Mac book pro wouldn’t recognise any of my locations or anything on WiFi
Phones for help technician said do this n that whilst on phone nothing
Went to a colleague :-
2 hours later my Mac Book Pro was no more I ended up with a red pink screen nothing working at all .
He said it’s finished!!!
Went to Apple Sydney same thing buy a new one!
But I had a working computer that Apple messed up
How can I get my files photos off and what to use
So storage will work on any PC or MAC
Please .
They in Sydney put photos on a loaned brand new WD drive BUT
The system they used My son cannot open them as very new his is a Mac also but 2013 they will not open .
I’m rather concerned as 7-8 years of travelling OZ and islands I want these photos :- to be safe that I can open again when I get another laptop .
Pennies are tight as a pensioner now
Macbook Pro 2013 Went to Apple and No Longer Working

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Went right over your head, didn't it, Ensa?
Haha I get it now, yeah the OP was hard to read lol!
a had a working computer that Apple messed up
Actually it sounds like you messed it up, because this happened before you took it into Apple right? Hard for them to mess it up over the phone.
What file format are your photos and videos in?
Hard for them to mess it up over the phone.
Hard for them to even comprehend OP over the phone.
Edit: meant to reply to HighAndDry above
Download a free version of Paragon NTFS for Mac on your son's PC and see if it will mount the hard drive.
Why don't people do regular backups? Some people deserve to lose their files. Who would you blame if it was stolen or your house burnt down?
The person who stole it or burnt it down.
Maybe the fire brigade if they did not respond in a timely manner.
Ok you blame them. Then what? They go back in time and make back ups then?
Yes please. Two copies thank you.
It's a MacBook. I'm wondering if they aren't already backed up via Apple's own ecosystem and OP just don't know about it.
There are definitely iCloud backups, but unless OP has turned it on and purchased a higher storage plan in the process (5GB is free, but more costs $) then they’re out of luck. Based on the information at hand, I highly doubt the OP has done this, so the only hope is a family member having done it for them.
You’re getting confused between iPhones and MacBooks.
iPhones will automatically backup to iCloud. MacBooks will not do this…
The system they used My son cannot open them as very new his is a Mac also but 2013 they will not open .
@Randxyz123: Ah. Yeah I'm obviously not much of an Apple user. And yeah I also had that reaction. I wonder if the son's just saying that so they don't have to help their mum categorize and manage 7 years' worth of photos and videos…. (I might just be too cynical…)
Should have set up a poll to determine how the computer broke:
1) Because OP didn’t understand what phone tech was saying and did the wrong thing
2) Because phone tech didn’t understand what OP was saying, so gave inappropriate advice
3) Because OP tinkered where OP should not have tinkered just because4) Because OP
Went to a colleague :-
2 hours later my Mac Book Pro was no more I ended up with a red pink screen nothing working at all .I gave the colleague the benefit of the doubt, considering nothing is detailed about what the colleague did, and the OP is blaming Apple's (read: their own) actions.
OP didn't actually go to a colleague, I assume the tech support person she was on the phone with spoke to a colleague or passed OP to a colleague.
OP doesn't actually describe, at all, what they did to the Mac. It's infuriating.
Take the drive out and it should be recoverable. It sounds like you have a hardware failure not linked to the drive (pink screen suggests GPU, possibly).
Apple will almost always tell you this if the machine is a few years old. Take it to a third party repair, note - not AASP.
My oh my this is tough to read
OP breaks his own macbook -> blames apple. Go figure
The tech guy on phone had me turn on my mobile to see a screen shot of exactly what I was doing :- so no mistakes !.
In the 2 hours
Basically Apple said it the mother board need a new one and they do not make them any more as machine is too old .
Over 5 years old.
My son has managed to transfer my files and photos at work !
Nothing to do with not wanting to help Mum.
Now I’ll find a way to get everything off of my IPhone 6 as obviously no laptop to store stuff on .
I phone 6’s Apple deliberately mucked up with an update .
Italy took them to court and Won
So Apple have to supply a new upgraded battery for iPhone 6 either free of charge if Uber 3 years old or $29
.… $39? see here :
I took my son's iPhone 6S in for battery replacement recently as he couldn't get to a store during working hours.
People so quick to blame op with clearly no knowledge of computers. It's pretty damn hard to cause a motherboard to die whilst tinkering in osx
Most likely the board was on its way out and that's just it. Might seem like apple (profanity) it but it's highly unlikely, likewise it's pretty unlikely you or your colleague did eithrr. Sadly its the usual amount of time for that model, in fact it's done well. Sorry OP.
"Macbook Pro 2013" says it all
This computer is already 5 years old and way out of date.
I mean we are talking something of the same generation as an iphone 5s built to run on iOS 7 or a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 4.2 Jelly bean and how many of them have gone wrong or are dead and buried or crushed by operating system updates????
Computers dont last for ever. Just like iphones dont.
I'd suggest that 5 years is a good run and OP should be thankful…especially for a computer used (more like abused) by a kid!
Maybe rather not concerned can I be however
Twenty experience years possibly
Computer mac good no PC done right 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42