I am currently on my green Ps and would like to know whether I could use my iPad mini as a GPS since it has google maps. I know you can't use your mobile phone but what about an ipad.
Are P Platers Allowed to Use an iPad as a GPS in NSW ?

but ipad is not marketed as a gps device
else everyone can whatapps/facebook/insta/tinder/snapchat on ipad dash mounted while driving
Just get a swipe right (or is it left to accept?) bot.
It's a numbers game.
Counter argument, it's also not a mobile phone.
interesting about texting.
I knew you couldn't text and drive. I just realised I occasionally use google assistant to send a text "i.e. say Okay google, text John can you buy pizza." This would still be illegal. The rules about texting are absolute. OOPS
Do it and report back
Just buy a tom tom/Navman off gumtree/eBay for the duration of your p's
E.g https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Brand-NEW-Navman-MOVE85LM-5-Touc…
$118 is cheaper than a $500 fine and losing your license.
You could probably get a used one for $50-75 but I'd rather pay the extra for warranty purposes.
And the Safety Alerts beats google map. Also should survive in summer.
That’s why everyone uses Waze.
Are the rules for P-platers and devices different?
The purpose of the law is to stop drivers being distracted by their devices so that they don't kill themselves and others and cost the government millions cleaning up that mess. Now ask yourself… will that iPad distract me whilst driving? TIP: YES IT WILL. Hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Especially if you are learning to drive. If you don't care enough about your own life then please care for mine and my children. Take a minute to read this: https://www.teensafe.com/blog/texting-and-driving-crashes-fa… eg. In May of 2017, Natasha Boggs, 25, killed two 14-year-old girls and severely injured a 15-year-old boy when she was texting and driving. Boggs drove over the marked lanes on the side of the road and hit the teens. The driver pleaded guilty to two counts of involuntary manslaughter, vehicular assault, and attempted tampering with evidence.