This was posted 6 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1] Free to Play: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Full Product @ Microsoft

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One more :)

I added & it says "You own this game." Size is 14.59 GB and now I'm playing :)

Play PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS Full Product Release free for a limited time
Full Product Release of PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS. Visit to learn more about Full Product Release (1.0). Customers who purchased the game during Xbox Game Preview [prior to midnight UTC September 4, 2018] will receive the Full Product Release (1.0) update at no additional charge as an in-game update. Xbox Live Gold required to play (sold separately).

Thanks to Reddit

Update: Free to play until Sunday Pacific US Time only (Monday Evening Aus time)

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Only a matter of time before pc becomes f2p too. Fortnite making a killing.

  • +1

    Cheers mate :)

  • +18

    This game has gone beyond downhill, virtually unplayable in Australia. Played it for a solid 4-5 months loved it initially but the developer seems more interested in posting his private jet trips than making the game amazing. Another let down unfortunately.

    • +2

      Yeah the active player stats say it all really. The game is in continued decline and will continue until it is dead. Not sure what numbers are like on console.

      • Got in on xbox, even worse, waste of $30, $60 in total for a good 4-5 months I guess. But from here it's nothing special and wouldn't recommend it.

      • +5

        800k peak concurrent on steam. Probably still in the top 5 most played games in the world, yeah not sure about that one

        • +1

          Used to be 2million, it's dropping a lot

          • +1

            @tightm8: wasn't it like 3 million at one point.

            Those numbers are never sustainable, unless you are League of Legends or Fortnite. BR was a fad thats slowly fading away.

            • +4

              @Pacify: PUBG was a fad that's slowly fading away. Fortnite is still going crazy, the whole bloody thing had too many people on the other day when the cube thing exploded and the servers went down for a bit, for a game that is regularly dealing with over 130 million accounts and countless millions of people playing at any given time, for there to be too many people for the game to sustain itself, I mean, that sounds like the exact opposite of fading away.

              That being said, I personally don't see anyone coming even close to Fortnite, let alone dethroning it, any time soon, or ever really, if I'm being honest. So yeah, Battle Royale as a trend or fad, it hopefully will (profanity) off, but Fortnite is still going strong, crazy strong. So I think the genre and it's over saturation and half baked bullshit may very well be fading away, but Fortnite is still chugging along at full steam ahead. PUBG just (profanity) up too many times really.

            • +1

              @Pacify: Plus the consistent ignorance of developers not making the servers respectable. Rather than fixing it, they release skins and try to milk players, initially loved it and saw fortnite to be inferior but the servers just keep getting worse, not acceptable for fps.

              Add on competitors releasing BR modes, it's only getting worse for the guys at PUBG

              • +1

                @tightm8: Aus has a great PUBG fanbase but it's gone downhill with server issues causing close to no one to be able to get into OC servers and instead SEA servers withs between 100-250 ping which is close to unplayable. The PUBG reps have been saying they've been working on fixes for months but still nothing.

              • +1

                @tightm8: Except the largest playerbase is now China and they don't care for Fortnite. Mobile gaming is huge there and last I heard PubG had over 20 million mobile DL's and that was months ago. The other game that recently released but has not picked up many players is Ring of Elysium. It's free on Steam really different to other BR style games too.Snow map.Monster truck,Ski mobile,4wd's,mini 4wd's. Players start with 1 weapon and a choice of mobility.Snowboard,Climbing gear,Hang glider. Massive ice storm closes in and you need to "Get to da choppa".

                • @fraz1: I've been playing this since it's release to early access.

                  It is everything PUBG should've been. I'm in Perth and can play on NA with no noticeable lag. I loved PUBG until the OC servers "broke" when Bluehole updated their matchmaking algorithm which only worked well on high population servers (which is also why they've been having so many matchmaking bugs on the other servers since the player has started leaving). Then there's desync…

                  Fortnite isn't to blame but also shouldn't be given credit for killing PUBG. Bluehole did this to themselves by concentrating on monetisation (skins) rather than fixing their game breaking bugs.

                  Blackout and RoE have also contributed to PUBGs demise.

                  If you're looking for a PUBG that works hit up RoE. If you want a more twitch based experience go for Blackout. If you like twitchy games and games designed with a cartoony hit up Fortnite

        • +2

          aren't a lot of these those chinese hat farming bots?
          i think everyone moved on to the new COD black ops battle royale game that's taken on the adult demographic vs fortnite

        • Australian servers are dead, so unless you like playing on 200-300 ping in an fps game (spoiler: you dont) the game is functionally dead for au/nz

    • Been told these is an overseas version too?

    • Also it seems to match make you with 100+ asians that cheat too ha. I Bought it for $20 and got sick of it after half an hour. Poor latency issues graphics pretty crap and alot of team killing and suss suss players

  • +3

    Very much looks like it's just a free play days thing.

    Before Fortnite hit the Switch in June, I'd have been interested enough to at least give this one a good go, more so than the five minutes I gave it last time it was free anyway, but now, 210 game hours (counting loading and idling on the menu) later, Fortnite is far too good for me to bother trying what very much looks to be a less refined and more buggy version of largely the same game, but also without the cool building and stuff.

    PUBG should have launched F2P, at the absolute least once early access ended it should have gone F2P. From what I played, from what I've seen and heard, and from my experience with Fortnite's F2P stuff, PUBG doesn't really offer anything particularly unique or worthwhile.

    Hell, this month I actually lashed out and even got the battle pass, making Fortnite the first F2P game I've ever spent money in (and even then, I had 400V saved and bought the 6.50 costume pack with 600V, and 4 bucks or so of that came from gold Nintendo coins, so I only paid 2.50 human cash, but still), so for me to actually give money to a F2P game, I must quite like it. PUBG is just too little, too late, which is ironic, since it came first.

    • +1

      Haha still getting nag emails from Fortnite. I was one of the first to play it. Had to wait till there was at least 60 people or the bus wouldn't launch. Just sort of got bored with the building part even though it was fun. Give it a miss after 3 months.

  • +4

    It's essentially a broken game… fun, but broken. Here's a recent video from a Twitchcon stream where a PUBG Community Manager talks candidly with a couple of streamers (chocotaco and timthetatman) about how they're trying to fix the game. She didn't know it was being streamed.

    The PC version is prioritised over the Xbox version and their Fix PUBG campaign has made some progress in fixing the core issues, but players are losing their patience.

    Apparently, it will be released on PS4 in December (after the 1 year exclusivity period with Xbox) in which appears to be a blatant money grab. I feel sorry for PS4 gamers expecting their experience will be any different.

    The game will be forced in oblivion with a dwindling player base and won't be a long standing game like Fortnite, CS:GO, DOTA2, Minecraft, Rocket League, Overwatch, Call of Duty, etc

    I guess that was the risk in buying into the early access version of the game.

    • I think the fanbase is just stabilising, like all games - people who got on the hype train have stopped playing but there's still a great fanbase for the game, especially in places such as China and Korea. The competitive scene is also going great.

      • +2

        Nah, pubg has got lot of things to improve on, and I reckon most of the players that are playing there now is because Pubg is the closest thing to a realism styled battle royale game.

        Once someone decides, (profanity) it, I'm going to make a super insane lifelike battle royale on a better engine, Pubg will die.

        Even before the BFV fiasco I was pretty pumped about their new battle royale

        • They have. Ring of Elysium.

    • +1

      Sounds like she has a foul mouth on her

    • Community managers, lmao, theyre women so you wont talk down to them, they dont have any direct line to developers.

  • Thanks OP. Another game for the pile of shame.

  • i play my gameboy offline

  • -4

    No coincidence the PS4 release just got announced…

    Well played Microsoft.

  • +4

    it's free, not gonna complain.

  • Is there lag on this? Any problem finding an Aussie game?

  • Is there a way to play on PC?

    • buy it on steam, if you dont like it refund it

  • +2

    Is this free to keep or free to play for a few days (like Overwatchs trial weekends)?

  • +3

    You won't get a game in OC servers unless you're prepared to wait over 30min for a game. Your only choice is SEA servers and dealing with the bad latency.

    The main reason why I stopped playing over 4 months ago is I work full-time and only have 1-2 hours a day to play if I'm lucky, I don't have time to queue for over 30mins each game or come home to a 20gb update every week (yes be prepared to download patches every week upto 20gb)

    • +2

      love the "X amount of gb" updates! especially on adsl2!

    • Don't think I've ever seen a 20GB patch. And if you stopped 4 months ago you don't know of the quick join match matchmaking. 2-3 seconds and I'm in a game with 15 - 20 ping and I'm in regional NSW Australia on FttN.

      • I'll need to check that feature out. Game changing if true

  • Do I have to have bought the game during the game preview program, or is it free for everyone?

  • +3

    People getting confused over if this is free to keep or free to play for a while, so I'll re-post my comment from the Pro Evo thread.

    This is "Play for a limited time". After the limited time is up, you will lose access to the game unless you buy it or it goes free to play etc.

    The "You own this" dilemma;

    All of the previous "free weekend" games show up as "You own this" until the free weekend is up. MS has different licence structures that all show "You own this" if you are applicable.

    • EA Access
    • Xbox One Games obtained from Games with Gold (Requires an active Xbox Live sub)
    • Xbox Game Pass
    • Free Weekend/Play for a Limited Time.
    • And of course if you just outright bought the game.

    Each of these licences comes up as "You own this game".

    • I knew it, I can let my subscriptions go…
      I DO own the games then, sweet… o.O

      • +2

        Not sure what you mean, once the limited time is up, the game will ask you to buy it.

        But if you are referring to Games with Gold, then you can let the sub lapse, the titles you added will not be playable, however if you reup your sub, they will be playable again. 360 titles however, are yours regardless of lapse. Once you add them they are as if you bought them.

  • +1

    Thanks op

  • +1

    Thanks OP,

    Don't forget 5.5% Cash Rewards at Microsoft…

  • This is just a free play weekend obviously. Do people seriously think they'd give it away for free? There was another post like this for Fallout 4 before, and people thought they were getting that one for free too (they didn't).

    All games say 'you own this' during free play periods. Think of it as a temporary subscription. After the weekend, you'll lose access to it.

  • Don't forget pro Evo soccer 2019 is also free.…

  • Is this running good now? Heard some horror stories about this game on xb1/consoles

    • +1

      Still garbage. After tonight's update, I waited 5mins on the Oceania server, no game, so turned off. This game is dead on XB1 (Oceania).

      • Knew it would still be garbage that's why it's free play. Thanks 4 update

  • Thanks

  • +4

    This isn’t free at all. It’s free to play until 11th November. It’s a massive marketing failure.…

    • LOL if they were smart they would make it F2P forever and also allow it to be played without Xbone Live like Fortnite and H1Z1

  • Single best game I have ever played in 25+ tears of gaming. Also one of the buggiest, but it's a true sign of how damn good this game is that I keep playing hour after hour, since day one, during repeated crashes and bugs. Yes, the Oceania server is dead atm, but I don't believe it's a lack of players, just that the players go to the NA server for less waiting time, I know I have to now. People saying it's unplayable on NA servers just aren't that good. I busted out an 8 kill win last night.

    The devs are soon bringing in an update to remove server choice, so that should help matchking times hopefully.

    Is the game perfect ? Hell no. Will u have to play on NA servers ? Most likely. Is this one of the best games you will ever play? Undoubtedly

  • It still said "You own this game"

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