• expired

Seasol 1.2L Seaweed Health Tonic Concentrate $3.75 (Was $11.34) @ Bunnings (Selected Stores)


Very Good price. Looks like only to NSW / Appears to be selected store only. Looks like its scanning to $3.75 everywhere as confirmed by ozb mates
$3.75 Screenshot

Seasol 1.2L Seaweed Health Tonic Concentrate

  • Seasol encourages vigorous, healthy plant growth with enhanced flowering and root system development, as well as improved natural plant tolerance to heat, drought, frost, pests and diseases.

  • Stimulates growth and enhances colour

  • Promotes healthy growth in all plants and safe to use on natives
  • Enhances flowering and fruiting
  • Increases resistance to heat, drought, frost, pests and diseases
  • Increases beneficial microbial activity in the soil
    Thanks to pricehipster

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Good on Lebanese cucumbers 🥒

    • +18

      i prefer yoghurt on my Lebanese cucumbers

      • I prefer vegemite on my Aussie cucumbers mate :)

        • Double entendre 😬

  • +4

    Who are they price matching this time?

    • +14

      Hope not as a dressing.

  • +2

    This stuff is great - cheers OP ;)

  • +3

    Worm juice is where it’s at.

    • +1

      organic chicken poop is where the shits at

      • No offence…. but that's just a load of crap mate!

        • literally lol

          • @Hardwood198: Yes literally .. Someone negged you, I think the joke went over people's head :/

  • +1

    Is it in-store special? The website is still showing $11.34 for me.

    • -1

      Its online as well. Website is showing $3.75 only.

      • I think it's NSW only

        • Looks like selected store across AU

        • I think it’s a web pricing glitch and not this price in store
          Anybody bought one at this price yet?

    • Same

      • $11.34 for me too

  • +4

    So this is for plants, not people?

    I like seaweed.. and health.. just sayin.

  • NICE!!! Thanks a lot!

  • Coming up as full price in W.A.

    • +1

      Showing up as $3.75 for me in a few Perth stores I’ve checked.

      • online or u went in store mate?

        • +2

          Online, obviously :-P

          If you want to check for yourself try Joondalup, Whitfords, Balcatta, Mindarie, Wangara. All showed as $3.75 with “Price correct as at Sat 20 Oct 2018 6:19:01pm”

  • +3

    Can I use this stuff on my garden downstairs?

  • $11.34 on the Randwick NSW site

    • I just checked Randwick & says $3.75 for me..

      Must click into the item’s page to c discount, not summary page…

      Edit: Just checked again, now all stores i checked show full price - weird shit going on with Bunnings website…!

  • Hopefully price hasn't changed as of tomorrow. Would Bunnings honour the deal if you showed them a printed copy of the listed price?

    • +3

      I can pretty much guarantee that they won't.

  • +1

    Showing up on the website as $3.75 at bunnings O’Connor (WA)

    • +2

      Excellent - just got a carton at o’connor! Thanks op!

  • +1

    Aldi has a 2lt concentrate for $10 right now, stocked up with 5 just to keep my DW happy in her garden!!.

    • Retracted my previous comment after realizing this deal is bunk.

      Can you please tell me the brand and product name of what you're referring to please? Ideally a picture would be great so I can scan the middle aisle with the weekly/featured/limited-time items more quickly. Thank you in advance

    • Picked up couple of the 2L concentrate for $6.99, it was already in the bargain bin.

    • -1

      i have used the aldi one regularly and the really annoying thing about it is if you pour the concentrate into that watering can and fill water using the regular garden tap foam pretty much overflow the can as soon as water reach 1/3 level. This season one doesn't have this issue tho.

  • +1
  • Great price if you can get it. Nothing doing in the 6 stores I checked near me, Liverpool and Bankstown area.

    • +1

      I just bought 3 from Bankstown store, lots left

      • Cool, about to head there now, thanks.

  • Kirrawee & Caringbah (NSW) show $3.75…

    Heads up - Make sure when checking pricing u go to the single item page - it was showing full price for me on the summary page, then when i clicked into the actual item page it showed discounted price…

    Edit: Now I’m having the same issue as @RichardL in his comment above.. Weird shit goin on..!

  • Health tonic, you got me excited I figured seasol had branched out to humans. Oh well still a good price for the plants

  • Does anyone know of any stores in Brisbane who are honouring this price?

    Thanks OZB! 👍

  • My local store had the cheaper price earlier but they changed the price back to $11.34

  • +2

    Not at my closest store or two others I checked in ACT. The hell with this.

    • +1

      Hundreds left at Belconnen. Labelled full price but scans at $3.75.

      • Ohhhhhh, will check out today. Thank you. I retract my grumpy comment

  • Love this stuff but I need it in bulk, 10L+.

  • cant find this price in any wa store/

  • +1

    The price has gone back up to $11.34

  • Web glitch? Not really this price in store

    • Not even on the web since last night.

  • +2

    Just been to Keperra Bunnings 7:45am. Listed on shelf for $11.34 each. Scanned at $3.75. I got 4, about 100 left.

    Happy bargaining

    • My local shows full price online, maybe I should ignore that, it could still be discounted?

  • +1 Vote!!

    I’ve been adding this health tonic to my morning coffee for a few months now. It’s certainly helping me lose weight and my skin is peeling giving me a fresh red flow.


    • +1

      +1 Vote!!

      Do it then.

  • Just bought 9 for less than $34.


    • Did you just go in store and they scanned cheaper?

      • +1

        Bought 1 to test it.. Then 8 after.

        • Nice looks like I'm going to my local whitfords store.

    • +1

      Bought 10. It's gotta be at cost or close to

      Also I don't work at Bunnings. Moderator can u remove me.

  • Thanks OP. Got 8 for $30, powerpass didn't give any further discount.

  • Ive picked up these cheap at bunnings before but it was because they have a date on them. Nof sure if the stuff expires but i still stocked up.

  • Plenty of stock at $3.75 in Manly West store, I picked up 5.

  • Modbury SA Bunnings is $11.34 online but scanned $3.75 in store

  • Can confirm that although on the Bunnings website it shows ithe regular price and so does the shelf instore it scans for $3.75 at the checkouts iat Hoppers Crossing, Victoria. Picked up 3 about 15mins ago and there is at least 50 left on the shelf

  • +1

    Croydon has a sign on shelf for $3.75, ends 25/10.

  • +3

    Bunnings in Tuggeranong has about 500 left, all at $3.75!

    • Nice.. Thanks

    • I'm staring at about 15 left at tuggers

      • +1

        Actually, there's another 200 or so just when you first walk in behind the receipt checking lady

  • +1

    Nice one OP! $3.75 in Wagga store. Lots left.

  • +1

    Can confirm Belmont WA has the deal and heaps of stock.

    Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Confirm at Maribyrnong.

  • +2

    $3.75 at oxley QLD

  • +2

    Can confirm $3.75 at Seaford SA too - shows full price on shelf but scans at cheap price. Had to laugh - young bloke saw me with a basket "full" (I bought 8 for my new lawn and some as a gift for my mums garden) and he says "do you want to buy a bulk pack instead) … hahaha yeah right!! :)

    At least 20 still left on the shelf after I left.

  • Any deal on Powerfeed?

  • +1

    $3.75 at MyareeWA

  • +1

    someone cleaned out at Taylor's Lakes but Caroline Springs has a fair bit.

  • +1

    Confirm bunnings castle hill scanned at 3.75 although the promo ticket said 11.95. Plenty stocks at the display racks next to the big wall.

  • +1

    Confirm at North Parra. Lots left as well.

  • +2

    Plenty at Belconnen ACT Sunday afternoon. Shelf/online price still $11.34, scan at $3.75 as reported. Bought a dozen.
    $3.13/l, even the bulk 10l is $7.87/l.
    Thanks BA

  • +1

    Can confirm the price at Bunnings Gungahlin, ACT is $3.75 at the checkout though the Shelf price is $11.34.
    Thanks OP and the fellow ozb community members comments, just bought a few.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, bought 5. Fountain Gate Bunnings VIC shows $11.34 but scanned $3.75. There are hundreds more

  • +1

    Just picked up 6 at Bellambi,NSW. Shelf price still full price but scanned at low price. Thanks OP,great bargain. :)

  • +4

    FYI according to Seasol's Facebook page it has a shelf life of 5 years, just give the bottle a shake if it's been sitting around for ages.

    At my Bunnings some of the bottles had 'use by' dates of later this year, but the ones at the back just had a 'DOM' (date of manufacture ' of April this year so I grabbed those.

    • Might be why they are so cheap? Got mine today - https://imgur.com/a/dfwZHie

      Not sure if that is the use by date?

      • +1

        Got three from my local Bunnings. The date on mine is 02/10/18 with DOM infront. So I guess it's manufactured date and not expiry date.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, just bought 9 from Northland VIC, at least 100+ left. Listed as $11.34 ‘sale price’, scanned as $3.75

  • +1

    Bunnings caringbah had about 20 on the shelf, with sales price tag on the shelf of $3.75. Thanks op! Nice find.

  • +1

    Bought 14 at Altona…no price on display scan at the promo price..enjoy..

  • +1

    Price confirmed. Bought only 8 from bunnings Notting hills. There are stills heaps on the shelf next to the cash register

  • +1

    Brought 15 from Bunnings in Sunbury. Still plenty left.

  • +1

    Confirmed at Bayswater WA. 70+ on shelf. Scans at $3.75.

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