New Samsung Tablet/Phone Foldable Announced - 7.3" Screen (Insane feature on new Samsung)…

Samsung’s Developers Conference in San Francisco announcing Infinity Flex Display prototype technology.

MOD: Remove copy & paste text from linked article.


  • Sounds very interesting, but I would wait for a little while before buying it just to see how robust the screen is. This would certainly be the next step up if it is durable.

  • -4

    It'll be cool in a few years when it's much cheaper. In the meantime it will be very expensive and probably prone to failure. Not a bargain!

    • +1

      No shit this wasn't posted as a bargain. it was posted in the forums.

  • +2

    If they put a piece of second hand fruit on the cover, and put the price up by 100%, imagine how well it would sell?

    • +2

      Just let it go, we all know your prejudices.

      • It's known in MArketing as the Chivas Regal Effect :-)

        • A slanted idea on marketing. The hardware is not the only issue in this equation. It depends on the ecosystem that goes with it. Personally The current crop of all phones are a bit rich for me but I use my iPad instead of a phone, which is why I still have my iPhone 6 Plus. It will be interesting how Samsung utilises the screen real estate.

    • +2

      Apple gets their displays from Samsung anyway, so this will happen, but in classic Apple fashion, they'll start using it about a year after it's first introduced, improve the UX marginally, give it rounded corners, and then claim they invented it from scratch…

      • And Samsung is just about to ad notches to their phones and no one is yelling about Samsung copying anyone.

        • Because Samsung doesn't crow about pioneering the concept, or that they invented it, or revolutionized the industry with it…

          • @HighAndDry: Ironically, Samsung were making and developing Mobile Phones long before most of the current manufacturers. I sed one back in 1993.

        • +1

          No they are not, they are about to eliminate notches completely.

      • Apple will make this technology actually usable.

    • I make same comment on Apple posts I get 99 negs lol

  • Very little details at the moment, this is a non-news. All I have seen is a photo of the device. No specs, no pricing, no demo. Probably need to wait till Jan 2019 to get more details but I can definitely see myself owning one of these devices, 2nd gen maybe.

  • +1

    I don't want a Galaxy S9 sized device that opens up to be even bigger. I want a Motorola Razr sized device that opens up to a Galaxy S9 size.

  • The one in the article isn't Samsung.

  • +2

    I am so excited! This is the real phone that worths $2000 rather than iPhone.

  • "OMG phone sales are tanking, we're doomed, let's just throw anything at a wall and see if it sticks, I know we'll reinvent the clamshell phone - BRILLIANT! - and claim that this changes everything".

    • +1

      I know your political takes are whack, but this might actually be worse. Samsung isn't just a mobile phone manufacturer, they're basically the world leader in display technology. And if you can't see the potential of bendable displays…

  • Even less peripherial vision for pedestrians.

  • I already have a 7.3 inch devive which I can fold in half.

    • Come back when it is 10 inches.

      • +2

        Boys, boys, no one wants to hear about your missus' strap ons ;)

        • +1

          my strap on, lad/ladette. I may have voted for gay marriage, but I'm not lining up at the moment.

          • +1

            @try2bhelpful: Typo… I meant to say "when folded in half".

            • +1

              @obi1: Are you typing one handed?

            • @obi1: made me LOL. Well, spinner, come on down.

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