• expired

[SOLD OUT!] 42" LCD Full HD TV - $479 at TVsOnline.com.au


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*********** The ad was placed less than 48 hours ago and we have already SOLD OUT from the TVs ************

Vivo 42" LCD Full HD TV + a FREE HDMI Cable from www.tvsonline.com.au

We're closing down and these are the last of our stock. We have been liquidating TVs for about a month now.

To get things going, we are throwing in a FREE HDMI cable with each purchase.

The TV includes the following:
- 2 HDMI ports
- USB port for video playback
- PC connection to use as (a very large) monitor

  • Built-in Digital Tuner
  • Swivel base to improved adjustment


More specs and information can be found on our website www.tvsonline.com.au

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly through our website or at [email protected]

We are accepting PayPal as our primary form of payment

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closed Comments

  • nice price

  • Hi nuzby,
    they're priced to sell what we have left

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

    Thank you

    • I would love to buy it but unfortunately dont have the cash :(. Would go perfect on my wall

    • What type of video formats can it play back, avi, mkv, mp4 etc?

      • +1

        Hi asa79,

        The USB Feature supports AVI, MPEG1/2/3/4 playback.

        More specs can be found on our website if you have any more specific questions. If you can't find what you are looking for, feel free to ask here again or via email on [email protected]

  • +1

    Vivo or not, $479 for a full HD LCD TV is truly a bargain.

  • Tough decision: This or that Aldi 42" going on sale on Thursday?

    • $38 shipping, ALDI it is!!!

      • oops

      • We got an ALDI TV, & didn't like it, so took it back! Got the sony bravia- so much better quality picture.

    • +1

      40" not 42"

  • wow that IS cheap :D

    • +1

      Hi mattgal.

      The warranty is provided directly by Vivo. Registration and further information about the warranty can be found directly through their website at www.vivotvs.com.au

      Thank you

  • I paid $699 for this TV about 6 months ago, it's decent for a low end LCD, if the volume is really high is makes a really bad noise, the speakers may even be blown on mine, good for casual TV watching, people who don't care about perfect quality and gaming etc.

    • Hi Redmo0n,

      Sorry to here about your experience. The TV is selling at Dick Smith for $550 + delivery so I suppose that would be the market price.
      As for the sound quality, it was purpose designed for regular family television viewing and would be suitable for this purpose.

      Thank you

    • +1

      yeah agreed. wouldn't expect audio to be good on these things. i personally don't use the tv speakers unless for real casual stuff. if i care bout perfect audio quality i'd be using proper speakers

    • Hi

      The review wasn't meant to be negative, I was just trying to point out a fault I had found in mine. The tv may have actually cost $599 (which sounds right) and overall its great and the other people in my house love it.

  • after comparison, ALDI is much better compare to this one :) ALDI with no question ask warranty plus all the specs such as aldi comes with PVR function, 3HDMI, and 5 star energy rating :) unfortunately, in my area, we have 3 ALDI store and all tv is sold out on the first day, so if you missed out aldi, i think this is considerable :)

    • +1

      Go to Aldi just before closing time on Wednesday night. They will usually have the sale stock out on the floor.

    • Hi andyken,

      Please take note the "PVR function" is through the USB feature and not actually built-in. None-the-less, it still is PVR.
      With this said, although there is no "expiry date" on our offer, we have already made sales through our website since posting this ad. As we are closing down, we will not be bringing more in.

      Thank you

  • -1

    I can't see anywhere on the link, the actual screen size. Please confirm this is actually a 42" and update the web site to mention this.

  • very tempting. I already have one which i got of dse a few months back. need a new tv

  • Just a note, this tv is 50hz, which may be a problem for some people (gamers etc)

  • Howdy all
    Andyken Aldi tv is on sale from this coming Thurs 24th March.
    as LionelRichie said goto Aldi on Wed night before closing time.
    good luck

  • best price for a 42" Full HD

  • Hi All,

    The TVs have sold out with about 1,700 different visitors coming past our website in under 48 hours.

    Looks like Aldi was the second choice TV for many. Good luck to all those holding out to grab a unit on Wed/Thur and sorry to all those who missed out!

    Thank you,
    TVs Online

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