I am about to buy a fridge that hasn't been used for 3 years, basically has being sitting in the box
Any reason for it to not function properly?
Buying an Unused 3 Years Old Fridge

It depends on on the nature of the transaction. Commercial, auction, private, etc.
Make sure it was always upright.
See my whirlpool reply.
Cheers mate
Ask whoevers selling it maybe to plug it in and leave it on a few hours?
Sounds a bit suss don't you think? Who buys a fridge and doesn't open it?
Are you getting a significant discount to make it worth taking the risk that if something goes wrong you have no means of return?
I bought a washing machine and didn't open it -bought it because it was supercheap, even though I had a fully functional machine - ozbargainitis. Sold it 18months later.
I'm using a fridge that sat in a garage for about 5 years. It's still going fine. Purchased and first used 2001, unused between 2007-2012.
Choice Magazine do reviews of Appliances and also list Major Problems/Recalls. Even if you don't subscribe, you Local Library
will have access.Also, do a search at: https://www.productsafety.gov.au/recalls
Try and get the Original Receipt for Purchase from the Seller for Insurance Purposes.
Only reason for it to not function properly if it has been sitting out in the rain weathering all sorts of elements or extremely dusty affecting the electrical components etc.
Otherwise should be good as new I don't think the coolant really expires when not used (sorry but I know this is probably what you are worried about).
I have no clue.
Any warranty?