Is it as simple as calling them up, or do I have to write a letter?
How Do I Quit McDonald's?

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You only had to read one line of the OP dude.
Anything below the title is tl;dr
That's how people share
outragenews on social media.
Smuggling burger much, lately?
nah only a budgie
Are you casual, part-time or full time?
Casual, I need to leave ASAP though. May sound a bit prissy, but the fry oil has triggered this accute eczema I havent had in years.
Just stop going. Don't answer any calls.
Or, let the manager know you won't be coming anymore
Just tell them, it's nicer that way. Tell them you have personal issues that came up or your circumstances have changed.
Always try not to burn bridges
Don't just stop turning up that is terrible advice. Don't burn bridges. In a couple of months, if you want another job, you might be able to call that manager and get a referee"
Write a letter
"Dear <Manager>,
Unfortunately, due to a change in my personal circumstances*, I am unable to continue to work here.
I therefore hereby resign from my casual position at McDonald's <suburb> effectively immediately.
Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to gain experience working here and I have really enjoyed working with you and the rest of the team.
I apologise for any inconvenience my resignation may cause.
Kind Regards,
*You could explain your circumstances or not. It probably doesn't matter much. If you have a letter from a doctor maybe explain in more detail.
Given its a health issue, you won't need to work out any notice period. But go and discuss. If you are a good worker they might find you another job, or at least help with a reference.
Call your Manager and discuss your issues, they'll be understanding and give you a good reference.
You are casual so you don't have to give a month notice or anything like that.
Haha just like smuggler I thought you meant eating the food. But yeah, I don't think theres any specifics unless theres something on your contract. Especially as you're casual, I think worse comes to worse you can just not turn up?
Honestly though, I'd probably send an email at least (if you know they check it often) but a phone call might be more nicer?, I'd probably say something along of the lines of you apologise that its such short notice, but unfortunately you've been talking with your doctor and they've come to the conclusion the oil is affecting your health and he recommends that you need to stop working there ASAP.
Then I'd tell them that you really enjoyed working there and feel you've learned a lot and have grown and liked being part of such a kind team.
While you're saddened to leave you just wanted to say a thank you for everything and hope you cross paths again in the future.
(You might not have to say the health part, I don't even think you need a reason?) Anyways good luck.
Seems like a logical question to ask the ozbargain community
the ozbargain communitiy are good lads always willing to give advice.
Tell your manager then write a resignation letter (google how to) then sign it. PUt it in an envelope and hand it to the manager. done
Ask him to be a referee by getting his number and permission.
good lads
Yeah the boys
Tell them you are really 48 years old.
Could you ask to just do front of house or whatever?
Front of house makes chips, I worked at Maccas as a youngster and got a nice waffle shaped pus filed burn when a fry basket came into contact with the bank of my hand.
I thought this was a joke post haha. No, just a nice polite email in writing to your manager should be enough. Be, well polite - but also slightly apologetic for the inconvenience you might cause, tell them the reason (vaguely if you don't want to reveal too much), and just be nice about it.
No one is going to force a casual worker to work shifts they don't want to work, and it's always good to maintain good relationships with superiors and colleagues and also get into a habit of doing this as you grow older.
Tell them your 18th birthday is next week. They will do everything for you.
On a serious note. Just call the manager and explain the situation. Don't message or email.
Wee in the Ice Cream machine
Not very effective as the machine never worked to begin with.
-sourced from every single shift ever at my store
I would like to know how.
Simple, just write a letter or an email. You should give a weeks notice so you don't burn your bridges. People like to unload and write all sorts of fancy stuff in a resignation letter but it is all pointless and does nothing more than burn your bridges which is never a good idea. Just write this:
Dear managers name,
Please be advised I will be terminating my employment with your company on 30/10/18.
I wish you and your company every success for the future.
Tablex (your real name)
Hahaha, you terminate your own employment?
Why can't you just formally resign?…
PS I like that you felt the need to explicitly remind the OP that they should sign off with their real name and not their OZB username. Hahaha
Call your managers up and explain that you're leaving with a reason why. They'll be understanding and rest assured you'll be out in no time especially because you're casual.
Just make sure to finish off your rostered shifts for the week and give them notice so that they can stop rostering you and deactivate your MeTime account as you would no longer be a worker. It'd be quite a hassle if you leave straight away without finishing off the week as the managers would have to spend time calling other employees in.You should get as many + votes as me.
Your getting stalked by some clown in a yellow suit lottering out the front ever since you started this job and have post traumatic stress syndrome according to shine lawyers.
Demanding a compo, in form of loaded french fries, for the rest of your life.
As you are casual you aren't required to give any notice though it may help your future employment if you do. A brief letter can't hurt.
Alternatively you could walk in, tell your managers the burgers are better at Hungry Jacks and moonwalk out.… Have a read- you might be up for compo!