How Can I Pay for Full Fee Dentistry Course?

I just got offered a full fee dentistry spot at uni and it's gonna cost 300k in total (4 years). I know that FEE HELP can cover 150k (thank u australian government), and I'm assuming I'm going to have to loan the rest from a bank, but would love to hear if anyone has been offered/undergone a full fee course, and how they tackled the loans, or just any advice going forth. Honestly a little worried about it all.


EDIT: started to think about working in the defence force and getting a defence university scholarship!


  • Things may well change in 4 years but right now there seems to be a glut of dentists in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne

  • +2

    get a job and save before you attend,
    sell drugs or your body,
    get a loan and pay it back,
    get a sugar daddy (no pun intended)

    • Vote + 1 for selling body.

      But important criteria must be met before going down this road, eg Size 8 or less.

      • Nah. More to go around if you're a plus size chunk of sweet love.

        Did I say thst out loud?

    • sell drugs or your body,

      Gotta think big picture - much more money to be made in manufacturing drugs and selling other peoples' bodies.

      If you find you have a nack for either, you can give up dentistry.

      • …but some people don't like either, what then?

        It's like telling someone to become the president of australia, but they don't want to, even though it's good money to be in politics….

          1. Australia doesn't have a president
          2. There isn't good money in politics - the majority of people in parliament could earn more money in the private sector.
          3. Unfortunately, without any qualifications/experience, making 300k in an unskilled job is near impossible. Could try the other suggestions that @unclesnake suggested.
          • @salmon123:

            Australia doesn't have a president

            Yes it does……isn't president and prime minister kinda the same thing….?

            There isn't good money in politics - the majority of people in parliament could earn more money in the private sector.

            How does Malcolm Turnbull have a mansion then?? On the news while they were on about the NBN rollout issues, they panned to him at his mansion texting and his facial expression shows he doesn't care whether it'd be a success or not….

            Unfortunately, without any qualifications/experience, making 300k in an unskilled job is near impossible. Could try the other suggestions that @unclesnake suggested.

            Oh well that's pretty gey, school is boring….and lame…..lots of people hate it….

  • and I'm assuming I'm going to have to loan the rest from a bank

    This should be your absolute last resort. I'd go even as far as to say - if you have to do this, reconsider doing dentistry at this point and possibly do something else for a few years to save up, or do the degree part-time while working to pay for it. Then look into bursaries, grants, scholarships.

    There's no doubt that dentistry can pay well, but it's far from guaranteed, and starting out your productive life with a $150k actual loan paying principal and interest is, imo, a very bad spot to be in.

    • $150k actual loan

      Plus $150k HECS/HELP debt as well no?

      • yeah at least the FEE HELP debt is dependent on your annual income. Thinking of getting a scholarship via defence force though so might have much less debt!

  • Damn that’s pricy, thought my hecs/feehelp was rough but sheesh.
    Just double check at the end of the course you’ll be qualified and able to practice, assume you’ve already done an undergrad as thought dentistry was longer than 4 years

  • +6

    I'm assuming I'm going to have to loan the rest from a bank

    The only bank that would be prepared to do that would be "The Bank of Mum & Dad"

    • +2

      Dad but true

      • Zz I meant sad

        • I thought you were being misogynistic.

      • +1

        I was going to stay mum.

    • :( i've got a lot of begging to do tonight

      • Would they not do it?

        • still got a week until medicine offers are out, and I've recieved a CSP place in optometry (not really the dream tbh). So it's gonna be a long discussion. They definitely would but honestly it's gonna make me feel really guilty.

  • +1

    Don't do it.

    Just decline it and apply for a CSP spot

    • Otherwise you'll need to make a large EFT transfer.

  • +1

    Are you sure banks will lend you money? Maybe only if someone else with collateral underwrites the loan.

    • yeah i've heard a few banks do student loans for things like medicine and dentistry. otherwise gonna beg the parents to tap into home equity.

  • +1

    Loans, Uni, qualify, leave country and never return, debt free.

    • +2

      Pretty sure they chase overseas debts now tho

  • Go to Thai school of dentistry and then get it recognised over here if you'd ever want to come back.

  • I may be ignorant but are there any CSP and lower cost? Or is dentistry only offered as a full fee paying student.

  • Hi OP, can I ask you why taking full fee dentistry instead CSP?
    Is there any difference between those two approach?

    • hi! it's really hard to get into dent in melbourne, and they only have a few spots which are CSP. Getting a full fee places is already a huge achievement, so that's why I'm considering taking the offer!

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