I Always See SSD Deals but Never Any HDD Deals

Why is this the case? IS it because there are no HDD deals, shops sell them for the same price everywhere? Or coz Ozbargain just love SDD


  • +1

    You do get them (eg https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/403920 ) but they tend to be from overseas stores for high capacities, because local prices are still well over the top

    • Ah yea, I never see any 250/500gb ones. I can’t imagine the use of those massive capacity ones

      • +2

        I'd be very very surprised if SATA drives in 250GB capacity was still manufactured. It's very cheap to build drives over 1TB so it's not very smart to make something smaller.

        Don't buy refurbs either as there could be heaps of faults underneath and you'll have no warranty. Meanwhile newer drives have years on their warranty for failures.

      • it's like saying i don't see 32gb/64gb ssd anymore

  • Is this a good deal on a 500gb HDD? I know it’s a refurb, but I’m only storing games, like destiny 2( which I’m unsure if I will even play, but want to miss out as it’s free for now)


    • +1

      No. You can get a new WD blue 1tb for $55 give or take.



      • +1


        I found these two for $59 and can get 20% off.

        Is there’s any difference between them other than brand /warranty?
        Also, I assume these laptop HDDs are still compatible with a full size PC.(power cabling isn’t any different is it?)



        • +1

          Yes and no. Not familiar with Toshiba drives though I believe Seagate is a very similar quality to WD. The big difference between the drives is that the 2 you posted run at 5400rpm compared to the one I referenced, which runs at 7200rpm.

          Drives designed for laptops won't really be different bar the form factor, they just tend to be slower for the same price or more expensive for the same speed.


          *This is the original drive from their ebay site. Not sure if their site has free shipping or not. With PEARTREE this comes out $5~ more expensive than there site… annoying as hell.

          • +1

            @N1NJ4W4RR10R: Thanks for the advice, and it’s clear eBay price jacking. Though eBay site includes shipping their own site cost about 10 bucks for shipping so net circa $5 saving from eBay, but yea, all eBay listings are similar price for 1tb HDD

        • Yes they're still compatible but would be 5400rpm (slower) rather than 3.5" which are normally 7200rpm (faster).

    • +1

      save your loading time, buy ssd.

      • But I like being able to mentally prepare and also get a quick browse in between games.

        Honestly long loading times is a plus for me..I am not my young twitchy self anymore..the years have slowed me.

  • I think the SSD future is almost here now and given the prices I see on here I think HDD would only be useful for applications that use large amounts of data.

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