Could anyone talk about their personal experiences or link reviews which compare the battery life of the 2 machines. I read that ryzen 5 2500u is less power efficient compared to 8250u but also read that there are potential battery drain problems with the 8250u on the e480. Pls help <3
Lenovo E485 (Ryzen) Vs E480 (Intel)
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That's referencing the e480 model without the dedicated GPU by the way. Can't say for sure but I'd assume the one with a dGPU would have a shorter battery life.
I believe the e480 has better battery life, but IMO the e485 makes up for that with that iGPU.
Anyway. From personal experience the e485 has decent battery life. Lasted me between 7 and 8 hours using chrome and libre writer (free version of word).