Wild Rhino
Wild Rhino Nevada Lace Up BootNevada Lace Up Boot $99
More Wild Rhino Boots/shoes for sale
Wild Rhino
Wild Rhino Nevada Lace Up BootNevada Lace Up Boot $99
More Wild Rhino Boots/shoes for sale
Never tried it but ARMORALL (what you spray on car vinyl and plastics, like dashboards, to prevent cracking … can be greasy stuff) should work probably just as good as anything. There are even ARMORALL wipes available these days.
Armorall contains silicon and will dry things out in the long run. A better product to use is Aerospace 303.
I've been reading up on it, it seems the silicone oil is what makes it good. It replaces the plasticisers that normally reduce over time, making the plastic brittle.
Where have you read about silicone drying things?
The MSDS of Aerospace 303 says not to allow skin contact. The MSDS of Armourall "original protectant" says "The information at hand indicates that this product is not harmful and that normally no special skin protection is necessary."
Wild rhino any good?
Yep. One of the best. They last forever and are nice and comfortable
I had issues with inconsistent sizing. I wouldn’t buy online.
I've got two pairs and I bloody love them. Aussie brand too which is a plus.
Only note I'd make other than sizing is the standard soles on the classier styles wear pretty quickly, but they're definitely a pair of boots worth taking to a cobbler.
I was under the impression they are a Myer home brand?
Nop, my pair broke in 3 months
I love them! I have quite a wide foot and these are one of the only brands that fit.
Not a fan. Mine broke quickly and the leather was average quality at best.
I really liked my rhino boots but the heel wore out in 3 months of low use. But was happy until they wore out….
most of the sizes for timberland are out of stock thou.
it doesnt mention us or uk size.
Woo hoo! My first pair of Timberlands. Set for winter.
You going to Himalayas?
Lol, downvoted for answering a question. Special needs Ozbargainers.
Someone doesn't like Japan (negative vote)
Timberland Classic Icon BootClassic Icon Boot Only size 12 left ….US sizes????
US size
All Timbs are US Size.
Damn, I was literally looking at a specific Timberland boot a few hours ago.. Not either of these two, though, and not in these specific sizes.. Will have to keep playing the waiting game, I guess..
Wow a shoe deal in my size! Got me some classic timbs, thanks!
Now I can look like a 2000s rapper, yaaaasssss.
Also for those looking for the classic timbs in your size, you can get em for $135 with free shipping on General Pants size https://www.generalpants.com/au/shop-womens/timberland/footw…
Damn, sold out too. Looking for a pair of thick boots for a trip to Korea in December but I don't want to pay more than $200! Any advice anyone?
Catch.com.au and Culture Kings have them at $170.
Seems similar to Asos as well. Yikes. Any cheaper but good quality winter boots? I'm not married to the brand name. Appreciate the help mate.
@serpserpserp: I usually wear a size 11 uk (45eu) and the OP boots are only 46+
I guess I could try a 46 and return if too big! Thanks for the advice.
Didnt think anyone wore these anymore? They only suit boot cut style pants or bigger. Everyone's onto the skinny leg these days.
bloody hipsters
Uncool Dads like myself wear boot cut. But will most likely wear them when doing maintenance around the house.
All these sizes are out of stock.
Awesome this will go nicely with my wifebeater
Note Timberland sizing is on the big side…e.g.I normally wear a size 8 AUS/UK fitting and buy a U.S.Size 9,but with Timberland I'd advise staying with the Aus/UK fitting.
uh oh, I better double sock it.
Timbs are uncomfortable for flat feet. Just a word of warning. It's not exactly light or padded.
what does flat feet mean though? if you wear orthotics they are uncomfortable? or if you have ff but don't wear orthotics they are uncomfortable? in my experience I wear orthotics and older Jordan's feel like Danish wooden clogs if you can't fit your orthotics in them.
Orthodics fit in it just fine, there is literally just no support whatsoever even with them inside. It's like the sole doesn't flex at all so you're walking around in a boat.
oh cool that's what I expect though, they look like steel-capped sorta boots.
Perfect timing! Trekking around European winter so this'll be a great help.
Thanks OP, bought through eBay with p5off for extra 5% :D
Free postage?
Sure was. There is also a buy 1 get 1 at 15% off, good if you are buying two pairs
Postage ain't free for me. Better deal to buy it in store.
Just got a cancellation email and refund via PayPal. I purchased a pair of the Timberlands about 10 mins after the deal was posted…
Rhino prices back up today. Got in just in time.
I used to have a pair of Timberland boots, they lasted a LONG time. Got them re-soled once. In the end, it was the vinyl cuff that made me stop wearing them - it had cracked and was peeling.
Does anyone know how to preserve the vinyl cuffs? Perhaps car seat protector?