This was posted 6 years 4 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

6 x YouFoodz Meals for $33.80 Delivered

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Meals are all currently on special for $8.95, plus BLOCK20 code is working again, taking $19.90 off the total price.

I'm an existing customer and ordered 6 meals delivered for $33.80

Referral Links

$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Best timing! I was searching for older YouFood deals because I need to get some and then I get a notification for this deal while I was looking. Thanks OP!

    • same with me. great post on time

  • +4

    Not working for me saying I already used the code

    • Same here

    • Like mentioned on prior threads, just put a full stop somewhere in your email address and it'll work, treats u like a new customer

      • +1

        Doesn't this only work for gmail addresses and not others? Can someone confirm their non gmail worked…

        • Google's mail server ignores decimals (and anything after a + ) in email addresses. This was a design decision by Google when they made Gmail. There's no guarantee that any other mail server will do this, since technically they're different addresses once you add a '.'. Test it by sending an email to that address.

  • The BLOCK20 discount code has already been used :(

  • We need a new code guys 😂😂

  • Code worked for me. Thanks.

  • Worked for me thanks OP!

  • Good timing! thanks, worked for me.

  • +1

    $20 delivery in Perth :(

    • +18

      There’s always one.

      • +4

        It was a statement of my frustrations. Perth peeps might not know (I didn't)

        • +5

          I know, I can understand, it’s just every time a youfoodz deal is posted someone says exactly what you did ha.

    • +4

      Absolute joke. It's cheaper delivery to Darwin or any rural area in the country FFS!

      • +4

        Most isolated major city in the world. How are you guys surprised every time?

        • +1

          Because other places offer either cheap or free delivery.

          • +1

            @Evolionq: Those other postage costs would be subsidised by everyone else's. It's 2,700km from Adelaide, which is hardly a megacity either. Not that I'm hating on Adelaide, since I live there.

          • @Evolionq: This is fresh and has ~7-9 days expiry, so they have to fly it, while they put it in a truck for everywhere else. By the time it got to Perth on a truck there'd only be a couple of days left before it expired.

            Non-perishables can be shipped or trucked to Perth.

    • +1

      300k house prices vs 1.3 mil you win :)

    • You used to be able to buy these in many of the Perth IGA's (not sure if you still can).

  • Worked for me

  • Thanks OP

    • +10

      In your opinion, they taste like garbage. In my opinion, for the price and what they are, they’re pretty good. Not all of them, but most.

      • +13

        Have ordered 11 times from them.


        • Taste 8/10
        • Delivery, convenience and communication via notifications 10/10
        • Sizing 6/10
        • Variety 8/10
        • Healthy/Fresh 9/10

        Depends on which of these you value most, but for me and wife, they've been a great option and timesaver.

        Protip: These can also be halved servings for kids. 1 meal can be /2 for my 4yo and 7yo. The wraps are a favourite, as well as the Schnity w' chips.

        • +2

          I 100% agree with your ratings. I might put in another order with some wraps and the Schnity with chips as per your recommendation. Thanks rawm

        • +1

          Agree with all ratings except 'Healthy' rating. Some of the meals have more than 3 times the recommended daily intake of sodium. Sugar levels on some are also very high. They do however, have a couple meals that are low in sodium and sugar and taste good.

    • +5

      In my opinion they taste great. There's enough variety to keep you going without having the same thing over and over. I've had Lite n Easy before and YouFoodz is so much more tasty.

    • It's good enough to have once in a while. For me every few months. At under $6 per meal I save $45, which gives me a a bit of money to ingulge on an impulsive buy. But agree, this can't replace normal meals.

    • Completely disagree, never been disappointed with a meal from YouFoodz. Always delicious.

    • 150 other grumps agree with you. 6000 don't though.

    • +2

      You could always buy a truckload and sell them on for a profit

      • +1

        Broden would never stoop so low.

    • +1

      Classic Broden :-P

      Also….try Lite'n'easy then tell me how crap Youfoodz is :-)

  • Thanks!
    I guess this is my time to try them out, Works out to be $5.6 a meal. :)

  • +1

    I have had them too much. No more for me.

  • How long will they be on special for?

    • Click the link to their page and it will tell you.

  • Worked for me. Got 5 meals and a straya beef pie ( had the pie before and its not bad) for $29.80. Thanks OP!

  • Worked for me too, thanks OP!

  • Worked. Thanks

  • Just to add to this.

    The Muscle Gainer 7 day All Meals+Snacks plan does not add to your cart. All other plans seem to work fine.

  • Worked for me, Thanks heaps OP!

  • Code worked fine, keen to give these a try!

  • I just made an order from freshmeals2u, which is quite a bit more expensive than youfoodz ($10 and no significant discounts) but I've been getting sick of eating healthy chicken hot pot every day. Anyone know of any other companies to try?

    • most of their meals look to be on the higher calorie side comparatively. I'd say more suited for people who aren't losing weight and just need the convenience. Also need $100 to qualify for free shipping. Seems they have a sustainable business model though. Youfoodz offers still seem to be in the 'growth phase' of the business, I can't imagine they're making much money shipping us just 6 meals for like $34 :o

    • My Muscle Chef

  • Worked fine for me, thanks OP. Appreciate it.

  • Is youfoodz good? I have never ordered prepackaged meals before.

    • Is it me only or what? It's too small for even a lunch for male adult. If we try, we can have it as lunch and hold up til 5pm maybe. Definitely not for a hunger or sportive man

      • Depends, I survive a day on just 2 of them (lunch and dinner) + a snack. But can see if you're athletic etc even 3 a day would be too little. Realistically if you're not aiming for weight loss, even 3 of them is only going to be only 70% of your daily calories at most.

        The more energy dense options have smaller portions, so I find it depends on the meal as to how filling it is. Like, I can't imagine ordering the pizza one because it's surely got to be the worst value calories out there. Things like the roast pork are fairly filling given the veggies.

        (If you are aiming for weight loss and not very active 2-3 a day + snacks is easily enough).

        • Apparently prior to the 1970's food processor's marketing people hadn't invented the concept of snacking and it was very uncommon for people to eat between the 3 meals they ate per day.

          Doctor's often recommended lying down to lose weight for the relatively few overweight people since this way they ate less.

          • @Diji1: They also recommended smoking. But hey Ho.

    • +1

      They are super tasty, If you have a light snack in between and dessert after dinner. You wont be starving

    • Very small but very tasty. Consider them a snack. Unless you're very time poor and earn a high hourly rate, though, I could only suggest these at or below $5 a meal. The average male needs a bit over 2000 calories a day to avoid losing weight, which is about 6 YF meals.

      • Anywhere between 3.5 and 11, depending on the meal (there's quite the range).

        Their competitors offer 1200, 1500 and 1800 KJ meal plans, including snacks. So YF is still at the upper end of the weight loss market in terms of KJ for many of their meals (ie, some have too many calories for weight loss to be a realistic expectation, even if you just have 3 of them and nothing else!).

        • +1

          Are there many competitors who cater to the large market of people seeking to gain weight?

          • @Shiny Mew: Uber Eats.

  • Didn't work for me, had to start a new account instead.

  • +1

    To those who says they taste like garbage and expensive, these tastebway better than the ones in supermarkets and have larger portions.

  • Thanks OP. Lunch sorted

  • +1

    BLOCK2 also works (new account/email?) so I did 2 lots of 6 meals.

  • +2

    If you checkout as Guest you should be able to use the code as many times as you like.

    • Doesn't work for me. It seems to take note of the email address you use so have to use a new email each time.

      • +1

        Just put a . somewhere in the first part of your email address.

  • +5

    For anyone getting the "BLOCK20 has already been used."
    Put a full stop somewhere in your email and it should work, at least it worked for me
    Someone mentioned this in a prior Youfoodz post
    And you get the confirmation email to your actual email if that makes sense

    • Your e a gentleman and a scholar

    • Tried this email method.
      Order got charged but still haven't received a confirmation.

      • Full stops are ignored by gmail, so this should work for gmail addresses. Probably won’t for any other email service providers.

        • That info about just gmail would have come in handy prior .
          I was using hotmail.
          Anyway , it shouldn’t matter right ? As long as they deliver it ?

          • @y_owez: Guess it doesn’t matter lol. You’ll probably get the sms notifications if you need them anyway.

            • +1

              @mrjeeves: Yea.
              They sent sms , so that’s good.
              Guess don’t really need the email

    • Thanks! this worked for me.. I added a full stop to the beginning of my gmail address and I still got the confirmation to my actual email address.

  • +2

    I've tried them a few times and recommend them to my friends at this price.

    Quite a lot of variety and all the meals I've tried tasted really good and pretty fresh. Quite a decent step up from Supermarket microwave meals. Only minor nitpick is the portion sizes on some of their meals but nothing to complain about when you think about the price. Can be small for a guy but it's great for people trying lose weight or women in general.

  • +1

    These guys aren't sending me any free gifts. Just got my 7 for $47 pack with nothing extra. What's the deal with that? I liked my extras.

    • I got that deal and got a knife and fork, a protein shaker and a plate. It was my first order though.

    • There's usually a 'first order' gift. But otherwise this week was nothing.

  • +1

    Thanks, first time to try :)

  • Works thanks OP.

  • -3

    Lamb Shanks

  • Thanks OP. At under 6 bucks a meal, ill buy again

  • First time trying this and it worked as a guest. Hope they're as good as many people say they're. Thanks, OP.

  • Any particular meals people would recommend?

    • +1

      Satay chicken as well as the honey mustard chicken. Those 2 are definitely in my top choices

    • +1

      As a first time buyer from Youzfoodz, I went for six different meals (based on my regular likes) and will use that as a base for the meals I'll order in the future when similar deals are posted.

    • +1

      Spaghetti Bol!

    • +1

      Spag bog and the lasagne are pretty good. So is the honey mustard and the roast beef. I’d say the rest are pretty decent but not as good.

    • +1

      Mac daddy! Delish beef with a side of cheesy sauce macaroni and brocolli.

    • Thank you all.

    • +1

      Chargrilled lemon pepper chicken

  • Thanks op. Grabbed six and this is not going to be any better for anyone who is preparing their finals

  • +2

    best timing. was about to order, then went to check on ozbargain and found this

  • +3

    Thanks OP - block20 didn't work for me, had to use block2 instead.

  • My six from last time honestly weren't that much better than common frozen meals, especially for the RRP of $10 each. Plus the hassle of having to fumble with a huge styrofoam box and then even more difficult, figuring out what to do with it afterwards. Glad some people find it worthwhile though!

    • +4

      1) Don't purchase at RRP
      2) You find it difficult to open a styrofoam box?
      3) You put it aside in your home until your next delivery.

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