Hey, wanting to get a new laptop soon (month or two) and I've liked some of the Alienwares but can't seem to find a store selling them. I know I can get one off dell.com but for an m11x I'd be up for $1400 minimum and I'm sure I've seen deals on here for 1000-1100? So really I'm looking for any places I can find a decent range of (or any) Dells/Alienwares in store?
TL;DR: Know any retail stores selling Dells/Alienwares?
There some kiosks in some malls (Parramatta westfields a while back) but I think that was only during certain parts of the year. Alienware is quite pricey so I hope you get a good deal but if you are using it a lot you may want to consider extending the warranty as the graphics card can get really hot.