At the busy Woolworths store opposite Sydney Town Hall, there are plenty of self-serve cash registers and no waiting. But one kilometre down the street, at Coles in World Square, customers are forced into a long winding maze full of chocolates and lollies. Even when it’s quieter, many self-serve registers are closed so you still have to wait. I thought the whole point of self-serve registers was to help people get out faster, but it seems that Coles uses them to slow people down so that they will buy chocolates and lollies. It must be a nightmare if you have kids. This long lab rat maze is degrading and disrespectful. It's also dangerous because people could be trapped there in a fire. When I ask why they aren’t opening the registers they just say, “Sorry sir, won’t be long,” or they open some registers without giving any answers. What’s going on? Has anybody complained about this?
Coles World Square Rat Maze

Last edited 05/11/2018 - 22:16
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Why do people stress themselves out over such trivial things
It's not trivial to Coles. They do it for a reason. And that reason doesn't seem to be about helping customers. BTW, I've noticed a lot of submissiveness in people since 9/11. People just tend to obey governments for security and businesses for convenience.
I can see your concerns but if you think people are more submissive since 911 then you really aren’t following world affairs. I think people have become more pugnacious and insular looking. There is a Coles Circle site you can sign up to where you can voice your concerns. I complained there about my local Coles in relation to the closed Self Service checkouts and they seem to keep a lot more of them open now. The feeder is to keep people orderly to feed to the self service checkouts and I’ve seen places where there can be a long queue.
Kmart does this as well. An endless z-march to the checkout, even when it isn't busy. Yes,it is trivial, but also kinda pointless.
shop at the woolworths?
Well, that might be a good personal solution for some people. But the larger issue is respect for people.
exactly why you shouldnt shop there.
Haha I remember the first time I saw that rat maze, it made me laugh, now that its my main coles, it gripes at me especially when theres not many people yet I still have to walk the whole thing. I think part of it though is it gets super packed, I've seen the whole maze full, all self serve check out full and line going back to near the fridge section (typically near after work hours).
I always imagine its like a IRL tower defense game, where I have to get through the whole maze without being hit by the $1 chocolates, and every time someone picks up a chocolate they die (and yes I've "died" multiple times lol).
I get around the chocolate by holding myself to a certain standard. I won’t go below Lindt and the don’t, usually, have them at the checkouts. However, it does mean I tend to buy the Lindt blocks when they are 1/2 price..
anyone who is dumb enough to buy lollies at a checkout deserves to lose their money. it does shit me having to walk through like that though. last few times i've just gone to the express checkouts with people in them.
Yeah. They're all so dumb and you're so smart.
I would be super annoyed at the long queues as well.
However, the more important question here is how many people does Coles employ to hold guns to people's heads and force them to buy chocolate and lollies? Last time I shopped in a Coles store, buying chocolate was still a decision I, and I alone could make.
Whatever happened to self control and self discipline?
Finally, if you don't like what Coles do, take your business elsewhere. That's my go to solution. If enough people vote with their feet, things will change quickly.
You can sometimes just unlatch the seatbelt herding poles an waltz through, but I agree it is very annoying at World Square, especially when there is no queue but you are forced to zig zag back and forward.
I am told that store has the highest sales in Australia, so they probably feel they can take some liberties.
Two words, French Shopping. Sad but true.
username does not checkout (pun intended)