Adobe Acrobat Substitute/Clone - Best Options?

In the past I've had the use of Adobe Acrobat Pro at work. I'd really like to be able to have similar functionality at home, but Adobe software is SO expensive. I was wondering if anyone here could advise me on a decent, cost-effective alternative? My needs are fairly limited, but probably still need to be at the Acrobat Pro level. In particular, I want to be able to scan docs to pdf, OCR them, have the pdf scans searchable, insert and extract pages from pdf docs, and compress pdfs to some degree when they're really big. Occasionally, I've created forms from existing docs. I'd love to be able to convert pdfs to .doc format, but I won't die in a ditch for that functionality!
So, that's pretty much my needs.
Any suggestions from people who know their stuff?


  • I've been using Foxit Phantom for years and really like it.

    The standard version is all you'll need and includes all the above you're after; including converting to MS word and excel (though the tabling is pretty average).

    The interface is a bit more oldschool so it may throw you off at first; but after a while I find it really intuitive.

    I've also heard about a few others; but these guys were the cheapest at the time I bought.

    edit: Also, i've never had any issues with licencing/activation, unlike another pdf editor I read about (can't remember the name but when you look up reviews you'll see them).
    I've bought probably 7 or 8 licences over the years for all the relevant workstations at my office.
    Also I wouldn't bother with the subscription service they offer. There's not that much difference between the versions and the one-off cost is better long term.

    • Great, helpful reply. Thanks.
      I'll have a look at their website and see what is included in the standard version, as you suggest.

  • +1

    I use the free version of PDF Xchange editor, the paid versions may be suitable for your needs.

    • Thanks. I've had a look at this link. Looks like a good price for the Pro version.

  • Small does a good job of PDF to doc conversion.

    • Deceptively powerful software….but I'm a traditionalist! I want the software on my PC not online! But, much appreciate the advice.

  • I had a need for Adobe Pro at work (state government) so requested it through the IT provider. IT person called and recommended Nitro Pro instead and stated it does everything adobe does but costs much less. There’s probably a special business deal at work, it costs my project $50 annually, not sure on pricing for individuals / private use. It’s good software in my opinion, does everything I need.

  • Another website that is also quite useful for conversions is

  • Thanks everyone for the advice. I bought PDF Xchange editor.
    I've had it for a week now and I am VERY happy. It can do everything I wanted, and it's easy to use.

    • Can it do export to Excel?

  • I use BlueBeam and it is fantastic. Quick to load, can measure drawings, can do markups, can manipulate PDF text, It’s really good for me.

  • Another vote for Bluebeam software. Can convert PDF to MS office documents.

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