the southeast QLD area, whereas Telstra’s network is a joke and Vodafail is still a fail. So it’s a pretty decent deal. : )
I envy you. I envy all who get cheap and great service from Optus!
After all, they have data sharing, Optus Perks, (some form of) free streaming. Just a shame it comes with a questionable network for my needs.
we are on the same boat.
I'm sharing my data with wife on Telstra. Telstra perks like cheap movie tickets etc too
All new Telstra plans exclude data sharing :-(
hope you are right with that info I'm on gold coast ..just signed up for 2 years
Pardon my ignorance, is 200GB for the entire 2 years contract? or is it the monthly allowance?
Monthly allowance.
When does this expires?
wow $38 a month for 200gb data when you discount the price of the phone