I can't see fried pineapple on the KFC website. How am I supposed to fulfill this craving, am I blind and it's there somewhere or do I need to go somewhere else?
No Fried Pineapple on "KFC" Menu?

Last edited 30/10/2018 - 16:32 by 1 other user
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I remember chick treat or something having it, i must of got it somewhere as a kid . but chicken treat is gone in my area thanks to $10 coles/etc whole chickens
only got kfc,Mcdonalds,idkRed Rooster still has pineapple fritters. But not many places have Red Rooster anymore.
damn a bit far away, i thought the king of fried food would of had fried pinapple.. weird
You need to go somewhere else.
They're also getting rid of krushers
Seriously? Golden gaytime krushers are my life.
Golden gaytime krushers
This is an amazingly unfortunate name for a beverage (or anything really).
Back in uni days at the cafe I'd ask for a golden gaytime every week and they ALWAYS gave me a funny look. I just really loved them!
Yeah. I'm hooked on gaytime too :(
Your local fish and chip shops might be the best place to get pineapple fritters.
I've also seen bulk 1kg packs sold at Asian grocery stores and some seafood stores, maybe $25 or so. They're okay if you bake/fry them.
sweet I'm sure the local fish and chips is the right shop, thanks
Yep, ours has them there.
are you thinking of red rooster?
KFC had a limited time only burger.
If you don't mind without the batter, canned pineapple at your supermarket then cook it in a pan with some oil.
Did they used to sell it?