Cause all good rumours start on social media….but someone was saying that they got offered an iPad from Telstra for $20 a month. Doesn't seem to be advertised…anyone know if this is true ?
Is Telstra Doing a $20 Per Month iPad Deal Again ?

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I live chatted with them and they said no
But a friend actually got one (saw the proof)
They can do it when they want to - oh well.Out of curiosity and trying the replicate it. How did your friend get the the deal?
They did it in 2017. 2018 iPad was $30pm
Have just called and got a iPad with 2GB data for $19 per month. Thanks, will be dads xmas present
Which model and what number did u call?
Sorry I didn’t call I went through the chat. This was the deal, they gave me $10 off per month. So get the new iPad as well as 2GB data monthly.…Man this is what I want, I will try again hopefully I get someone different.
Yeah I am talking to live chat now trying to get the same thing with no luck. Do you have existing mobile plans with telstra?
Live chat is asking what consultant you used when I was referencing this deal so they can work out how to replicate it. Do you happen to remember or have a record of who you talked to on live chat?
Hi Peel, according to my emailed transcript I was speaking with Swati. This was on Sat at 9.15am
And I do have existing phones and foxtel with telstra
@1639kylie: Hello, does the 128gb version also have $10 off as well? Which means $24 per month? Thanks
After an hour on live chat I had no luck and I was told to call sales. I was on the phone to sales and they also had no luck but they said if I can get Swati's ID number it should found on the transcript starting with the letter D followed by 5 digits, sales can contact Swati and put the deal through that way if it is still available. Is there any chance you could find the ID number? I am sorry about asking so much!
Do you have SWATI's id number by any chance at all….?
yeah. tried live chat one time doesn't work (i have 2 mobile plans and broadband with them)
will try again later :)
as per usual, different live chat agent will give you different result.
may i know, which dept you chatted with?
See above - it was noted Swati.
"but someone was saying that they got offered an iPad from Telstra for $20 a month" from where did you find this?
been to Telstra today. And offered me 10GB DATA and pay $29/months. Just mainly store have this offer. Travelling in TAS Hobart now, will be back to Mel on Friday and check with CBD store.
from live chat today:
We have received an update from our higher management to cease giving $10 discount as of the moment as they are still formulating better plans to be offered for our customers.
anyone have any luck getting it ?
apparently only 24 hours sale…
not sure if it's correct.
I have tried to get this offer on Telstra Chat, and they have denied giving any such offer :(
Hmmm should I wait to see if an offer comes up or pull the plug now ? Need it for an Xmas present.
I need one too for a Xmas present. Best deal (lowest price per month Im not worried about data) I could find on a plan is $25.00 per month (24 month contract)
I got this deal as I was an existing customer.Ps. I'd check Telstra. $10 off and 5GB extra on their 5GB iPad plans :D :D :D
Got an email for iPad 9.7” 32GB $29 p/m plan with 10GB per month for 24 months. I asked Live Chat and they can do 128GB for $34 p/m. For those with existing Telstra post-paid services. Thinking about it.
It’s available for anyone. $34 pm for 10GB with128gb ipad
(Along with most other plans which have $10 off per month
Ring up Teltra and find out ?