Where to Cut a 90s Car Key?

I assume the all-metal Ilco key doesn't have a transponder but opening doors will be good enough if the price is right.

Bunnings said nope. Seemed a bit thicker and longer than a car key even if they configured the machine for my benefit.

I assume those Westfield shoe repair/key cutters/fortune tellers will be cheaper than a locksmith but I was wondering if someone here has a specific place with a price. Years ago I read around $6.


  • +4

    Definitely go with the fortune teller.

  • +1

    You dont list your state or the make and model of the car


    call and ask them

  • +1


    Made me think of this Friends scene https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JksqLU50sWY

  • +1

    For an idea on price, a local westfield keysmith charged me $20, inc the blank key. Id also tried bunnings, so didn't bother priceshopping further places

  • +1

    Lots of independent hardwares can do them.

  • As a locksmith, all I’m going to say is, good keys aren’t cheap, cheap keys aren’t good.

    Try one of those cheap places in your nearest shopping centre. If it works, good on you. You had a win. If it doesn’t, and they try and cut another one from your worn key, you could be back to square one. It will all depend on how worn the key and barrels are.

    • Can I ask you a question? I bought a Toyota key blank from the internet and was wondering if a locksmith could make a copy of the car key for me. Can regular locksmiths do this?

      • -1

        Yes. But don’t be surprised when they say “no, we don’t cut eBay bought keys.” And before you get all indignant and post here and put how unreasonable that locksmith was and how he just wanted you to buy one of his keys, think of it this way…

        eBay keys have a problem of being wrong. Wrong size, wrong dimensions, wrong material. Wrong material means that these keys can actually bust the machine they are cut on, or wear it out a lot quicker. Wrong size/tolerance means that no matter how they try and cut the key, it won’t work. It’s not wide enough, no long enough, too long, too high, etc etc.

        Then, after all that, the locksmith cuts it for you anyway and would hand your eBay key back after telling you all of the above and that it probably won’t work and you’ll say “no problem”, pay and leave.

        You’ll get home and test it and find it doesn’t work, mainly due to one of the reasons mentioned above. You’ll march right back down there and demand they cut you a working one… “for free” or give you a refund… then you get on Facebook and/or Google reviews and slam them as being shit locksmiths. No mention of the shit quality key you bought, possible damage to their machine or the fact that they said it probably won’t work.

        So, with that in mind, don’t be surprised if your local locksmith won’t cut your possibly garbage teir quality eBay key… They don’t need the grief…

        • Okay thanks! So basically it could work but some locksmiths would prefer you to pay for their key and cut.

          • -1

            @dust: Some may cut it, some may not. YMMV. Only thing you can do is ask.

  • +2

    Mastermint could do it but so could a locksmith, a locksmith would probably do it better. If you went to a dealership they would probably send you to a locksmith they use. But If you did the latter you’d be able to buy a genuine key to get cut.

  • Thanks everyone. The car itself is worth about the price of a key so I'm just trying to gamble on cheap places.

  • +1

    Often markets have keycutters for very very cheap. I think local guy at markets does like $3 a key, 2 keys for $5 , about that price. And he cut key for my 90's toyota.
    Also at markets was a qualified locksmith, I think he charged about $8 .
    If haven't got any markets around, or couldn't be bothered… Then try a local keycut service (not locksmith) just a small time bloke who cuts keys and doesn't have the overheads of being a franchise store, and having employees etc. Eg. There is a guy next to local woolworths, very small shopping complex, he has tiny nook on corner, and just runs it himself, no employees, just 1 man show. Obviously he can afford to cut keys cheaper than say, a Mr Minute businesses in prime spot of large shopping centre with employees and high overheads.
    To find the sma time '1 man show' keycutter, could look through yellow pages, and just ignore all the franchises like Mr Minute, as they charge a premium just for the name.
    I think keys have some number on that indicates the size of the 'blank' they need. Call around and get a few quotes if you want to save.

    • Thanks for all the info. Do you recall the 2 keys for $5 location?

      • +1

        Dapto markets (every sunday) it was, and I think the same guy sometimes is at Warrawong markets (every saturday) . He seems to be at Dapto more, but occasionally he is at Warrawong also..
        Illawarra area, this is, near Wollongong NSW.

        • Thanks Flanders. If I ever Opal my way into that area on a Sunday I'll keep it mind.

  • +1

    Thanks again for all the ideas everyone. I happened to be near a Mitre 10 (Newtown) and gave in for $7 ($6.99 for "key coloured").

    For those interested, non-coloyred flat house keys at Mitre 10 are $5.49.

    I would have tried Paddy's Haymarket (which I also could have walked to) but they're closed until Wednesday and the word "key" didn't come up in the directory listing online as it did for Flemington.

    • +1

      It’s a shame. I’ll be down in Sydney next week and I could have cut you a new one for free! :D

      Pretty hard to beat $7. 👍

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