Code worked with my exisiting account, and it added a $20 off next order coupon to my account.
$20 off Uber Eats Order (Existing Users)

Last edited 27/10/2018 - 13:43 by 3 other users
Referral Links
$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
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closed Comments
Worked for me. Nice one!
Nice, works,
Worked for me too!! Dinner is settled for tonight :)
Thank you
Worked in qld, thanks!
Worked in Melb!
Worked in Sydney thanks!
Worked in melb. who would have thought- a code that ACTUALLY WORKS for already signed up Uber customers..
works for me thanks
Worked! Thanks heaps. Got Thai coz the missus loves it.
Doesn't work for me
Works in Adelaide
Worked in Melbourne! Thanks OP
No luck in WA
Worked for me in WA
Worked for me in WA
Worked in Perth!
Yep, another Perth working here (on 2 accounts).
Works in Perth, WA. thanks OP
works for me too :D
Anyone know if it is better to use up the code ASAP before they revoke it or just wait until when I actually want to order?
Now that this code is on OzBargain it is going to get abused and probably Uber Eats is going to can it, but I am not sure they have done that in the past.they have removed it from people's accounts in the past i believe
don't know how they handled orders that had already went through, i assume they didn't do anything
I'd use it ASAP. Just got mc Donald's breakfast in Perth.
It works for everyone else, so why do I get "failed to apply promo code"?
Promotion code is not vaild
For those who it is not working for, that is an L between the 2 and the 7 not a '1'.
Wow, it works! I thought it was a "1"
Still not working :\ on two accounts
Worked on one of my accounts
Worked in Melbourne Metro. Thanks
Used on two accounts. Both working
Worked in Brisbane - thanks champ!
Tried again and it worked!! Food on the way :)
Not long until we see a big 'EXPIRED' next to this post.
Can I use this code tonight?
Works for me (existing customer in Melbourne). Now to order ASAP before they remove it..
Someone's getting fired haha.
Thanks for the code.Thanks so much OP!
Regional North West Victoria (Bendigo) worked. Thank OP :)
blOODY hell my restuarant is closed. Opens in 3 mins XD
Worked for me Perth here
thanks op brisbane applied
Doesn't work on my account but does so on my partner's.. odd
Edit: Worked now!
Dinner sorted. Thanks OP.
They're going to remove it before your dinner :)
Perfect. worked on my two accounts in vic
Can I order now for later? It's 8am here
Worked here! - Melbourne
My sub just arrived too hahaOh no.
Thanks mate! Lunch is sorted out!
every time this happens uber just charge the extra $20 after the fact and you have to fight tooth and nail to get it reversed, so please be careful!
So take a screenshot at checkout
Use PayPal? They can't charge you without your authorisation?
Reverse transaction in that case. Fraudulent charge.
I use an AMEX card so I will just chargeback if they tried something.
What are the past examples? Thanks for heads up
wait reverse charge??? i wouldnt purchase if it wasnt for the code…. should i cancel my order?
just tell them to (profanity) off if they try to charge you more. Can easily chargeback with a credit card or paypal
on my paypal it says transaction pending (I scheduled an order), does that mean now that they have nerfed the code, they will make me pay the extra $20?
Foods on the way now, thanks OP!
you know that you dont need to order now. you can just add the promo to use later
Are they able to remove it once added?
Use the code now, they are well known for pulling these vouchers
Working for me in Adelaide
Working Adelaide
I just ordered 4 coffees cause it's 8.24am here in Perth… nothing else open lol
Working. Perth
Can order for delivery later I think. Once you set the time more options open up
Works for ACT, specifically Belconnen. Just got free red rooster delivered! Thanks OP.
Worked in Canberra ACT
I've never been more happy to be hung over in my life. Works in WA
worked for melbourne
How do you add it
under payment options
2 orders on 2 accounts, Sunshine coast :) Thanks OP
worked for Brisbane.
I added it to my account then tried to order something and it said this promo code is not available on this account. Bastards.
I tried to re-add it to my order and it says "Ooops, this promo code has already been used". I give up.
edit: worked on my old man's phone
Code works but no Uber eats at our address - for those getting free food enjoy!
Thanks! Lunch sorted!
Amazing - thanks OP!
Breaky and dinner sorted ( scheduled ) , thank yu
how do you schedule uber eats for later??
It's arrived! Yumyum thanks OP.
Promotion is not valid :(
Free meal for today! Thanks!
Worked in Brisbane, Took a screen shot of receipt
(Free tub of Ben and Jerrys) well $1.95 lol Thanks OP
Works for Me in Adelaide, I hope it is still there in a few hours when I am ready to place an order!
Worked - Melbourne delivery tonight. Cheers
So can you order 1x small Maccas fries and then 1x $20 pizza using the code to get the pizza for the price of fries + delivery x 2?
Each order has to be from the same place. So unless maccas sells pizzas, no.
Wouldn't let me add it to my account in Adelaide, but would let me add it as a promo code for a live food order.
Order sorted. Screenshotted to make sure they don't screw me over.
What did you screenshot?
If you're using the app, go to past orders -> view receipt.
free half peking duck for lunch, lol
Not free. The duck paid with their life. For an unnecessary moment of your pleasure.
Works for me in Metro Vic!