Quality alternative headtorch to BORUIT RECHARGEABLE CREE 13000

Dear Experts

I am doing night shift work and I have been using BORUIT RECHARGEABLE CREE 13000LM for about one and half years which is not a quality head torch bought it from ebay


The BORUIT has super bright light ,,,,,,Which alternative quality head torch with super bright light and using 18650 batteries would you recommend ??



  • Armytek C2 Elf is one of the very few that are USB rechargeable. It also comes out of the headstrap to put in your pocket. I love mine. The warm white colour is great on the eyes.

  • Can't say on good head torches but I can guarantee you that Chinese crap is nowhere even close to 13000 lumen. You'd be lucky to get 1500 lumens with that thing. They overinflate their numbers so much to make it look appealing when it's just trash.

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