This was posted 6 years 4 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

3 Months Netflix Free to PlayStation Plus Subscribers


Just received an email from PS Plus with a link to redeem 3 months of Netflix for free.
Must be redeemed before 31st October.

Not sure if the link will work for others but can only try - otherwise be sure to check your junk email account or wherever you’ve used for PS Plus subscription!

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Just about to post this as well.

    Can add to your existing Netflix account. So now I can have Free 3 months of Netflix Save $42

  • Nice. Just redeemed thanks.

  • Don't have a PS Plus account and got this message:

    We're really sorry but unfortunately you are not eligible for this offer.

    • +2

      I do have a PS Plus account and got the same message.

  • Damn this is why you don’t use the same email address!! Obviously I was not targeted for the offer. Guessing it was email addresses on PSN that do not have Netflix also - actually- can somebody confirm this?

    • My PSN email address does not have Netflix and it wasn't eligible. But I do use the netflix app on my PS4 which might have been an exclusion trigger as well.

    • My Netflix email is different to my PSN and it doesn't work for me.

      • Same for me

        • Put your psn email in.
          It will then send another email with a link to create a code, which can be Redeemed to any account you want.

          The first email input is to check your psn account is eligible for the codec to begin with.

          • @2024: My PSN email is what I put in, it just says I'm not eligible

            • @iLoveYourFace: Receive an email originally, or just following the link in this post?
              If the latter, then that's fair enough, was worth a shot but that's all it was.

              But if they actually sent you an email and you can't redeem it for whatever reason, I'd be chasing it up with the marketing or support.

              For the record, my email address for both psn and Netflix is the same.
              If anything I think it might be if a long term psn account has been used on a console that's used Netflix?

      • Same, doesn’t work for me.

        Entered my PSN email into the offer and says I’m not eligible.

        In the terms and conditions I notice it says "Gift can only be claimed by users who received qualifying marketing email"

        Bum, was a good deal

    • +1

      my netflix email is different to my psn and I received the code.

    • I use the same email address for both PSN and Netflix, and heavily use the app on my PS4 - and I got the email.

  • +1

    Gift can only be claimed by users who received qualifying marketing email and is not transferable. Netflix voucher needs to be redeemed by 31/10/18. Valid for 3 months of Netflix service on the Netflix Standard (HD) Streaming Plan (€10.99/month) (total value €32.97). For existing Netflix members the value of the promotion will be credited to their existing plan. One offer per user. Netflix offer valid for one time use only. Netflix offer is not redeemable or refundable for cash, subject to applicable law, and cannot be exchanged for Netflix Gift Subscriptions. You may apply the value of the offer to a different Netflix subscription plan. Exchanges in this manner may alter the duration of the offer. Netflix Service price plans subject to change. See

  • Nice, worked. $41.97 applied to account.

  • Didn’t work for me, thanks anyway OP

  • Me too. But it doesn’t work if your subscription is through iTunes credit. So I had to cancel my current subscription and change my payment method to redeem the code. Meanwhile, received $16.xx iTunes credit as a refund.

    • Hmm. That's my case too. When you say you cancelled your sub, does that mean profiles/watch list too?

      • +1

        They normally keep that information on file for at least a few months I think

    • +1

      Pretty sure you can’t go back to paying by iTunes now

      • Didn’t know that. Maybe I will try after 3 months. Did you experience this or is there any reason for that?!

        • I read about it when iTunes cards went on sale thought I'd pay via iTunes to renew my subscription. But read that you can't change from "web based payment" to iTunes.

          So I'm assuming, if you change to Web based, you can't go back to iTunes payment

      • You should be able to. I've done it - you just need to sign in through apple TV or iPad (unless it changed a couple of months ago)

  • +2

    I received the email last night but it won't work for me. I get the sorry message. Definitely using the right email address that has a current plus sub. Nfi what's wrong.

    • I'm the same. Got the targeted email. Used correct email address. Got the sorry message. I'm a current Netflix customer but that shouldn't affect it.

  • -5

    Anyone with PS account not wanting to watch netflix? PM me.

  • Didn’t work for me, damn.

  • +1

    Not eligible 😫

  • +2

    I have a PS Plus account but it still said I was not eligible. I wonder why…

    • +3

      Yep, same here. Bit annoyed.

      • +1

        Yep, same here. Bit annoyed~er.

        • +3

          Well I'm a bit annoyed-est

      • Me too :(

    • me 3

  • +1

    Got em. I saw this deal a week back for the US. Nice to see they gave us some love

  • +5

    If this is thanks for being a "loyal PS Plus customer" I wonder what it means that I can't claim it - am I a disloyal PS Plus customer - wonder how you get judged "worthy"?

    • yeah not loyal either apparently well guess they know i am not extending my membership!

    • +1

      I have been on PS+ since day 1 without lapse in sub, unsure what the cut off is? Would be interesting to know

      • Same, I don't receive anything from them other than spam. I finally received something good and it doesn't work lol

    • Same here, been a PS Plus member for about 5 years straight. Not good enough I guess.

    • Same me too… day 1 ps+ and nothing, ever…….. (and i am not logged into netflix on my psn)

      • I think we might be too loyal

    • wonder how you get judged "worthy"?

      Picking up Mjolnir?

  • Recieved last night and gave the code to my nephew as part of his birthday present. He said it added funds to his Netflix account. Winning!

  • not eligible :(

  • anyone want to sell their code pl PM me ˙ ͜ʟ˙

  • +1

    Damn, I need to keep a better eye on my emails. This link didn't work for me but it turns out I had the email sitting in my inbox already marked as read, and from there it worked fine. Would have missed out otherwise, thanks OP!

  • +1

    Not eligible either, never had Netflix.
    Though, I never get any emails from playstation, even changed my email, still never get any. Except for purchases.

  • Not eligible :(

  • i'm eligible, provided my email address. received a new email saying to claim here and follow instructions at netflix. the page at netflix requires a code which is not on the email!

    no other emails received or in junk

    • Make sure you're signed into Netflix on that browser first before you click the link where it asks for the code. I wasn't logged into Netflix and it came up blank every time but then signed in first, went back to the email and clicked the link and the code was in the box. Weird but that's how it worked for me.

      • thanks for that, that worked. never had netflix before, now i have 4 months free.

      • Exact same is how it happened for me and doing this worked perfectly. Odd.

  • +4

    Not eligible. Would be good if it gave me a reason why, as I have been a loyal ps+ customer since almost the start of it

    • Same… Since Day 1 i signed up… no email for me :(

  • Netflix Standard (HD) Streaming Plan

    Thanks OP, It would be good to add this detail into your post. Especially with so many of us with 4k Tv's these that want/need 4k streaming.

    • +3

      It still applies just under $42 credit to the account, so covers 2 months and some left over for a discount on month 3.

      Better than a kick in the teeth!

      • It still applies just under $42 credit to the account

        Thanks. Are you sure about this ?
        That's great then if still applies credit.
        Although I am getting free netflix forever atm anyways, only catch is having to start new account each month (then straight away revoke paypal automatic payments permission, so don't get charged after 30 days) .

  • +3

    Not eligible. Just insulting, been subscribed for years. :/

    • +1


  • Received the email and used my PSN email address without any issues. Redeemed!

  • The email was a nice surprise when it stated it was for existing subscribers too. I almost deleted it thinking it was the usual “new customer” offer!

    Moral of the story kids - don’t always assume!

  • I tried to use it this morning and I can't because I pay for my subscription using google play.

    I'm locked in at the price before the hikes, so getting 4k for $14.99, so I'd rather not cancel.

    Also even if I did I think the offer expires before my current sub will expire :(

    • That sucks man.
      I guess you have no use for the code then. I could donate it on your behalf to the people who didn’t get the email foundation

  • waits quietly for his damn email

    • Follow the link and put your psn email address in anyway, it will tell you if youre eligible for it without having to wait/find the email.

  • Unfortunately did not work for me :-(

  • they were offering this with a re-up of the subscription a couple months back, which just happened to be in time with my renewal.

    It just credits your account for 3 months worth of the base sub so it seems like you don't even have to use all 3 months at once or stay on the base sub its just account credit

  • Got one last night - said not eligible when clicked through - was annoyed

    Got another three hours later - worked - was happy

  • Got mine and it worked.

  • I got the email BUT my PS account is with a completely different email. Would it still work or need to be same email account?

    • Will still work. The email verification is just for the PSN side of things.

      They'll send you another email to the PSN email with a redemption link that can be applied to any Netflix account.

  • I redeemed mine last night.
    For those not interested in using their code though I'm happy to shoot out a few dollars for your code.

  • No dice. I'm annoyed.

  • Did anyone who did receive this code, also get the previous 3 months free when you bought A 1 year subscription? Because I did get that one, but am ineligible for this.

  • If you subscribe to Netflix via iTunes it wont work.

  • +1

    I wasn't eligible with the original email. Today I've received another email and the link brought me straight to netflix with the gift card number prefilled to redeem.

    • Same here

  • Great news I was actually subscribed with PS+ now I can get 3 months of Netflix free.

  • Not eligible. Thanks.

  • Has anyone tried setting up a trial PlayStation plus account with the same email address as their Netflix account and then tried to claim the voucher on the page linked

  • anyone wanna sell their code pm me

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