What Do You Say to The Delivery Person?

Was wondering this as I usually just say thanks and then after they say have a nice night or day I say you too cheers thanks

Is this normal or what do you normally say

Also who here sometimes tips or gives something random to the delivery people..

I know in America it is unusual but some Aussies are influenced by U.S. customs so was curious.

I personally never haven't ok maybe once or twice out of curiosity.. does that make me cold and soulless.


  • +25

    "Thanks, have a nice day" is about as much as you need to think about this. Move on.

    • So do i say it back too or just awkward silence..I prefer not wasting any more energy after receiving the food and just concentrate on the food and relaxing part but I am confused.. wondering if I should say cheers thanks or thanks or you too still or silence.

      • +14

        Not sure why you are overthinking this. It generally doesn't hurt to be polite.

        • I am just in an analysis paralysis state atm and am looking for an answer.. kind of like getting a song stuck in your head and just need to find out.. Also I order a lot of food so would be nice to know the best protocols instead of just silently closing the door on their face immediately after receiving.. I am just curious.

      • +1

        "So do I say it back too or just awkward silence."

        You have kicked an absolute goal with this opener. Do I have to ask, WTF do you think the answer to this could be?

        • Not having the best day or night I know I gunk I should just leave this place forever but the bargains are pretty good from time to time.

      • +1

        Maybe delivery isn’t for you

  • Hi… Thank you, Have a G'day

  • +4

    Last week, the delivery guy was struggling up the hill and my big tv on his trolley was acting like a flag in the wind all the way up.

    We had a laugh and everything. Anyway, real cheerful dude.

    When he was ready to leave, I have him a $50 tip. It's not normal to give a tip like that, but… who cares.

    • Did you think to help them while they are struggling?

      • +9

        He couldn't the weight of his cashed up wallet was holding him back

      • +1

        Believe me.. I wish I could. It's a 50 metre uphill walk from the road to the entry of the apartment. He was going left and right on a two wheeled trolley and there was nowhere for me to grab to really be able to help him. I could only walk backwards at the front and be ready to catch it if it fell to one side.

        There's also the liability issue too where if I tried to help and the tv fell over, I might've been screwed.

        I think it might've been easier if he had a 4 wheeled trolley.

  • +1

    You really don’t know what to say ? lol

    • +1

      Nah I do i think I just had an anxiety attack episode brain went blank last night.. I usually do get this once or twice a month.. It sucks it feels like I am a totally different person then the next day or few days later I review it and go wtf and think how stupid I was.. I just use ozbargain like a personal diary sometimes I know which is bad and the mods sometimes hate it but it's my only real place to vent or use as an outlet. I used to have a blog for this but that feels outdated now but I might look into it again if I leak too much into "public" cyberspace.. blogs can kind of feel isolated which can kind of be bad at least here I feel like I have some kind of social "human" connection.. weird I know but it's my life.. trying to escape it everyday and hope to never look back.

      • +3

        Have you thought about having a chat to a doctor? They might be able to refer you to someone who can help you out.

        • Tried it.. might try again in future with another doctor and referral but Tbh I don't think it will help do much for me more like a small quick distraction or detour or band aid really for me.

          • +1

            @AlienC: Write it out in a note pad mate. The act of writing it will help your brain deal with it.

            Next, change your perspective.

            3rd spend some time with children, me neices nd nephews always cheer me up :)

          • +3

            @AlienC: Unless you admit you need help, you're never going to get better …

          • +1

            @AlienC: It sounds like you're stuck in a tough spot. In that case, it doesn't hurt to ask for help. Anxiety is a real problem which warrants a real solution.

            I definitely think you should see a GP. They can refer you to a psychologist for some bulk billed sessions. That's a bargain for your health!

  • +6

    I usually hit them with NPC dialogue from the elder scrolls series.

    "Have you heard of the high elves?"

    "I work for belethor at the general goods store"

    "I could kill that guar, these boots are ruined"


    • Oh man I should try that next time.. if it looks bad I'll just play it off as if I am drunk on 75 cents soft drinks.

  • Buy less and you won't have to worry about this question. :)

  • +2

    Just say hurry up & get out

    • Don't forget your clothes on the way out.

  • +1

    Pretend you were the delivery person… What would you want the other persons response to be when they say 'goodbye, have a good night'

    Would it be
    a) something simple like thanks..
    b) a weird silence followed by you closing the door in their face…

    Not sure how you get through daily life if this is something you're racking your brain over though…

  • +9

    “Omg, I’m sorry, I’ll put a towel on…” is what I usually say… :D

    Be polite and genuine. I am a delivery driver, albeit for larger items, and I can tell you, the places that I go where I’m greeted with a smile and a friendly gesture makes me more willing to help unload and do it in a timely manner. The places that treat me like I’m a burden to them, well, their shit gets put to the back, delivered last, made hard to get to with the forklift. I’ll park in an awkward spot, take forever to fill out paperwork…

    My parcel post man and I, at home, are on great relations. He will wait a little longer than other houses, writes me notes and hides my parcels if I’m not home. I’m always happy when I see him and thank him for doing his job and he knows that on hot days, I always have cold water bottle or drink in the fridge for him. It’s a small gesture that goes well beyond what I need to do, but they are humans with a really demanding job.

    I’m the same with my mail man on the bike. Always a wave and a joke with him. If he sees me in the garage working on the bike, he will ride up and hand me my mail. I’ve seen other people out working on their cars or lawns, and the postie will just put their mail in the letter box and keep riding.

    There is good customer service, but a lot of the time, people forget about being a good customer. If you want to be treated like a king/queen, the service has to go both ways.

    Something that can make the difference is just ask them their name, and when you say thanks, use it. Next time they drop something off, greet them with it. You’ll be amazed at how friendly people become if you greet them by name. “Hey, Frank. Good to see you.”

    Pick throw away questions that require throw away answers. They are busy people, so they aren’t doing to diatribe you to death with conversation. “Busy today?” Or “what about this weather?” Are great throw always.

    • I’ll park in an awkward spot, take forever to fill out paperwork…

      So you waste your time, out of some petty gripe you have about a customer that didn't smile at you.
      All delivery drivers round here are either paid per delivery kind of basis, and/or have management right onto them regarding efficiency targets etc. What company lets you waste time in such a way, and still happy to pay you hourly rate, or do you get paid for delivery, so you just ensure you make less $$ essentially ? Lol.

      • So you waste your time

        Nope. I’m on by the hour. I got alllll day.

        out of some petty gripe

        Treat me like crap, goes around, comes around. Customer service goes both ways. Don’t care about smiles, but being polite and professional goes a long way.

        What company yadda yadda

        I have a set amount of deliveries and 8 hours to do them in. Sure, I’m on a “time budget”, but what I make up in some deliveries, I can waste on others. And I’m talking about making the job hard for arseholes, all I say to my boss is, “oh, the guy at XYZ Engineering, he took ages to unload and wasted my time”

        And it’s not all just about wasting anyone’s time. As I said above, it’s about making dealing with me a pain in the arse if they are the original pain in the arse. It’s little things I do that I know annoy the shit out of them, all because they are gruff, rude, arrogant arseholes. It’s not about smiles, it’s about being polite, helpful and courteous.

        And from the sounds of your reply, I know what kind of goods receivables store person you would be. ;)

        An old saying for you;

        if one delivery driver is an arseole to you, he’s the arsehole.
        if all the delivery drivers are arseholes… maybe you’re the arsehole…

  • Driver: Hello
    Customer: Hello
    Driver: Here is your order
    Customer: Thank you
    Driver: No problem
    Customer: Have a good day
    Driver: You too
    Customer: shuts the door

    Life continues

    • Sweet thanks that is how it went just reverse the have a nice day and you too.. I know sorry guys for something stupid like this.. my brain just really went afk and shut down yesterday after and on this social interaction.. I don't know why but it just for some reason threw a curve ball at me.

      Awesome break down though TheBilly


      • If I may ask, what are your hobbies? And do you live by yourself?

        • Kind of, I am very distant with my housemate.. we are both gamers just so we don't have to socialise but honestly I just like drifting through the ocean of the internet which includes mainly youtube, ozb, reddit, whirlpool, lifehacker, gizmodo, sometimes steam but honestly trying to give up gaming.. i only collect cheap cheap deals as a hobby now so am a full time part time collector of games?

          Honestly I sleep all day or am in my room or bed either listening to music or sometimes youtube.. occasional netflix but most of the stuff there does not intrigue me

          Yeah between that and keeping the house stocked and cleaned and weekly chores not much else..

          trying to find a job that fits my current lifestyle maybe start with one day a week

          still on centrelink

          but yeah sometimes i just shutdown out of no where can be unexpected and can last from a few seconds to a few days thank fully not more than a week i think though not sure have had blackouts before but am mostly on top of it

          i try to live a simple life so have zero contact with friends and minimal with family only what is absolutely required or mandatory (you know show up for some birthdays and stuff.) but my growing slow independence has meant I have been starting to slowly live my life beginning since the last 2 years kinda.. more so in the past few months to a year

          life is not complete but whose is.. we are all a work in progress i say but yeah i tend to keep up with youtube stuff sometimes world news but usually it is garbage and nonsense trash

          ozbargain is somewhat of my social place haha believe it or not.. i know how funny that seems.

          i did have a blog before more than 12 years ago if you want to try find that out but it has a lot of personal information so to each their own

          how about yourself scrooge

          • +2

            @AlienC: Thanks for your response.

            It sounds like you enjoy yourself and look after yourself moderately but lack motivation. I've thoroughly enjoyed gaming in years gone by but I moved on to other pursuits. I'm either all-in or all-out, and being all-in with gaming isn't conducive to a balanced life. Nutrition, exercise and all other areas of personal development get neglected.

            Human beings are social creatures. We need regular face to face interaction with other people to remain healthy. Do you go to the shops regularly or do you mostly have groceries delivered? Chatting to the checkout chick is a great first step if you haven't had a face to face conversation for a while. Checkout chicks are usually polite, that's part of their job, even if you're awkward so you needn't fear embarrassment.

            When your life is completely devoid of structure, procrastination and depression can set in. Do you keep a diary or to do list? Both are immensely helpful in aiding you to plan your days, set goals and achieve them. Getting a job will provide your life with much needed routine, earnt funds, social interaction, new skills, fulfilment and boosted self-esteem. You should consider adapting your lifestyle to fit a job rather than the other way around.

            Have you applied for any jobs lately? What entry-level jobs would you like to do? What are your interests other than gaming? What physical activities do you enjoy?

            • @Scrooge McDuck: That is all good and I 110% agree with you there but my problem is I cannot make a decision and what I mean by that is I am currently torn between multiple third parties and choosing one neglects the other but I still have to give each one equally.

              I know I have spread myself too far and wide and basically too thin across all these third parties and need to let go of some or just focus on one and then I can live a normal daily balanced life but atm I feel like I am trying to carry too many things and pieces together all at once… gaming very much so included it is crazy.

          • +1

            @AlienC: Your life sounds Neet.

  • He gets a six pack every Christmas.

    Oh and I say thanks.

  • If they have gone out of their way I may say keep the change if it is like five bucks. Otherwise just say 'thanks mate, have a great night too'.

    • I felt bad one time making a guy get like 25 cents but I was too tired to say anything haha lol

  • but some Aussies are influenced by U.S. customs

    Yes, I'm always sure to tip US customs as I travel through with my boogey board ;)

  • I was on a first name basis with a previous driver (Tran) as I was off work for a couple of months, but the drivers have changed now.

  • +1

    "Thanks! Have a good one, yeah you too."


    • +1

      Best answer so far I think I will use this one or if another better one comes up I'll choose that.

      • +1

        It really doesn't matter what words you use, as long as you're being polite. You're over thinking, over analysing and panicking over something so small. Care a little less, it helped with my anxiety.

  • Like pegaxs said, always be friendly and polite. To everyone as much as possible.
    I greet all delivery people with a big cheerful G'day followed with pleasantries (how was your day, beautiful weather, good to see you again, some light jokes etc). If its a bulky item and they seem to be having trouble then obviously I give them a hand. If they don't need assistance then I request if they'd bring it in for me and I walk ahead opening all doors so they can place the bulky items at a location of my choice in the house. And never forget to say thank you. When you're nice to people they are nice to you. (Bear in mind the same delivery people refuse to take items inside the house for my neighbors.)
    If its a hot day then I offer a few bottles of cold water or coke. With the Auspost mailman and Auspost delivery guy its basic pleasantries every time we see each other. They always leave items in my backyard exactly as instructed. For missed registered post the mailman makes another attempt the next day which I do appreciate as it saves me trip to the post office. Most delivery blokes I've come across in Brissy and Perth are Islanders or country Aussies and have been great (usually very friendly with a sense of humour)!

  • I just say Hi - have a quick look in the bag to see if anything is missing lol - then thanks have a nice day :)

    • That is nice I like you.

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