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10% GreenPower for Free with 5% Discount on Energy Usage Charges GREATER BRISBANE RESIDENTS ONLY


Greater Brisbane residents can get 10% GreenPower at no extra cost with a 5% discount on their energy use through the EzyGreen program.

As a bonus, be one of the first 5,000 residents to switch to GreenPower and you'll get a free energy-saving powerboard valued at $180.

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  • Thats a really nice website!

  • +1

    you make it bloody hard to find the cost per kw… do you know it?

    • +1

      As EzyGreen is not the energy supplier, we are unfortunately unable to advertise rates on the site.

      Powerdirect are the energy supplier for this offer and full pricing information can be found at: http://www.powerdirect.com.au/ezygreen

      • i see - thanks.
        edit: still cheaper for me to go through clickenergy.com.au

  • Newb question.

    So in affect are you changing power companies for your house? IS that was Powerdirect is?

  • +1

    i signed up with powerdirect last year through one of those switching websites - don't have the details to hand but pretty sure it was a 7 or 8% saving on the standard market rate. might have been through switchselect or goswitch, but it's probably all changed now, though i noticed from a quick google that this 8% discount seems to also/now be available through switchwise.

    of course, to really know whether it's a saving for you to have to do your own sums, ie. compare your curent rates with the new (discounted) rate, and figure out if you'd be breaking your current contract to switch etc. also if you happen to have solar PV and you're switching from Origin you'll probably be losing out on your feed in tariff (probably dropping from 50c/kWh to 44c). so yeah, weigh it all up for your specific situation.

    btw in my experience powerdirect's billing hasn't been the most efficient, though what it boils down to is that i get to pay my bills later when they fail to issue them for weeks or even months on end… that's happened with 2 out of 3 bills to date. also again if you have solar PV their billing system will not report your net output/reading, only a dollar figure for the credits (from which you can calculate the power output yourself by dividing by $0.44).

    • +1

      Exactly right..

      I used to work for an elec retailer, and I got to know the shifty ways in which these companies operate.

      As quop just said, make sure the rates are the same or cheaper before any sort of discount is applied before you go off and lock yourself in a contract.

      Now , Green Power/Elec is the biggest scam of all.

      Think about this; if the infrastructure is already built, it is therefore already being used to it maximum capacity, so then how can anyone hope to get more green electricity that what is already being produced? You can't obviously. Other companies promise to use that money to invest in more green infrastructure, but there are only a handful of companies like AGL, Origin, TRU, who actually own and build new infrastructure, so if your not paying your money to them nothing new will get built (if they do indeed use it for that), and the profits of Green Elec (if you are paying for it) are going straight into the pockets of your retailer.

      Anyhow.. as mattgal mentioned; its best not go for market contracts.

      Ideally you want to get on a MUT (Maximum Uniform Tariff) or SOT (Standing Offer Tariff). They are both the same, and what they mean is that there is no locked in contract and no discounts.. however you are not subjected to the Market Rate increases, only the actually CPI (Consumer Price Index) increases, which, from the data gathered by a friend of mine, is cheaper than a market contract with discounts over the long run.

      The only way however to get a MUT/SOT is to be with the retailer who is actually the distributor in your area.

      You can use the links to find the elec and gas distributors (for VIC only):

      Unfortunately I don't have all the information regarding the distributor-retailer, but here is all I have:

      Powercor Australia = Origin
      SP Ausnet = TRU
      United Energy Distribution = AGL
      Citipower = Origin
      Jemena = AGL

      Multinet = Origin

  • when looking into changing power take into account
    a) pre-gst / post-gst prices
    b) peak / off peak prices
    c) daily usage charges
    power companied may give you 5% off then charge you 20c more per day on daily usage
    some companies also charge an additional smart meter charge (in victoria anyways)

  • I was really underwhelmed by Powercorp's website. It seems like they aren't really doing much in Qld. Seem to be very Vic focussed. They also seem to have nothing in the way of information about how they handle Solar PV generation by their customers other than some offer document to Vic customers that pays them 68c per kW but takes it back with a $25 per month admin fee and a $10 charge if anyone is actually in credit and wants the money paid to them.

    I don't get a good feeling about dealing with them.

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