Original subject title: Looking for Crunch (Base Membership) Referral at Sydney CBD - possibly related to 30-day Challenge..?
I've joined up with a friend so changed the title accordingly. If you are interested in joining at the Sydney CBD on a weekday, I would be happy to help you out. That said, their system for doing this was pretty awful and I am waiting for my $16 refund because they charged me the regular price…
Person referred gets:
- the same weekly rate you're paying (I'm on $13.45 weekly for Peak membership, which is 55c less than their current online rate)
- no enrolment fee (Though there's currently 85% off of this anyway, so only saving of $15)
- 'free gift' - required prompting, turned out to be a Crunch T-Shirt.
- If you sign up for the 30-day challenge, just mention the free fatburner powder and you get a sachet of this.
Both of us get:
- chance to win one year's membership
Just PM me if you feel like joining up. Before you do so, there's a 3-day trial that you can sign up for on the website. Crunch CBD seems to allow you to join any classes with the trial, as well.
I gym at Crunch (Highpoint, VIC), but seeing your profile says you're from NSW, I don't know how this would work. Do you know if I can still refer you interstate?