Transiting HongKong - 10 Hours - What to Do?

Dear all,

I and my wife travelling overseas for the whole month of December and transiting through HongKong for the first time. We have about 10 hours both the times and we intend to go out and explore the city. Both the times, we arrive HongKong in the morning and departing HongKong at night so we have a full day to explore the city. I need your help with the following:

1) Things to do: Please suggest some places to visit in HongKong.

2) Currency: I have CommBank Credit/Debit Card and Citi Bank Debit Card. What is the best way to get HKD from AUD?

3) Eateries: We are strictly Vegan/Vegetarian so please suggest some places to eat accordingly.

Any other advice? Sincerely appreciate all help.

Thank you!


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      Nah not worth it.

      Disneyland is something you should do when you have a whole day free and a hotel room to shower at after the workout.

      • HKG Disney is extremely empty and super easy to tackle in 10 hours. I did it during an 8 hour stopover.

        Stored excess luggage at the airport, jumped in a cab, was there in 15 mins. Bought my ticket, walked straight in.

        No lines anywhere. ‘5-10 mins wait’ was the only sign on any of the rides, most of this was the maze walk to the start rather than having to actually wait. Had a whole bunch of food, once again, no lines.

        We were done in 6 hours because we had seen and ridden everything.

        Went back to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Could have had a shower if you wanted it, we just didn’t need to.

        • HKG Disney is extremely empty

          That's not always true. Are you sure we went to the same Disneyland? When I go during summer it is packed to the brim.

          When did you go? Typhoon season?

          • @smuggler: I’ve been twice, once in mid June (2017) and once in late August (this year, when it was a stopover). Both times were empty. So no I don’t know what it will be like in December, but even locals told me that it wasn’t out of the ordinary.

            I’ve heard that since Shanghai Disney opened in June 2016, HKG has been much quieter as all the Chinese just go to the Shanghai one now.

            When did you go?

            • @jjjaar: Hi @jjjaar, @smuggler,

              Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into this option. Is there any scenic place to visit and can be covered in 8-10 hours?


              • @SBack: Nothing new to add than what’s already been suggested below =)

                I’d go for Big Buddha because it’s so close to the airport, but also just go into the city because it’s crazy busy and great to see.

              • @SBack: Big Buddha, The Peak, Stanley Markets. Can be accomplished in one day if you know how to get there.

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    Just walking around Mongkok and Tsim Sha Tsui is quite fun, then short cheap ferry ride to Central and Wan Chai gardens and smallish zoo. Walking up to the Peak from Wan Chai is a good half day trip.

    • @Frugal Rock, Many thanks! Looks interesting.

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    Use the Airport Express train from the airport to Hong Kong station. You can buy the return Airport Express ticket from a bunch of places in the airport.

    Visit The Peak on Hong Kong Island by catching the bus from the ferry terminal to the tram terminus, use the ferry to travel to Tsim sha tsui, go to Jordan for seafood (don't care if you're vegan just do it), MongKok for shopping, tsim sha tsui if you want to do some expensive shopping or just walk around in super cold shopping centres.

    The harbour city area on the west side of the kowloon peninsula has nice western restaurants that'll satisfy your silly taste in food.

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      Thinking about it, with the food prep on the streets and gutters, nowhere around Mongkok is vegan friendly.

      • yeah i think harbour city will be good for a vegan lunch.

    • Thanks for the details. Very helpful.

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    I've not been to Hong Kong but i would recommend checking out a few 1 day itineraries eg and picking out what sound good to you.

    As for currency I'd be using your Citibank (assuming its the fee-free Plus account).

    • thanks. I will get some cash using Citibank. Does it make any difference which ATM I use to get cash? Will it be expensive from the Airport or you suggest outside? Once again thanks

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    Lantau buddha cablecar is just next to the airport

    • Thank you @Blargman2001

      • Oh and because it is a monastery there are a few vegetarian restaurants in and close by. Not sure if they're vegan though.

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    Sorry about your food problem.
    Hong Kong is such an omnivore delight.
    ATMs are easy and plentiful and will require no additional planning.
    Transport is also a doddle, with a prepaid metro card.
    A ferry across the harbour is lovely, and general street wandering. Ride the bid escalator!

    • @mskeggs. Thanks so much.

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    Currency: I have CommBank Credit/Debit Card and Citi Bank Debit Card. What is the best way to get HKD from AUD?

    You don't need to get cash. Just use your citibank debit card for purchases.

    For Food - A quick google revealed this… I usually use Zomato/ yelp along with Google. It's an international city so Vegan food shouldn't be that hard to find.

    Haven't been for ages but I'd go up to the peak, take some photos of the view, go for YumCha(can that be done vegan style??) and then do a Ferry across the harbour. That will use up 80-90% of the time. For the rest I'd find a nice rooftop to chill on.

    10 hours isn't that long. See if you can use a transit lounge for a shower. Makes you feel human again after a long flight.

    • Hi @knick007, thanks for sharing the link for food. I will use Citibank debit card for any purchases.

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    The double decker trams are very cheap and you can see quite a lot. Central to Causeway Bay and back might be worth doing on the top front seats.

    • Thanks @Frugal Rock.

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    If you are strictly vegan/vegetarian, check out all the places the gweilo frequent eg around central. You’ll have a higher chance finding vegan stuff where white people are, but if you’re not strictly vegan/vegetarian (eg can tolerate some non-clean utensils that have cooked meat cooking your food), try the various vegetable dishes on offer around the place. There are plenty of Buddhist people that don’t eat meat around HK.

  • Thanks for the tip @Findo.

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