After ABC (Altimeter, Barometer, Compass) Watch

Hey guys been looking for a nice ABC watch and Suunto seems to be the best but open to other sugegstion

So far I've been looking at the Suunto Core and the Suunto Vector HR (Heart Rate monitor would be nice for some of my sports training but not essential), really can't decide which is best so I'm thinking right now what ever is the best price I'll go for that

So any tips so far Ryda is the cheapest Australian dealer I can find


  • Casio also make a range of watches with altimenter, barometer, thermometer, compass, etc. Check out I have had a Protrek watch for many years and have used it diving, climbing, kayaking, and in temperatures more than 45 degrees and below -10.
    Regarding somewhere to buy a watch - I can't help out with that but check online once you have worked out what model you want. You can also contact Casio's distributor to see if there any sale days planned similar to what Citizen does once a year.

  • I've seen reviews but the general consensus is the Suunto Core is more accurate but I'll read up some more not rushing into this

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