How long should appliances last:…
A $10 hair dryer from KMart you would expect 2 years, but how long should a $500 Dyson last? Lifetime replacement.
How long should appliances last:…
A $10 hair dryer from KMart you would expect 2 years, but how long should a $500 Dyson last? Lifetime replacement.
A $10 hair dryer from KMart you would expect 2 years,
I'd expect it to last 2 weeks
but how long should a $500 Dyson last? Lifetime replacement.
Why would it have a lifetime replacement? I'd say 3-4 years for that sort of appliance
Are you nuts?
You would buy a Dyson every three years and think that is fine?
You would buy a Dyson every three years and think that is fine?
That's not what they said, and I would accept if one lasted that long, but I would expect it's lifespan to be 5+ years.
So your expectation is for 5+ years, but you would accept the possibility of disappointment.
@mskeggs: It depends on the product and what was originally paid for it, but as long as the manufacturer honours a repair/replacement within the warranty period, I'd be happy.
It's interesting how people have been programmed to think it's ok to replace anything every couple of years.
sure if it's an upgrade…but if it's a side grade or outright replacement because the original equipment failed…..uut of coures I guess that depends on how much you value the equipment to be…
So what, you don't replace your computer every two years so that you're on top of the technology bar? Yeah I suppose fair enough, don't fix if it ain't broke….
Next step is to have marketing convince you owning is for suckers, and you're better off renting.
"Why spend $200 on a vacuum that you have to replace every 3 years? That's $200 a year, just to keep your home clean! Switch to easy rentals, and you can a brand new, top of the line vacuum cleaner for just $99 a year! With a free upgrade to the newest and the best every 2 years! Its so easy!"
Once they've made the idea of owning things outright seem antiquated, just like the idea of repairing low value items is today, they'll have enough market share to be able to dictate terms and prices. Right now its just the desperate and gullible that rent appliances, but its only a matter of time.
Ive had cheap hairdryers lasting for over 10 years
Its just a matter of cleaning the intake filter at the back regularly to prevent motor fatigue and overheating
Some things are more expensive because of the extra features it has, having those features doesn't mean the product will/should last any longer than a regular product.
Only time I had a quality hair dryer fail is because the vents were blocked.
I think people are just getting more negligent - everyone expects maintanence free and complains when something breaks.
Choice wrote an interesting article on this and has given guidance on how long an appliance should last…
If people would stop buying these $10 hair dryers then maybe manufacturers would put more effort into producing a higher quality product.
so should we demand refunds during the expected lifetime? Microsoft wouldn't do anything after two years for my phone, but that link suggests three years for just a budget phone.
Did you mention ACL?
yeah I did. their exact words were maybe if it was a $1,500 iPhone, but for my phone 2 years is apprantly more than they had to provide.
Windows phone is ded. Get a new phone
I agree that Price does not determine the life of the appliance. In the past 4 years I had tried a $ 12 Bunnings Fan, $ 65 Omega Altise Fan & $ 100 Tower fan. Every one of these fans died out in approx. 14-16 months. My experience was that every Fan would die out after winter/Spring. Maybe the unuse during period of cold weather meant the parts were not ready to get back to work in Spring/summers.
I now just go for the product with the longest manufacturer warranty or the cheapest product which I do not mind throwing away every few months/years. I now have a $ 20 fan which I continued to exercise during the winters, So far its seems warmed up for the spring summer.
you are pretty much right about leaving them unused, we run our AC briefly every week.
The cost of the appliance in no way reflects the lifetime.
Especially when it comes to hairdryers which require regular cleaning regardless of the brand.
Its just that Dyson probably spell out exactly what youu must do to keep it working proprly without overheat or more like the purchaser takes more notice because they paid do much.
Cost should most certainly indicated a longer life. Dyson just make a lot more profit than other manufacturers. Basically they are charging a higher price for essentially the same thing.
Thats like saying a Ferrari should last at least 2 life times compared to a basic peasant car.
Going by that logic it should… should last at least two owners of the car….so at least 200 years…..assuming owner lives are 100 years apart before they vanish…
If you paid one million dollars for a car, would you like to pay another one million dollar the next day for a new car coz the car does not work? Sure if you got money to burn….I sure as hell don't have any money at all to burn… I have to be conservative…..and resourceful….
If you paid one million dollars for a car, would you like to pay another one million dollar the next day for a new car coz the car does not work?
I would say read your contract. I believe the standard warranty for a car is 5 years.
You paid a million dollars for the car not because you thought/expect it to last 200 years. But you bought it because of the status, lux features, the powerful engine, the beautiful cosmetics and gadgets not found in basic cars.
@Ughhh: Ok, 5 years; would you be willing to fork out a million dollars every 5 years then?
You paid a million dollars for the car not because you thought/expect it to last 200 years. But you bought it because of the status, lux features, the powerful engine, the beautiful cosmetics and gadgets not found in basic cars.
Actually half and half for me personally, the other half being me expecting the car to at least last my lifetime without issues….considering the fact I spent a million dollars on it……could buy a nice house that would last my lifetime instead if I wanted to, but no I want to have an enjoyable car that doesn't die out of on me for anything….
I heard it from a guy who says the bigger the engine the longer the lasting of the car……so if I bought a V12 car, that would last long than say a V8 car, which in turn would last longer yet over a car with a four cylinders, of the same price if there are any akin to this analogy…..
So if that's the case…naturally a monster truck would last the longest….since they usually run V16 or W16 engines minimum…..sure be cool to drive one around the streets…hahahahahaha……
@Zachary: I personally feel like a million dollar car should last until year 10000 and be compatible with flying technology in the future. A high end camry should last until year 4000. I heard that's what people feel too.
ROFL lmao lol hahaha hehehehe
@Zachary: "could buy a nice house that would last my lifetime instead if I wanted to"
Why would you buy a house instead of a car? If you did, it would be funny to see you in the next lane to me in your car.
on a more serious note, the price cannot dictate the time else all experiences would be priced close to zero. how much would you pay to watch a 90 minutes movie v/s 3 minutes skydiving or a 45 secs bungee jump.
Would you also scale the price based on the time here?
My Miele vacuum is 7 years old and is still going well. When it does crap out (not for another 7 years, I hope!), I will be buying another Miele.
I hate that cheap crap that's designed to fail after a year and reward those manufacturers that make good long-lasting products by staying loyal to those brands even if I have to pay a premium for it.
I have a 4 year old Asus laptop bought for $800 from MSY. Won't power on, not sure if cable, internal PSU, or mobo issue. Model F552.
Reckon I should go argue the toss?
can't hurt
Ive had cheap hair dryers here for years and years.
If you regularly clean the filter at the back and so prevent over-heating, any hair dryer will last a long time!
Its like any appliance - keep it clean and well maintained and it will last much longer
Dyson are the new Apple, expect to replace often. Mine last just past the 2 year warranty.