This was posted 6 years 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Steam] Metal Gear Triple Pack (Revengeance, Solid V: Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain) US $3.99 (~AU $5.58) @ Green Man Gaming

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Greetings everyone, just spotted this over at HUKD, looks like a great deal for this bundle!

Metal Gear is a series of action-adventure stealth video games, created by Hideo Kojima and developed and published by Konami. The first game, Metal Gear, was released in 1987 for the MSX home computer architecture. The player often takes control of a special forces operative (usually either Solid Snake or Big Boss), who is assigned to find the titular superweapon "Metal Gear", a bipedal walking tank with the ability to launch nuclear weapons. Several sequels have been released for multiple consoles, which have expanded the original game's plot adding characters opposing and supporting Snake, while there have also been a few prequels exploring the origins of the Metal Gear and recurring characters.

This pack includes:

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

As always, enjoy :)

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  • One key or seperate?

    • +3

      Three separate keys.

  • So what was the peoples consensus on phantom pain? is it something worth playing?

    • i thought it was awesome. and im a big fan of the series.

    • Never played but it has pretty good reviews on steam. Unfortunately by looking at gameplay it doesn't seem like my type of game :(
      Nevertheless I think this is a fantastic price and I can't decide whether I should buy it or not. It's not my type of game but it's a very good price but I have tons of SP games on my backlog already…argh :/

    • It was my first Metal Gear game and I loved it.

      I got about 50 hours in before my save was corrupted on PS4, so I never really got to see how it "ended"

      If you like open world games then this amazing, there are so many ways to tackle each situation or mission.

      It's also an amazing price for all 3.

      • You could watch gameplay on youtube to see the ending fyi, it's what I did with a game long time ago where I forgot to backup the save when resetting windows (this was before steam cloud).

      • It only kinda ends…

    • A stunning stealth and business simulation game with tons of details.
      Search "Quiet mgsv" btw.

    • +3

      Gameplay wise, it is the best of the series.

      Story is unfinished and meh.

    • I played it and really enjoyed it. Hadn't played any of the others but the storyline didn't make a whole lot of sense. Apparently Zero Grounds covers some/most of the gaps.

    • Gameplay wise it's fantastic, I'd say in another league to a mass majority of modern action games. It also looks amazing on a good PC. I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking for a more interesting shooter.

      The story has all the typical elements of a Kojima production; Totally off the wall, full of cliches and frequently incomprehensible. Some of the dialogue is just amazingly hammy and overly dramatic ( I like the plot and found it extremely compelling in it's own right, but generally speaking it gets quite trashy.

      For what it's worth, I also thoroughly enjoyed MGR: Revengeance (another in it's own league imo), but wouldn't recommend as broadly.

    • +1

      It's very unlike any other MG. They eschewed story for an open world sandbox game.

      If you like that kind of thing, and many do, you should be satisfied with it. I personally don't. Open world is taking over every series now.

    • +3

      I am going against the flow here

      I didn't really like it, big time MGS fan, replayed all the previous entries in the series at least 5 times each, but CBF'ed with TPP after beating it the first time.

      main complaint:

      • unfinished story
      • mission based, instead of a linear story like previous games
      • lots and lots of mission which don't really contribute to the main story line
      • gets a bit repetitive after a while, one outpost looks more or less the same as the other
      • minimal indoor game play
      • base/staff management was pretty boring for me
      • lots of grinding to upgrade your gear/weapons
      • basically it was Peace Walker on steroids, if you didn't liked PW, then you probably won't like TPP either

      If only Konami would re-make MGS3 or 4 in the TPP engine, that would super! But I guess that will never happen.

      but for less then $2 per game, why the hell not? (I paid full price for it :()

      • +1

        They did remake MGS3 using the Fox engine.. but as a pachinko game. Sigh.

        I agree with everything you said above. This is a good game if you like open world games, but it isn't Metal Gear. There's barely any story in it. And Snake hardly speaks. It's like they couldn't afford Keifer's wages because he was charging them by the word.

        • Keifer was another thing that pissed me off, nothing against Keifer, but David Hayter is Snake/Big Boss, no if's and buts.

          But yeah, if TPP wasn't a MGS game, it would've been a great game (well, mostly), but when it has Metal Gear in it's title, you would have a certain expectations for it.

          • @FW190: They tried to replace him before. I can see an argument for why they wanted a different guy. David Hayter is Solid Snake. But he isn't Big Boss. He's not an exact clone, so they wanted a different actor for him. For MGS3 they actually tried to get Kurt Russel but he turned it down so they had to settle for Hayter again. Kurt Russel's Snake Pliskin character (Escape from LA) is the basis for Snake/Big Boss btw. Including the eye patch. They were almost sued by the creators of Escape from LA.

            So, yeah. I can see why they wanted someone else for Big Boss. I don't think Solid Snake should be played by anyone else though.

            David Hayter is not a fan of Kojima btw. He took being dumped for MGS5 very personally.

    • +1

      As a long time fan of the series since the PS1 days, I'd say Phantom Pain is a great game, but not a great Metal Gear game. It's always been a story-driven series, but Phantom Pain was almost completely plot-less. As an open world action / stealth / infiltration game, it is outstanding. But if you were hoping for any kind of meaningful addition to the series' story, you'll be disappointed.

      The flip side of that is that even if you never played a Metal Gear game before, you'll be fine not knowing the story around it because it doesn't really matter much in Phantom Pain anyway.

      Attaching balloons to vehicles / people / animals and seeing them get yanked up into the air never stops being entertaining :D

      • Yeah those are my thoughts exactly. I feel that the developers sold out. They saw what was popular, led by western developers and decided to turn this beloved series into one of those because they sell better. Final Fantasy is another long loved series of mine that sold out in a similar fashion. Except that game didn't even end up being good. I'm done with that series now. And if Konami wasn't done with MG, I'd also be done with that series.

  • Amazing value in this bundle.

  • +2

    Worth it just for the memes


  • +1

    That seems incredibly cheap for all 3

  • I defs approve :)

  • Not the worst gaming deal I've ever seen I suppose.

  • +2

    From a pure game-play prospective, the TPP is a masterpiece; the best in the series by a long shot.
    Unfortunately it dropped the ball from a story and cinematic point of view. A big part of it is because the story essentially 'ended' with 4.

    • Nothing beats the original MGS (and MGS2) with Soliton radar imo.

      • Agreed. MGS got me hooked. When MGS 2 came out I bought a PS2 just to play it. Same with MGS 4 and PS3!

        • +1

          A lot of people loved MGS3 the most but I never understood why. The loss of Soliton was big for me, but what I really disliked was the new mechanics. You had to hunt animals and eat in order to keep your stamina up. And you had to change your camo frequently to match the surroundings. This for me was a chore.

          The story was not as engaging either. You had a basic plot, go after the boss and find out why she betrayed america. And nothing surprising happens until the ending reveal.

          MGS1 and 2 were full of twists. MGS1 had one of the best video game stories of all time.

  • Just tried buying and got this bullshit:

    Unfortunately, we were unable to complete your order. We have not taken payment. Please add the item(s) to your basket and check out again.

  • just bought it. If anyone has something to swap for revengencers or ground zeros, send me a PM

    • hey man, i am only after Revengeance.

      • will swap for castlevania lord of shadows (1 or 2) if someone managed to get that deal. Should have sent me a PM like others did

  • Currently out of stock of keys, but apparently more keys are coming so keep an eye out if you're looking to buy.

  • +1

    Glad I snapped this up when it was in stock! Thanks OP!

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