I work 2 jobs 6 days a week around 47 hours a week. I was at my second job chatting to a member off staff when he told me he worked 3 days a week (maybe 24 hour a week) and basically worked for the sake of getting out of the house.
He was divorced and his two kid had recently moved out of home and was saying his family was loaded and his parents essentially paid for his house and his car and literally if he needed money he would call and ask and it was just a matter of how much $$$ he wanted.
It was at the moment I was like FML what do you mean you just ask and his response was ‘yeah If I want to go on holiday I just call dad and say dad I need a little bit of money like 20k and I jet set’
My first response was ‘20k! WTF that’s not a little money that’s massive’ his response was that’s nothing when I went to buy my son his 1st car his parents shelled out of a NEW BWM with extras and that was easily 80k’ and that ‘if he needed a million that wouldn’t be a problem’
He then told me basically his whole life paid for he has studied got his masters etc but had never struggle or worry about paying bills/rent/mortgage because he was 1 phone call away from cash
now lets get this straight he is a decent guy looked after his kids his wife left him for no good reason and left the kid behind and if he hadn’t told me his parents were multi-millionaires I wouldn’t of picked it. In no way was he gloating he was someone shocked I didn’t have such a safety net (my parents where not rich) and this only came up because I was saying how if I won the powerball this Thursday I’d pay off my house and probably change to 3 days a week like him
Now I like to think I’m not a vindictive man and generally I don’t care how rich someone is but that night left work a bit jealous because my whole life feels like a consent struggle to survive and achieve better and there was someone who basically been handed everything i wish i had…
Just wondering if i the only one?
For the record im not bitter or anything happy for my college just wish it was ME! sometimes
This thread summarises the Tall Poppy Syndrome in Australia.