Great deal, click and collect from Big W.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $48 - Coupon Code PRESPYRO
Pokemon Let's Go - $64 - Coupon Code PREPOKEMON
Requires eBay plus.
Great deal, click and collect from Big W.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $48 - Coupon Code PRESPYRO
Pokemon Let's Go - $64 - Coupon Code PREPOKEMON
Requires eBay plus.
Spyro is $49 at Amazon, after cashback it's cheaper than this.
As above
Spyro is 49 at JB
Pokemon is 59 at JB
Ebay Plus requirement ontop means the deal is shit. I’d type more but I’m out and on a small tiny phone.
Me: This thing has 2GB of RAM?
Thing: 2GB(Real capacity 1GB
tbh I might buy one some time. I was aware of the Maya or whatever the small phone that was basically this, that had a Kickstarter a while back, but like, it was too expensive to justify just for the fun of it. This, this is quite alright priced.
Spyro 2/3 are DLC only, only one game on the disc. Be aware of this if you plan on getting it.
Source? When you say DLC is that paid DLC?
Spyro 2 and 3 are partially on the disc, you'll need to download the Day 1 patch to play them. There's no codes involved.
Only a couple of levels from games 2 and 3 are on the disc, a significant download is required to play the 2nd and 3rd games in full.…
Oh, thats heaps better than 2-3 being DLC only. I think so long as no code is needed it should be ok for most. Still I will be waiting for this to hit the bargain pile.
Is there anything cheaper than the $59 at JB with gift cards or Amazon with CR for let’s go? I’m trying to work out best option with pokeball.
EDIT: Decided to just get it from Amazon with 11% cashrewards offer + using my $20 Maccas Monopoly gift card.
Pokemon is $59 at JB and Amazon