Where can I find the best deal to buy Britax Safe N Sound Maxi Guard Pro?
I am getting a price of $439 + $10 delivery from online store. But anything better than this?
Should I wait for more to get a better deal near christmas?
Best Deal for Baby Car Seat?

I need it asap. DD is in capsule ATM.
Also I checked the rating. I compared with other products. I really don't understand how they come up with overall rating. Is this site trust worthy?yes, very
Interested as well…
get amex, save baby bunting offer and pricematched your online store with them. you welcome
Wont work. Baby Bunting are the exclusive seller of the Maxi Guard PRO+ which is a different model to the Maxi Guard PRO. They have exclusive models which have different colours/fabrics to stop price matching like this, much like Bunnings does.
baby bunting if not get david joens to price match and buy gift cards from entertainment book, that's what I did for this exact model :P
I always heard that for baby stuff, if you want top-quality for cheap it's always better to buy used/pre-owned.
We purchased our pram & 1 baby car seat from Facebook market place. I can't believe people pay $600+ for prams and car seats.
I can't remember the exact price. We saved a minimum of 50% buying 2nd hand.
Pram is fine, got to be careful with car seats as they need to be changed every 8 years amongst other things
Yeah, they were near new. Just a quick clean and that was it.
And changed after an accident, I wouldn't buy a used car seat tbh
Wait for next baby bunting 15-20% sale, they usually have them regularly. Not sure how often now since direct competition babies r us closed down.
They had one just after Babies are us closed a couple of months ago. So still doing them, but maybe less regularly.
Buy the Maxi Guard non-pro for $348 or buy the Babylove Ezy Grow EP (which is the older Maxi Guard model) for $279?
….and the OP is never heard from again…………
any good deals on car seat or any suggestion on car seats?
Baby Bunting have an eBay store. Their prices are already usually the lowest, add the eBay code for a other 10% off and the price is much better. We bought the maxi guard pro last weekend for 393, could have bought it for around 370 with the 15% off voucher the other day.
When do you need the seat by?
Is junior in a crap seat at the moment?
You do know that that seat is not great when it comes to safety……https://www.childcarseats.com.au/find-and-compare-child-car-seats#/results/-/-/81/862