TV's for Light & Dark Rooms, Help Me Choose

Hey everyone,

Please help me chose my TV setup.

I'm currently building a house and my main living/Dining area is raked with highlight windows facing East-ish. I'm looking for a general purpose TV around the 40" mark stylish design on stand that will handle day time viewing and reflections. Budget for this TV $900-1200

I also have a media room it will be dark, I'm looking for a 65" wall mounted typically used for streaming. I already have a 5.1 Setup so I'm just looking for a decent tv around the $1200-1800 mark

Extra Criteria for both TV's:
Both TV's will be hardwired to a "server room" and I use the following devices/services
Plex - Supports most Smart TV's
HDhomerun - Supports Android or Samsung
Steam - Supports Android or Samsung (I have 1 available Steam Link)

Any help appreciated, Thanks!


  • +1

    Main living TV will be the go-to 90% of the time I'm sure, just because it's more socially acceptable rather than retreating to a separate room (I personally hate the trend of home theatre rooms)

    $900-1200 will buy you bigger than a 40"…and you will want bigger than 40. Hell I have bigger than that in the bedroom (cough).

    That's my $0.02 😉

    • Yeah I know what you're saying, it's more for aesthetics thing TBH we are trying to get away from watching TV and our media is off the main living area close to the beer which is the most important thing.

      We're going for something like this.

      Floor Plans:

  • +1

    Why not remove the 'server room' and open up the fridge area. See

    If you want server space, shouldn't need any more than 1-2 42RU rack cabinets. Unless if have other plans. Probably far better off with more kitchen storage space than a specific dedicated 'server' room

    Also, you make no provisions for cooling in your server room. Opening up means no/minimal cooling costs.

    • mmm I really like where you're going with this walk through pantry. Frames are already manufactured unfortunately.

      By server room I do mean hoard room of past life interests such as DJ equipment and gaming hardware.. and by Server I mean NAS. Mainly don't want that junk sitting around collecting dust in other rooms. Shouldn't get too hot with only the NAS running but I have considered it an issue. I'll just keep the door open and blast the A/C into it when in use.

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