Hi OzBargain Fam,
Looking for some help with accessing lounge invitations from our favourite card. I recently purchased a one way flight from Tokyo to Sydney. Unfortunately, in doing so, Qantas transferred me to the Japan website, meaning the purchase no longer triggered the lounge invite.
So in casual OzB fashion, I've been trying to work out a way around triggering the lounge invite. Wondering if anyone could provide some advice on the cheapest way to trigger a lounge invite.
Purchasing a Qantas flight which allows refunds and refunding the flight once a lounge invite is triggered. Would this get revoked if I cancel the flight? What sort of service charges would I inccur?
Purchasing a one way cheapest flight possible, and just not show up?
Any other ways to spend the minimum amount to trigger a lounge invite?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Buy one off the forums for $35