This was posted 6 years 4 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bundle $199 (Pre-Order), Uncharted Trilogy $22, Last of Us $22, Animal Crossing New Leaf $25 @ Big W

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New catalogue, new deals and these are the decent ones in my opinion.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate bundle includes game, pro controller and steelbook. IIRC, it’s $219.95 at EB and $219 at JB.

Before anyone asks, the Switch is $449.

Will update when I can.

EDIT: another pic I took before leaving for work -…

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closed Comments

  • +18

    I know it's a collectors edition or whatnot but $199 is still a fair bit more than the sum of its parts

    • My thoughts exactly.

    • +1

      And $250 even worse. Really needed a statue or something else included at that price.

    • +2

      I guess I could kind of justify it for $199; $100 for the controller, $79 for the game, $20 for the steelbook, but there’s no extra value in the bundle. The RRP is ridiculous.

    • +1

      Yeah terribly priced pack given the game is $69 currently at Amazon and pro controllers go for $100, or less on sale. Steel Books are generally alongside other content or items and wouldn’t have such an explicit dollar value associated with them.

      Really think the pack should have come in at closer to $180 tops, and I’d probably argue $150 at places like Amazon makes more sense given the cost of the game on its own and what discounted controllers go for.

      Not for me anyway…don’t really like the way they did the logo on this controller.

    • Collectors' editions are always bad ideas.

  • +4

    If there's anyone that still hasn't played The Last of Us, please do yourself a favour :)

    • Ive just played the base game on ps3 and loved it. Do you think I need to play Left Behind?

      • Not really, I didn't love LB. Multiplayer was great though.

  • +1
  • I'm still waiting on a good PS4 Pro deal (having missed the Amazon one). I'm yet to play Uncharted 3 on my PS3, but at this price, I'd be better off buying the collection for PS4 and playing it on that when I get it.

  • Is Diablo 3 for Switch in the catalog? Hoping they release at $59.

    • Diablo 3 Eternal Collection is $79

  • +2

    I love playing my Switch, but the prices for games are just stupid. I only use it to play console specific games like Splatoon 2.

    I really don’t know how Nintendo survives. They get game releases weeks or months after other consoles and at anywhere between $20 ~ $40 over what the same game sells on Xbox or PS.

    • +6

      I really don’t know how Nintendo survives.

      First party titles (Zelda, Mario, DK, to a lesser extent Metroid, Yoshi, etc and for this generation, there will be Pokemon) and nostalgia.
      I usually buy the new nintendo console around the time the new Mario Kart comes out for it.

      Most people aren't interested in third party titles on Nintendo consoles (Other than Lego games, they haven't really been a thing since the Gamecube over a decade ago).

      • +2

        I own a PS4 Pro, an Xbox One X, and a Switch.

        If anything comes out in which good graphics are a must, I'll buy it on Xbox (better 4K, ergonomic controllers), or PS4 if it's a PlayStation exclusive or PSVR title.

        But if graphics aren't the main focus, I'll often buy it on Switch because I can take it with me anywhere. No more wasted time in planes and trains, I can play Skyrim / LA Noire / Sonic Mania wherever I am.

        I probably do more than 50% of my gaming on Switch these days because I can usually only get 3-4 hours in front of the TV each week.

        To be honest I wish they'd bring out some slightly older 3rd party games on the Switch that I can't justify the time playing in the loungeroom (some of the Assassin's Creeds, GTA5, Fallout 4, etc).

        • +1

          I probably do more than 50% of my gaming on Switch these days because I can usually only get 3-4 hours in front of the TV each week.

          Exactly the same here.
          This portability thing is recent though (other than the 3ds,which was basically only good for exclusive games)

          The last 3 generations providing excellent, exclusive first party titles is one of the main reasons Nintendo is still in business*

          And I'd also love some generation 7 third party games to be ported :)

          The console is capable of ruining up to 5th gen games via emulation of you hack it btw ;)

          The original wii also had mainstream/casual appeal with wii fit, etc.

          • @idonotknowwhy: No need to hack - I also have the last 3 generations of console! :-)

            Nintendo is on a winner with their approach to portability. Looks like Sony & MS are going to invest in streaming games (so you play Xbox games on your phone, streaming from a beefy datacentre) which sounds great until you realise it's going to be hard to use on an underground train (where my data usually drops from 4G to 3G), and impossible to use on an aeroplane. (Or submarine, I guess)…

      • For a different perspective, the last nintendo system I bought was a nintendo DS. No nostalgia here. I bought a Nintendo switch purely for a great portable gaming experience on the go plain and simple.

        I've picked up a lot of the big first party titles, indies (hollow knight, steamworld dig 2,stardew, bastion, and darkest dungeon) and pick up good quality third party games that work well on the go when they drop in price down the track.

  • Was there a price for Diablo 3?

    • Left the catalogue at home, so I can’t double-check. I believe it’s $69.

    • Best so far is Amazon for $62. Keep a tab on

      • $55 pre order at gamesman in Sydney.

  • There’s also two new Fortnite bundles:

    • Xbox One S 1TB with Eon skin + 3000 V Bucks + pick axe + glider for $339
    • PS4 controller + Royale Bomber skin for $89
  • +2

    I don’t understand why they take so long to put catalogue online - sale starts in under 2 days - not all of us have junk mail delivered #firstworldproblems

  • Seriously good deal. So slightly unsure of how Amazon Aus works, but when these types of price changes go live, will Amazon drop their price to fall into line with them?

  • Amazon prices at the moment, and don't forget 10% cashback, but Big W would also have 5% off Wish cards. Release day delivery with Amazon probs wouldn't be free though.

    Diablo III - $62
    Pokemon Let's Go bundle - $118

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