This was posted 6 years 3 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

(PS4/XB1/PC) Fallout 76 for $59 @ JB Hi Fi


If you are looking to get Fallout 76 then JB Hi Fi is currently doing it for $59. Eb should price match (instead of paying $99.95) and get carrots if you are a eb member. If not you can also try Harvey Norman as they will also price match (instead of $69).

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closed Comments

  • +16

    But it's $49.76 Delivered @ Amazon AU and can price match it anywhere.

    • lad.

      not associated btw.

      • not associated btw.

        How long have you been working for Doweyy?

    • Not anywhere. My local EB wouldn't match Amazon's price.

    • What do you mean price match it anywhere? Most places won't match Amazon in my experience.

      • I've never had an issue price matching Amazon with a variety of things, as long as the price includes delivery.

        • YMMV then. But certainly not anywhere. More than one EB and JB have refused to match Amazon in my experience.

  • +1

    Cheaper from Amazon.

  • $49.76 @ Amazon AU

  • I pricematched Amazon at jb

  • +1

    Amazon even has their SPECIAL edition for the $49.76

    • +5

      nope.. shipping is free on Fallout 76.

  • +1

    Going to price-match @EB just so I have the safeguard of returning it if it's anything like the BETA was. Overall I quite enjoyed it so I think for the price, it's worth it….provided that day one 50GB patch has some decent fixes!

    • Good call there.

  • +5

    Waiting for the reviews, schadenfreude.

    • -5

      It's a MINI online RPG, grinding mobs and doing usually simple fetch / kill missions. it's not a full blown Fallout game (but neither was Fallout 4).

      However if you ever wanted to play with some friends in Fallout 4 then your prayers are answered.

      Hoping that private servers do become an option in the future, Bethesda seem to be listening and acting on other feedback given from the beta.

      I'm guessing there'll be exactly the buyer's remorse from people who bought Fallout 4 with no clue what it was about other than "it's a new title, MUST HAVE!!" and then complained that it was a crap first person shooter. Yes, yes it is. Because it's not a first person shooter. I already know the competitive shooter crowd are going to complain about Fallout 76 - so move along COD kiddies so the rest of us can enjoy the game :)

      • -1

        The PC download (via steam i believe) is 97GB. Its not a mini game.

        • -4

          (profanity) me sidewise.. did intelligence go out the window? Did I say it was a mini game?

          I said it's a MINI online RPG - as opposed to a MASSIVE MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE RPG (that's what MMO RPG stands for).

          It's an online RPG with 24 maximum player support. There are few enough players you can solo most of the time if you want, but co-op groups do form for events and usually short exploration sessions.

          Just like Fallout 4 it is NOT a first person shooter in the sense of COD, Overwatch, Fortnite or Hitman etc. It is slower paced and has more in-depth story FOR THOSE THAT BOTHER TO READ.

        • -1

          also install size is less than 50GB on PC.

      • COD Kiddies has nothing to do with F76 being a buggy flawed mess. Co-op F4 would have been amazing. This is …not amazing.

        • can't comment on consoel version as I'm playing on PC (since the beta) and haven't encountered a single bug, crash or lag with the game (I have an 8 year old I5-2500 CPU and a GTX 1060 6GB GPU - so not a powerhouse gaming rig). nVidia 1080Ti owners HAVE encountered lots of bugs with the beta due to physics being tied to framerate and those GPUs being 'too fast' and breaking the physics engine - hence the lockdown to 60FPS in game.

          BTW: this almost literally IS co-op Fallout 4 - same engine, same assets, different map. The whining appears to be loudest from those who either haven't played the game or have played the beta and stayed around the startng area.

          • +1

            @gizmomelb: So it is filled with NPCs providing you rich, lengthy missions and side quests to complete?

          • +1

            @gizmomelb: I played F4. I'm aware that the assets are almost entirely recycled from it, but it doesn't "feel" the same as 3 or 4 or NV to me. There are a lot of design choices that just didn't work well for me in the beta, both in terms of what was kept from F4 and what they changed.

            Long audio logs and lengthy reads are more suited to SP games or solo play, while a lack of human NPCs and quest givers takes away from the game whether you're playing solo or in a group. Both are baffling choices, though the latter can be reverted as the game develops and is patched/grows.

            Base building and settlement management in F4 was okay. Not the most fun I've ever had in a game but I didn't hate it or anything. In a game where your base disappears once you log and then needs to be rebuilt every new session, I view it as nothing more than a useless timesink. And especially egregious in a MP title where you and your friends probably want to go out and DO stuff.

            I also played the Beta over more than 1 session and and explored until I got bored. There are technical issues beyond the usual "It's Bethesda" such as really late pop-in that is not apparent on F4, t-posing, etc. We'll see how all that goes after the 50gb patch finishes downloading. (might be done now, actually).

            In the end, I bought an expensive but cool looking helmet to add to my collection of useless tat. If the game doesn't work for me as a product, I'll likely keep my disc rather than trading it to EB for peanuts and revisit the game in 6mo to a year when it's had time to patch up properly - and we'll return the second copy. If I were completely sensible, I'd sell my steelbook copy and wait for a digital sale in 6mo to play across both machines, but c'est la vie.

            There's a huge difference between whining and deciding that a terribly unpolished/buggy and unfinished product with poorly-implemented systems sold for full price isn't something you personally find worth playing or paying for.

            If others enjoy the game in that state them more power to them, but shouting down legitimate criticism simply because you personally enjoy something is actually far more harmful than "whining" as it definitely sends the wrong message to devs and especially publishers.

            Now to see how that patch is going…

            • @Scipio: Still bad. Still frustrating. Still buggy. Long tedious Audio Logs still the worst implementation ever in a multiplayer game.
              Enjoyable? YMMV.

  • +3

    Amazon got my vote fort $49.76 +11% Cash Rewards - Had another item I was going to buy anyway and used Amex spend $100 get $15 off

  • +1

    I would check all the reviews before buying as the review's aren't that crash hot


    • -3

      agreed.. each game has been dumbed down to suit the console crowd.. same since Morrowind as well.

  • +1

    Alright, so I am aware that this game is completely different to that of Fallout 4.

    I personally am not too interested in the world of Fallout but I do love online games like The Division and can appreciate games like Ark. All of my usual gaming buddies are into 76, have all picked it up and will be playing it.

    Is this game worth it enough for the sole purpose of playing with them online?

    • Maybe? The thing is flawed from both perspectives.
      Almost all the storytelling ingame is in the form of computer logs and audio logs (some of which are reeeeeeeeally long), so playing MP with anyone has a "hurry up and wait" aspect if people are reading the logs, or trying to listen to them (in the middle of a firefight or a VOIP group conversation).
      OTOH, the game is too slow for some people (1 out of my usual group of 4 players loves RPGs, but is more the action type - he would fall asleep or charge forward out of impatience - or alternate between the two). Playing in the Beta it was immediately obvious that F76 wouldn't work for my group.

      Solution for you:
      Buy from EB, getting them to price-match JB's $59 (until Friday). Play it for a few days with them, then decide to keep or return to EB for a refund.

      • ….then find a group where everyone is ok waiting or letting someone read aloud the text logs assuming only one person gets it in a coop run….

        • +1

          Yeah, no.

          I'm going to stick to my long-running friend group for non-MMO co-op games rather than ditching my mates to try and "find a group" or change the way we play because a game has flawed design. If the game doesn't work for us, we change the game, not the people.

          I'm going to try it as a 2-player co-op with my wife since I got the PA edition (because I like useless tat like that and didn't want to cancel it). If it doesn't work for us, since beta was pretty disappointing - then she can return her copy to EB and we'll play one of literally dozens of other co-op games that we have instead - and consider looking at F76 in 6mo or a year again when it'll no doubt be vastly improved (as ESO was).

          • @Scipio: someone's bound to be unhappy, if u have like group of friends; one who is the patient type and prefers exploring every nook and cranny (So this guy will usually also be the looter type as well)and doesn't mind going for discovery challenges via parkour(so that means he doesn't mind unskippable ingame cinematics), one guy who is extremely impatient and just wants to see action and will get bored or moan when nothing good is happening and thus will most likely always be the guy who gets in trouble first by aggro'ing every enemy by running up to them or straight up gunning(or close combat if he plays like a martial artist or something) them down without thinking, or just decides to go on without the rest of the group, another guy who's more quiet but likes to play stealth, assassinates targets from afar with sniper shots or close in with ninja-like skills (for those good 2x or more bonus damage multipliers heh..) and doesn't mind the explorer guy but does mind the impatient aggro guy as he will mess up his stealth kills or and plans(which he could play as a stealth assassin thief type stealing shit safely without any of the surrounding or relating targets knowing), and then you have the typical nerd guy who is neither of the above but likes to plan every action out before attempting it even to hunt for animals for food or kill a non-boss quest/mission target…and may get annoyed with the guy who's always straight into the action without a brain….

            There are other combinations but I chose only 4 randomly assuming 4 in a group…..I fail to see how that would turn positive….sure it'd be funny and funny for the first few moments but then gets annoying unless all four somehow agrees to something that they're all happy with……because nerd guy will most likely take forever trying to think up of a strategy take one guy down, trying to have a plan for every possible faults that may happen even if the chance is really low like 0.1%, that lives in a hostile environment, stealth guy may have just already assassinated the target(or fail and get caught/killed), aggro guy will either be killed or kill the target and everyone else who shoots or fights back, and explorer guy would probably be sleeping during discussion or gone exploring another part of the map(or even going with the other two looking for good loot to steal and keep or sell off) avoiding hostile enemies if at all possible….

    • +1

      "Is this game worth it enough for the sole purpose of playing with them online?"

      I would say no. Maybe as a 2 player co-op exploration but not as a larger group rampaging across the country side.. frankly you'll lose all 'immersion' and subtlety of the story telling as it's just going to be who can kill the monsters first and loot.

      There are going to be a lot of the 'me too' gamers jumping into this as it's the latest game out, who are going to be very disappointed that it's not the run 'n gun fest they are used to playing with their mates.

      Fallout 76 may be online, but it's still best enjoyed playing slowly and exploring every nook and cranny (in my opinion). example - I played a few hours last night with a mate and since I'd played in the BETA I showed him some sites and hidden caches near the Vault etc. (freebie - when approaching Flatwood from the road after visiting the Overseer's camp.. the first house on the left has a hidden pair of binoculars at the rear of the house underneath the baby carriage).

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