After the recent EB Games deal where you trade in 2 games worth more than $10 in order to get a brand new $100 game, it got me to thinking just how good a deal that was. I then spent way too much time trying to figure it out and as it turns out, I was relying on bad data. I thought I'd read that NHL 15 was able to be traded in for $15, when they sell the pre-owned game for $18.
The other major surprise was that one of my favourite games, Metro: Exodus was also worth more than $10 as a trade in. This could simply because the new Metro game is coming out soon, or perhaps they just want more stock for whatever reason.
I didn't want the work I'd done to date to go to complete waste though, so I thought I'd put up what I had so far, albeit in basic text format just in case anyone else out there was considering wasting as much time on this as I have. It might come in handy for some other reason one day too, who knows.
Game Name (Price EB Offers) (Price EB Sells Pre-Owned For)
COD ghosts PS4 ($14) ($58)
COD WW2 XB1 ($16) ($48)
Far Cry 5 XB1 ($19) ($88)
GTA5 XB1 ($14) ($44)
Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 ($20) ($48)
Metro Redux PS4 ($14) ($38)
Uncharted Lost Legacy ($11) ($44)
Wolfenstein 2 XB1 ($13) ($68)
For Honor ($12.50) ($44)
The Last Guardian (???) ($48)
No Man's Sky ($12.50) ($44)
Minecraft: PS4 Edition (???) ($39.95)
Arms Nintendo Switch ($22) ($68)
NHL 15 ($5) ($18)
Watch dogs 2 (???) ($44)
Dead Rising 4 (???) ($44 PS4, $38 XB1)
Far Cry 4 (???) ($34 PS4, $38 XB1, $28 XB360, $28 PS3)
Destiny 2 (???) ($28 PS4, $48 XB1)
Assassins Creed Origins (???) ($38)
Final Fantasy XV (???) ($24 PS4, $28 XB1)
Forza Horizon 3 ($88)
Metal Gear Solid V (???) ($48)
If anyone could be bothered replying to the thread with the trade-in prices that EB offers for the games I'm missing, I'll add them in.
Not that it's any big secret, but I learned that EB usually marks up their trade-in games between 250% and 700%, no matter how new or old the games are. I found it surprising that if you buy a game for $100, return that same brand new game that just came out after a week or so, they'll offer you perhaps 10% of the price to trade it in, then sell it for $95 right next to the brand new $100 games. It's shameless and kind of reminds me of Video Ezy before they went out of business. At least EB has a decent website and occasionally good deals when you can get past the "SALE" signs and into the shops.
There's a definite reason I stopped trading in games to EB when I thought I could save some money on a new console a few years back as they had a sign out the front saying bring in X and save Y no a new console. So I brought a whole bag full of what they wanted, plus a large collection of decent, current gen games, accessories, controllers, aftermarket doohickeys - the lot. I ended up taking almost all of it home and selling it on eBay because I was so insulted by what they were offering me. It seems they have changed a little, but not a lot.
I always had the hypothesis that EB uses sale to be able to play around with prices, for example if a game comes out at $100 new, they'll sell for $120, they'll then do a "sale" to sell it at a proper price (say $80) and then they can always manipulate the price how they want by changing the "sale percentage" as opposed to the price.
Another example is a game worth about $25 (say preowned) EB will sell it at $50 with 50% off, that will go for a few months effectively making it $25, they will then put the price back to $50, and have another sale but instead be a 2 for 1 deal for games under $50 making them effectively $25 again. Repeat to have infinite sales without ever having to drop the price. Thats just a hypothesis though, no idea if true.
Which I think is why preowned and new prices are always kept so high.
Still though as you say they do have some good sales now and then, but definitely feel like it was better when I was little (though that could be because I was little and parents paid for games haha).
Though I find it funny that when a game comes out I'll probably check JB/Target/Gamesmen/Amazon etc first.
edit —-
Forgot to add, thanks for the list.