Having formerly worked with EB Games Australia in a variety of roles for just over 5 years it is safe to say I can answer almost anything.
Fire away!
Having formerly worked with EB Games Australia in a variety of roles for just over 5 years it is safe to say I can answer almost anything.
Fire away!
Personally the youngest I have hired was 16 years of age. Other stores in my region would hire younger but 16 year olds have somewhat a grasp on responsibilities and productive work output.
On the other hand, what is the oldest? Being a 28 year old guy that's always been into games and loves having a chat about them, I wonder if I could get part - time weekend work at a local store…
In all honesty, if you were in your 40's but shared that passion and willing to help and you showed that when dropping in a resume I'd hire you. You can always teach someone how to work a computer but you can't teach passion and willingness to assist others.
What was the best thing about working there and also what was the worst part of working there?
Best thing without a doubt would have to be the interactions with fellow gamers. I still love the industry, so being able to speak passionately to people about it on the daily was so rewarding.
Worst thing would have to of been individuals who don't/ refuse to understand the prices that we charge are not because we want to be more expensive than competition but because we merely charge RRP.
If you had to categories the kind of people that "don't/ refuse to understand the prices", what would you tag them?
In all honesty just those people who are misinformed. There's no denying that other stores offer better prices than EB but that is because their markup on video games is definitely a lot less. JB for example makes their money on TVs, Home Entertainment etc so they can afford to charge $20-$30 less on new AAA games.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: This is a common rebuttal I hear from EB fans. To that I say: What about Gamesmen (and other game retailers that are similar)? Their stock is wholly video game and related products like EBs, but they don't charge "RRP".
@Rusty4: I reply to your comment with the stacking overhead costs and very generous wages they pay causal and part time staff. No denying that EB are far more expensive but at an operational level there is more to it.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: The long and short of it is that EB (and their US owners) know that people who know less about games (parents etc.) will just pay whatever price they're asked to. Not to knock you at all, you're not the company, but in my opinion (also someone who worked at these stores in my youth), there is absolutely no reason to buy from EB games. You can always find the stock cheaper, be it in person or online, and in some cases (Gamesmen etc) can support Australian businesses while you do it. Of course they sometimes have sales that are cheaper, but I find that it is more trouble than it's worth because games are in bad condition or packaged badly etc. On top of that, the loyalty program is absolutely rubbish. One final thing to mention is that its borderline fraud the way they sell the 7/10 day returns as new items, a lot of the time without dlc codes etc.
/rant and I want to point out that this is just my opinion.
Why doesn't eb price match the microsoft store?
EB Games will only match physical store locations which sadly doesn't include places like Microsoft Store, Costco etc.
To clarify you mean EB games will only price match if:
physical store location
not Microsoft or Costco
There's a Microsoft store in Sydney and Costco stores in some states.
Why no price-beat (or price-match) a MS Store?
Is it a "conflict of interest" sort of deal when it comes to a discounted Xbox? And if that's the case, shouldn't SONY Stores be included in this?
@Kangal: Microsoft have the power and the inclination to undercut what anyone else can realistically charge. Sony on the other hand seem to like charging full retail at Sony stores, at least in my experience.
@Daff: Sony use their flagship stores as physical catalogues without comparison to other brands. They don't really care who their equipment is purchased from
Edit: Nevermind.
One time HN were selling a pokemon game for $45 and EB told me they weren't going to price match with HN because they were in a different suburb (10minutes drive away). I walked out and into JB (same shopping center as EB) and they price matched for me.
What's the thinking behind this business decision that the higher ups at EB are trying to make?
What % of sales are related directly to actual games vs other sales (mugs, figurines, hardware etc.)
Not EB specific, but I have worked in retail elsewhere, and I found that some fellow managers just seemed to be on a bit of a power trip and acted like price matching meant taking money out of their own pocket.
Managers, Part-Timers and Casuals should NOT behave this way. Price matching is an entitlement of the customer and should never be refused (unless a clearance or online only store). I would gladly price match competitors within my entire state, regardless of distance and time away. It meant over time customer loyalty rose through the roof and the pre-order of loot (guide books, dlc, shirts etc.) rose exponentially.
What would a good avenue of complaint be, if a price match is refused?
@Quantumcat: If it is within reasonable driving distance, not on clearance and the exact same version of the game (not eb exclusive) then there is no complaint to be had. You are entitled to price matching as being the customer :)
@Quantumcat: I honestly wish I could give you some constructive feedback on that.. I've never been in that position before
It meant over time customer loyalty rose through the roof and the pre-order of loot (guide books, dlc, shirts etc.) rose exponentially.
And you're one of the ones that obviously has good business sense.
Managers, Part-Timers and Casuals should NOT behave this way.
Agree 100%
I would gladly price match competitors within my entire state, regardless of distance and time away.
Name fits :p
@tomsco: Thanks my friend! It really upsets me to see people having negative experiences at EB. It should be a place of save haven for us gamers where we can be open, get good deals and share our gaming experiences. I wanted to make people's trips to EB an experience, not a labour or regret..
@ThePriceMatchGuy: What EB Facebook said to me is price matching is not a policy, it's a service. They said EB would not price match if there's bonus items, but happens all the time. Why make a condition and some don't follow it?
An ass backwards view.
Price matching discourages discounting by competitors, and allows the store to sell to both price conscious customers and customers who will pay RRP.
It is a profit maximising strategy
I once had this same response.
Don't be afraid to challenge them on this.
I called the main number stated my case and got the deal.
What do you mean by that? Did you call the store and lock-in a price over the phone?
I assume they mean EB's corporate number / headquarters.
I had a similar problem today. I went into my local EB store and asked to price match with HN. I was told EB only price matched with JB and Big W.
WHAT is actually involved in EB "refurbishing" pre-owned consoles? My current theory is that they just factory reset it and give it a wipe down. Do they actually do more?
Vacuum out the cockroaches?
Nope. Tony Montana deals with dem fxcking cockroaches ;)
Very good question. I was lucky enough to see this process in action. A range of tests are conducted from initially powering on the console, to checking all peripherals and if required replacing them. Consoles are sometimes stripped of parts and replaced with third party components. From leaving the warehouse it is in working order.
It always amazed me that stores didn't plug in a trade in console when it was returned to see if something was wrong. Must be a huge cost on EB's part.
But given you have to provide ID when trading in a console is it worth the risk of getting blacklisted by EB nation wide just to trade in a dodgy console?
@Ravensbane: '… is it worth the risk of getting blacklisted by EB'
Oh c'mon, I seriously doubt that EB is maintaining a 'BlackList' of 'potentially' dastardly patrons who may or may not have traded something in with ill-intent… They are not the KGB.
@Ravensbane: Yeah, nah the only thing EB will blacklist you for is trading stolen consoles. If the staff member doesn't power it on at the time of trade to be faulty when it arrives at Warehouse it is on the staff member, not you.
Oh cool. That's actually very good to know - there's a few games on my (very long and now very much overdue and outdated) to-play list so I probably do need a few older consoles that could be bought for cheaper if I eventually get to them. Thanks.
My first, and so far only time buying a "refurbished" console was a couple of months ago for the $28.00 Wii deal..
Every port was so full of compacted dust that it likely weighed more than the components inside.
I did initially blow some of it out, but once I realised it wasn't limited to just a single port I immediately reboxed it and returned to the store a couple of days later.
The Assistant Manager seemed genuinely embarrassed and disgusted by just how filthy the console was, so she apologised profusely and refunded my money straight away.
Of course I'll give her and EB Games credit where it is due, but unfortunately this is not the first, second or even third time I've had issues with (different) EB Games stores, and most of them weren't dealt with in the same professional manner :(
One piece of advice I can give is definitely DO NOT shoot the messenger. As OP has explained, the staff are (generally) only following procedure and working with company policies, so it is okay to explain your frustration to the staff, but not take it out on the staff.
Most will understand and show empathy, and the ones who don't generally won't last long, especially if you lodge a formal complaint with the store Manager or regional / state / national Manager, IN WRITING.
This guy understands!
I wasn't even involved with your unfortunate experiences and I too feel embarrassed for what you went through. I always prided myself on my professional undertaking of each and every business engagement (I've had drinks thrown at me for not accepting a trade that had a knife slash through it).
I appreciate that you understand not to shoot the messenger, we only do the best we can to the rules put forth to us. But yes, ones that don't understand the consumer's situation will not last long in the industry.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: Yeah yeah buuuuuuuut, aligning yourself with EB pretty much means you accept and uphold their awful business approach as you are the face of the company. If you're going to work for somewhere that is as scummy as EB then you have to accept that there's going to be some blow back with you lowball a trade in, sell a "new" game with scratches or constantly harass customer's to spend more to meet EB's idea of what they should be doing in store. They really need to become extinct such is the unscrupulous way in which they approach things.
@Aussie World Warrior: Whatever you have been, are going through or will go through I hope you are okay.. I am sending you a virtual hug, here for you.. man..
@Aussie World Warrior: I feel like I’m the only person who’s never had a bad experience with EB Games over all the years I’ve bought from them? Yes I’ve had someone refuse to price-match because the local store I referenced doesn’t have a website, but that’s about it.
@paablo84: No website so what. They can't pick up the phone and call them? Still don't understand why people insist price matching at EB. Why not buy what you want at the shop selling it for the cheapest price? Give them the sale so that they continue to offer the lowest price.
@Aussie World Warrior: Dude generally they are teenagers who like video games and are just looking to make some money or get themselves through uni. They are probably also hungover. They are most definitely not doing it to be an advocate or 'face' for any kind of business practices or models, and abusing them in person is going to have zero tangible effect in changing the company's business practices. Deep breaths, relax, be nice to people.
Do you guys have Battletoads?
I definitely do not get tired of THAT question hahaha
What proportion of online new purchases are actually second hand/used returned stock/shop /generally manky..
Whenever I would get a request in store for an online order I would ALWAYS send away sealed, brand new copies.
Some games that EB receives in stock boxes come unsealed. This may make the consumer think they are getting returned stock when in fact it is brand new.
I feel like I'm becoming a pain in your A$$ here, and I don't want to discourage you from answering questions. I felt I needed to reply to this as I too worked at EB and I know for a fact that games returned under EBs 7/10 day return policy are sold as brand new and the customer buying them is never told that they are in fact not brand new. I can't even count the amount of times I've been called because the DLC was used by the person who returned it and the new owner can't get the codes to work.
I don’t get the big deal. Does target tell you when a pair of shoes or shirt has been returned and resold?
@Quantumcat: People try them on. What do you think fitting rooms are for? A garment could have been tried on several times before it’s sold. It’s the same with shoes.
@[Deactivated]: I mean, if it is wrinkled, or has any smell, or the tags are removed
If a game is no different to a brand new version then there shouldn't be a problem (eg download codes not used, no save file present)
Surely can't be right? I have had in a decade of purchasing EB Games stuff about 5 games were ever sealed. I have to always ask for it. JB for example, every game I got from there was sealed. Every. Single. One.
JB also seals stuff that doesn't arrive sealed. An example I've found is that they seal Nintendo stuff at the store near me. Nintendo stuff is NEVER sealed by the factory, consoles nor games.
@NobalaKoba: The official seals actually have Nintendo on it. The strip that opens up to undo the wrap.
JB seal pre-owned games.
what made you leave ebgames?
I have I guess moved up in the Industry? ha ha
I currently work as a Marketing/ Social Media Manager at a major gaming developer that has a physical office in Australia. Could say its 'In The Game' :P
FIFA 19 should be fun :P
I'm definitely enjoying it, harder to score definitely but means it takes more skill to git gud :P
What sort of benefits do ou get at ea?
Modern studio looted with goodies from Devs!
Subsidised games and consoles, with additional games available to take home to play (SOMETIMES)
Fully stocked kitchen for breakfast, lunch, fresh fruit and hot drinks (despite that I still bring my meal preps)
Getting to network with those overseas and in the industry that make a greater impact is also rewarding.
@Godric: That's strange.. I definitely do see people posting online about hating loot boxes but I wonder why the purchase rate of them seems to remain at an all time high.
Personally I'm all for loot boxes if they remain as a purely cosmetic thing. I won't point fingers at other games from different publishers but I think paying for a permanent XP booster kinda sucks.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: The lootbox issue was badly badly done with SW: Battlefront (2?) but overall people like lootboxes and the online movement against all lootboxes is a lot of vocal minority. Most people don't care and understand that (cosmetic) lootboxes are just a bit of fun and purely optional.
but overall people like lootboxes
According to who? It's my understanding that only a small fraction of users spend money on them.
@Diji1: A small fraction of players spend a lot of money on them, but many players have bought one or more over their gaming lives. And an even smaller fraction of players have an issue with them just existing. Most players don't have strong feelings either way.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: For the same reason people would hate gambling.
Mind that, I'm assuming that'd be a corporate thing, not the devs deciding "hey, let's do this for fun!"
@ThePriceMatchGuy: FIFA Ultimate Team is the world's biggest rip off. I'm a former FIFA junky btw. Instead of playing this year I bought a racing simulator.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: Is it true though that staff get paid peanuts because demand for positions is so high?
@lainey13: I'm on quite a comfortable salary to be living in a nice area roughly 15 minutes from the CBD. If you have the qualifications and experience entering the role (which I did) then your pay will scale accordingly.
@ThePriceMatchGuy: Might sound silly, but what kind of breakfast/lunch is available in your kitchen? Why do you instead choose to bring your own meal preps?
@Eevee: Oh the nutritional options are always offered! Fresh fruit, muesli and various spreads that go on bread.
I'm an amateur bodybuilder, so my intake is monitored strictly (macros, proteins and fats)
Are you bringing those evil bastards down from the inside?
Are you a fan of Parks and Recreation? If so, you can call me the Ron Swanson of the EA world ;)
lol, I used to work at EA back in the day.. We got Megadrives the Local Team was in World Cup Rugby '95.
Good times I remember when CD-ROM came out Wing Commander 3, what a hit it was
how much do u get paid as Marketing/ Social Media Manager?
Probably a lot more than I should..
@[Deactivated]: The problem with the "social etiquette" of not asking also contributes to the issue of salary discrepancies and the gender pay gap. For roles that don't have a fixed system where for example all new staff members taking on the role X automatically start at salary level 1, and get a pre-set increase every year according to their enterprise agreement (eg govt jobs), the lack of transparency means that someone else who is doing the exact same job as you, may be paid a higher wage, even if they aren't very good at their jobs.
Compared to men, women are less likely to ask for a raise, even when they're been given higher responsibilities beyond their role, or if they've exceeded their KPIs, because in general (and there will always be those that are more confident) women tend to downplay their achievements and underestimate their eligibility to apply for more senior roles.
@SwedishChef: I don't see a female here in a comparable job for homr to compare this guy's wage with. Yes you touch on a very real subject but personally I don't think it has any true value in this scenario.
@paablo84: …like checking out girls from afar, even though they look like they have notice you but you still keep staring anyways? Or is that worse?
Did you have a University marketing degree behind you or was it just industry experience?
I graduated with an honours degree at University. Majored in both Management and Marketing :)
What age is the minimum that you have hired?