256GB Micro SDHC for Phones?

Need a micro SDHC for a S9, seems to be very few deals and so not much discussion of the 256GB cards. I thought I'd ask before I buy. I assume a Samsung card would be generally good value and of course compatible. Anything wrong with a deal like this?

Is there anything else I should look at? 512GB would be better but seem rare, yet the US S9 Note TV ads are touting it's 1TB capability o_O

BTW I want as large as I can to store video and photos (I want to shoot a lot of raw).

EDIT: actually this seller with PEARTREE is $75.20 till end of today.
EDIT2: I need to guess better on searches : https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/409494 comments cover most of my questions, same deal just different discount code as above


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