Officeworks Keeps Delaying My Order and Blaming The Supplier

Please help me. Office works has been of no help. Keep delaying my order and blaming the supplier. It's been like 7 weeks and I am still without a desk they are telling me to wait another week when my order was 'finally' supposed to be delivered to me. I have attached the original order, than the second one after they told me they had 'lost' my order and what not.

I do not want to be in contact with them anymore they have been delaying my desk over and over again. I just need my desk so that I can get back to repairing some tech as I work from home and am still without a desk.

My original order date was September 11th and had an estimated shipping date of the 18th of September. I didn't get my first delivery until a week later and it was only partial delivery - a printer that I had ordered along with the desk. I contacted them and they had told me that the desk had just arrived at their warehouse and was being shipped out and to expect it a week later. A week later it didn't arrive and I contacted them they said again that it had arrived at their warehouse and was being delivered and to expect it a week later. I finally got a hold of a manager and they had informed me that there was no desk in stock and that it was the suppliers fault so that I had to reorder the desk again. So they reordered me the desk again on the 2nd of October and I have still yet to receive it. I contacted Officeworks again today and they are giving me the same BS they gave me earlier. It just arrived blah blah blah expect it next week.

What can I do?

Update: as of October 19 I was informed that they had an issue on the first order where their system said they had it in stock when they didn't so the supplier never got an order. The same thing apparently happened the 2nd time they put the order. Am informed to order it again but delivery won't be until mid November. They have acknowledged it's a problem on their end.


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  • +4

    Cancel the order, get your money back, buy elsewhere.

    Super simple stuff.

    • Unfortunately I live in a rural area I don't really have any other options. Ikea charges 600$ to ship out here and others charge over 200… Office works has a flat rate of 60$ I don't know of any other places that might ship out here.

      • Who do Officeworks deliver with to your area?

        I'm more inclined to believe that their courier won't deliver out there and it's too big for Auspost so the warehousing guys chucked it in the too hard basket.

        Funny side story, I have a mate that works out in a rural town, his company always uses Fastway (I think), but Fastway don't deliver out to him, only Auspost. He has told them countless times to deliver with Auspost and they keep sending it courier. So he has to wait until it gets to the Townsville warehouse, and then drive a 6 hour round trip to pick it up. While using the company car and diesel.

        • We have auspost and fast way. I received the printer thru fastway. I mean if that's the case can't they just tell me that instead of giving me a headache :/

        • Officeworks uses Toll, however Toll might pass this on to a local carrier as you are in a rural area.

      • If you can't buy with anyone else and you need the desk so you don't want a refund… you're kind of out of options. I'm tempted to believe them when they say it's their supplier's issue, because well, unless you pissed off someone who works at OW, they have no reason to want to delay your order.

        They're definitely in the wrong for telling you it was on its way when it obviously wasn't, but if you weren't going to cancel and buy elsewhere anyway, the end result to you hasn't changed - no desk, you wouldn't have gotten the desk.

        Honestly - by this point I'd be looking at driving to IKEA and arranging ute hire if I really needed the desk.

  • What desk was it?

    • Velocity 1800mm. I asked for the suppliers contact since they kept blaming the supplier but they wouldn't give it to me…

      • I feel for you as this has taken such a long time. It genuinely sounds like it was not OW's fault, but the supplier as they have failed to deliver the desk to OW. It will probably be tough to get a refund as it was a special order, but worth a try. The best bet would be to post on their FB page explaining the situation. Perhaps you may be able to meet them halfway and exchange it for another desk? If you choose the brand filter of "J.Burrows", you will probably find a similar desk in stock. J.Burrows is essentially the 'Home Brand' of OW, so 99% of the time they are in stock and ready to go.

        Good Luck!

        • kinda sounds stupid but the only one they have is the toro but it's an 1800mm desk that uses 1cm boards… doesn't sound very durable for a large desk. So was concerned at getting it.

      • It's looks very simple, maybe DIY?

        • I live in a rural place… Bunnings is 370kms away and guess what… Bunnings and office works owned by same company. Lol

  • I was involved with a similar case at consumer affairs.

    Unfortunately you can't force a retailer to supply something they don't have.
    They should offer a remedy, such as an immediate refund. If you refuse the refund, then you are choosing to wait until they can supply it.
    It does not matter whether it is more expensive for you to get it at another retailer.

  • +1

    They can't ship an item they don't have!

    you can get a refund, but you don't want to, as its 'cheaper' than the other options. So you just need to wait it out.

    • As it turns out it was an issue on their end. Their system says they have it in stock when they don't so 7 weeks later they haven't even ordered it. They told me they can order it now but I won't get it until mid November.

  • +1

    Email CEO [email protected]

    Apologise for contacting him directly but advise that you have not been able to resolve your issue through the appropriate channels.

    • I'm in contact with a person from there but she's informed me that the same thing happened as the first order. Their system is bugged and says they have one in stock so it won't push an order with the supplier and that they have to order it again. Idk if I should contact them or not

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